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William Wordsworth (7 April 1770 – 23 April 1850)

was a major English Romantic poet who, with Samuel Taylor Coleridge , helped to launch the Romantic Age in English literature with the 1798 joint publication Lyrical Ballads . Wordsworth's magnum opus is generally considered to be The Prelude , a semiautobiographical poem of his early years which he revised and expanded a number of times. It was posthumously titled and published, prior to which it was generally known as "the poem to Coleridge". Wordsworth was Britain's Poet Laureate from 1843 until his death in 1850.

威廉·华兹华斯(1770年4月7日- 1850年4月23日)是一个重要的英国浪漫诗人,与塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治,协助开展1798年联合出版的抒情歌谣英语文学的浪漫时代。


Wordsworth received an honorary Doctor of Civil Law degree in 1838 from Durham University , and the same honour from Oxford University the next year.[7]

In 1842, the

government awarded him a civil list pension amounting to £300 a year. With the death in 1843 of Robert Southey, Wordsworth became the Poet Laureate . He initially refused the honour, saying he was too old, but accepted when Prime Minister Robert Peel assured him "you shall have nothing required of you". He became the only laureate to write no official poetry. When his daughter, Dora, died in 1847, his production of poetry came to a standstill.


华兹华斯《早春遣句》赏析 春,是万物复苏的季节,是喜庆生机昂扬的季节。在春季,我们欢喜,尤其是看到那嫩绿的树芽,看到欢腾的动物。然而,在华兹华斯的《早春遣句》中,春的天籁之音竟把“悲哀的思潮带上我的心头”,他悲伤地想到“人又是怎样对待人的”。接下来,诗人有用真挚的笔调描写了醉人的早春场景,而后笔锋一转有回到了“人又是怎样对待人的”这一思考性命题上。由此可见,这是一首目的性明显的诗歌。诗人第一节提出的“竟把悲哀的思潮带上我的心头”让读者不由得想:是什么使诗人在如此欢快的美好的情景里竟哀思涌动?欢快的场景描写又和“悲哀的思潮”形成的强烈的对比。读者的思想、情感一开始就随着诗人的思想、情感流动,诗人由此达到了传递情感的目的,达到作诗的目的。 躺在这曼妙的深林里,听着城市中不可能听到的天籁,感受到城市中不可能看到的早春自然景象,敏感的诗人,敏捷地思考,沉思着,并将这种景象用平实真诚的语句传达给城市中的人们。“诗人决不是单单为诗人而写诗,他是为人们而写诗”,那么这首诗诗人的目的是什么呢? 这首诗流露出的是一种浓烈的情感。诗人感受着花朵的绽放,鸟儿的雀跃,嫩枝的萌芽,感受着着春的喜悦,春的生机。全诗共六节,诗人却用了三节来描绘这些场景,让读者迷醉其中,与前面两节和最后一节诗人的悲叹——“人是怎样对待人的?”形成浓烈的对比,浓厚的控诉无奈之感在此时就显得更为突出,更为震撼人心了。因此,诗人作诗的目的是为了使人们认知到自身的缺失,诗人在叹息:人们对自然的忘怀就是对自身生命的忘却。 “通过我的感受,大自然,把人类的灵魂和她的杰作联接起来了”,诗人是通过自己对自然的感受和沉思,将普通人不易觉察的真理、思想、情感用“人们真正使用的语言”表达出来,所以诗人用一种朴实易懂的语言,用人与自然的互动而非大自然拟人化自我表述的方式,表达了一种深沉浓烈的感情。这使得人们更能够感受到诗人作诗的目的。 读罢全诗,一种思考,一种热情不断萦绕在读者的心中,读者的思想得到提高,情感随之增强和纯化。这是诗人作诗的最终目的。


*欧阳光明*创编 2021.03.07 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud 欧阳光明(2021.03.07) I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills , When all at once I saw a crowd , A host , of golden daffodils , Beside the lake , beneath the trees , Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way , They stretch'd in neverending line Along the margin of a bay : Ten thousand saw I at a glance Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced , but they Outdid the sparkling waves in glee :—— A Poet could not but be gay In such a jocund company ! I gazed ——and gazed ——but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought ; For oft , when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood , They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude ; And then my heart with pleasure fills And dances with the daffodils. margin n.页边空白;差额;余 地,余裕;边,边沿 sprightly adj.愉快的,活泼的 jocund adj.快乐的,高兴的 pensivea.深思的,哀思的,忧沉的 bliss n.狂喜,福佑,天赐的福 A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal A slumber did my spirit seal1; I had no human fears: She seemed a thing that could not feel The touch of earthly years. No motion has she now, no force; She neither hears nor sees; Rolled round in earth’s diurnal co urse With rocks, and stones, and trees. My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man; So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The Child is father of the Man; I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety. The World Is Too Much With Us The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: Little we see in Nature that is ours; We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!


华兹华斯文献综述 当我们在品读诗歌时,经常想要找出诗人写作的目的,想要知道他的思想,兴趣,一切的一切。不管身处何时何地,在诗人们当中,有太多的相同点和不同点。找出这些对于学习诗歌来说是非常必要的。本文旨在对比李白和华兹华斯的自然诗歌的修辞特色。李白是中国历史上最伟大的诗人之一,常常被认为是中国诗歌界的文化领袖。在中国诗歌史上留下了深刻的足迹。在向往自由、寻仙问道的同时又渴望济世救民。他有一种很强烈的“入世”思想,但又不想被俗世所束缚。政治上的不如意让他转而热爱自然,远离政治争斗,创造了一大批光辉灿烂、传承千古的华美篇章。华兹华斯被称为“桂冠诗人。他自小的经历造就了一颗自然纯朴、充满童真的心。法国大革命失败后他便在自然和过去中寻找希望。这两位伟大的诗人都写出了许多自然诗歌,但是方法各异。尽管他们在语言运用上有很多相似性,但由于社会背景以及生存年代的差异性,两人不同的表现风格还是显而易见的。对二者各自的研究很多,但是对他们的对比研究却鲜少见到。由着这种想法以及站在别人的肩膀上,本文诞生了。本文主要从修辞美学方面解释二者诗歌的特点,并总结出二者的相似点与不同点。通过对二者诗歌研究的综述,可以得知这两位世界著名的诗人在中外诗坛的地位以及影响力。对中西自然诗歌发展的研究使大家能以开阔的眼界将二者的诗歌放在一个大环境中来分析、研究它们在山水诗歌史上与众不同的特点。本文运用的诗歌修辞理论,虽然是关于中国诗歌研究的著作,但笔者希望它可以运用在外国诗歌中。分析部分主要是从字词、句子、篇章、修辞以及文体方面对诗歌修辞特点进行分析。在表现他们诗歌艺术特色方面,修辞起了很大作用。通过对诗歌修辞美学效果的研究,可以发现李白与华兹华斯的自然诗歌存在着相同点不同点,他们都热衷于使用自然、平实的语言来表情达意,他们都希望能够在自然中寻得栖息之所。但是在文学创作方面,李白更喜欢使用慷慨激昂的语言和描述恢弘大气的场景,而华兹华斯则善于运用普通的语言来描述日常生活中的自然景色。归根结底,这些都是由于二者相似的兴趣爱好和不同的生活经历、文化社会背景所造成的。 华兹华斯与李白自然诗歌中修辞美学效果对比研究_朱凌奕 露茜”组诗是英国浪漫主义诗人华兹华斯最重要的作品之一。组诗具有浪漫


Ppt Comments on Wordsworth 1.Fame: Wordsworth, Robert Southey and Coleridge became known as the lake poets. Succeed Southey as Poet Laureate. 2. The characteristic of his works: He expressed the deepest aspirations of English Romanticism. He showed his discontent with the social reality through describing natural things and imagination. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/c84019527.html,nguages: His poetry was distinguished by the simplicity and purity of his language, which was spoken by the peasants who convey their feelings and emotions in simple and unelaborated. 3.Influence: The most important contribution he has made is that he has not only started the modern poetry, the poetry of the growing inner self, but also changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language and by advocating a return to nature. 4.criticism: His later writings were full of mysticism and many of them unreadable. 文档: Fame: Wordsworth, Robert Southey and Coleridge became known as the lake poets. Furthermore, he succeeded Southey as Poet Laureate. The characteristic of his works: Wordsworth was the representative of the first generation of the romantic poets, who expressed the deepest aspirations of English Romanticism. He saw nature and man with new eyes. He showed his discontent with the social reality through describing natural things and imagination. He expressed his idealism. His whole work was an attempt to convey that new vision. Languages: His poetry was distinguished by the simplicity and purity of his language, which was spoken by the peasants who convey their feelings and emotions in simple and unelaborated. His theory and practice in poetical creation started from dissatisfaction with the social reality under capitalism and he hinted at the thought of “back to nature” and “back to the patriarchal system of the old time.” Influence: The most important contribution he has made is that he has not only started the modern


作者:旧在几 作品编号:2254487796631145587263GF24000022 时间:2020.12.13 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils, Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretch'd in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced,but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:—— A Poet could not but be gay In such a jocund company! I gazed——and gazed——but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought; For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills And dances with the daffodils. margin n.页边空白;差额;余地,余裕;边,边缘 sprightly adj.愉快的,活泼的 jocund adj.快乐的,高兴的 pensive a.沉思的,哀思的,忧沉的 bliss n.狂喜,福佑,天赐的福 A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal A slumber did my spirit seal1; I had no human fears: She seemed a thing that could not feel The touch of earthly years. No motion has she now,no force; She neither hears nor sees; Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course With rocks,and stones,and trees.


威廉华兹华斯 诗人生平: 1787年他进剑桥大学圣约翰学院学习,大学毕业后去法国,住在布卢瓦。他对法国革命怀有热情,认为这场革命表现了人性的完美,将拯救帝制之下处于水深火热中的人民。在布卢瓦他结识了许多温和派的吉伦特党人。1792年华兹华斯回到伦敦,仍对革命充满热情。但他的舅父对他的政治活动表示不满,不愿再予接济。正在走投无路时,一位一直同情并钦佩他的老同学去世,留给他900英镑。于是在1795年10月,他与多萝西一起迁居乡间,实现接近自然并探讨人生意义的宿愿。多萝西聪慧体贴,给他创造了写作条件。 In 1787 he entered St John's college, University of Cambridge, go to France after graduation from the University, lived in blois. He is passionate about the French Revolution, that this revolution showed the perfect human nature, will save the monarchy under the suffering people. In Blois he met many moderates the Gironde party. In 1792, Wordsworth returned to London, full of passion for the revolution still. But his uncle to his political activities dissatisfied, not wish again to increase. Is be driven into a corner, one has sympathy and admiration of his old classmates died, leaving him 900 pounds. So in 1795 October, he moved to the country and to achieve long-cherished wish Dorothea, close to nature and to explore the meaning of life. Dorothea wise and considerate, created the conditions for his writing. 创作生涯: 1798年9月至1799年春,华兹华斯同多萝西去德国小住 威廉·华兹华斯 ,创作了《采干果》、《露斯》和短诗《露西》组诗,同时开始写作长诗《序曲》。1802年10月,华兹华斯和相识多年的玛丽· 郝金生结婚。 In 1798 September to the spring of 1799, Wordsworth and Dorothea went to Germany for William WordsworthThe creation of the "recovery", dried fruit, "Rose" and "Lucy" short poems, and began writing long poem "prelude". In 1802 October, Wordsworth and longtime Marie married Hao Jinsheng


摘要:韩礼德的系统功能语言学是以社会学为导向的功能语法,这就为为语篇分析提供一个理论框架。通过这个系统理论,对英国著名浪漫主义诗人华兹华斯的代表作《水仙花》进行及物性和作格分析,可以从语义层面上解读该诗的语言特征和性质。 关键词:华兹华斯《水仙花》;纯理功能;及物性系统;作格分析 一、引言 英国浪漫主义诗歌的主要奠基人华兹华斯以其独特的表现手法开创了英国文学浪漫主义时代,在诗学理论上实现了划时代的革新。他终生久居于田园乡野,用英国诗人从未用过的清新、自然的语言来写诗,成为“讴歌自然的诗人”,体现了深刻思想、真挚感情与朴素语言的完美结合。在《抒情歌谣集》(Lyrical Ballads)序言中他提出了诗歌写作的一系列全新观点,被誉为英国浪漫主义诗歌的宣言书(张鑫友,2002)。本文以韩礼德的系统功能语言学理论为研究基础,尝试用体现概念功能的及物性系统对华兹华斯脍炙人口的代表作《水仙花》进行及物性和作格分析,从语义层面上解读该诗的语言特征和性质,探讨从不同角度分析和欣赏华兹华斯诗歌的可行性。 二、系统功能语言学视角的语篇分析 1.韩礼德的纯理功能思想 韩礼德(M.A.K.Halliday)发展了伦敦学派中弗斯(J.R. Firth)理论的诸多思想。他的系统功能语言学是以社会学为导向的功能语法,并且是二十世纪后半叶国际上最有影响的语言学理论之一,它加深了人们对语言的认识,并将在新世纪语言学研究中发挥更大作用(黄国文,2000)。Halliday在“An Introduction to Functional Grammar”一书前言中明确指出,他建构功能语法的目的是为语篇分析提供一个理论框架,可用来分析英语中任何口头语篇或书面语篇(韩礼德,1985)。系统功能语言学本身就是一种语篇语言学,它清晰地描述语言各个层次及它们之间的实现关系,说明语言是如何使用的,同时对语言的纯理功能(metafunctional)网络系统,以及它们子系统的概念和应用的可能性进行了系统描述(方琰,2005)。 Halliday认为语言的性质决定人们对语言的要求,即语言所必须完成的功能。这种功能当然是千变万化的,具有无限的可能性,但可以把它们归纳为若干个有限的抽象功能,这就是“纯理功能”或“元功能”,这是语言用途所固有的。纯理功能包括三个方面:(1)语言是对存在于主客观世界的过程和事物的反映,这是“经验(experiential)”功能。在语言中还有“逻辑”(logical)功能,以表现为并列关系和从属关系的线性循环结构的形式出现。由于两者都是建立于说话人对外部世界和内心世界的经验,与其他功能相比较是中性的,因而可统称为“概念”(ideational)功能(胡壮麟,1989)。它包括及物性(transitivity)、语态(voice)和归一度(polarity)。(2)语言还具有表达讲话者的身份、地位、态度、动机和他对事物的推断等功能,语言的这一功能称作“人际”(interpersonal)功能。语言的人际功能是讲话者作为参与者的意义潜势,包含用于表达社会与人际关系的所有语言用法,是语言的参与功能。人际功能是通过语气(mood)、情态(modality)和语调(key)三个语义系统来实现的。(3)实际使用的语言基本单位不是词或句这样的语法单位,而是表达相对来说是完整思想的“语篇”(text)。“语篇”(textual)功能就是指语言有将任何书面或文字话语拼成连贯与统一的功能,它是通过主位-述位(theme-rheme),已知信息-新信息(given-new)和衔接(cohesion)来实现的。 2.及物性系统 及物性是英语中表现概念功能的一个语义系统,指的是句中意义的表现方式,作用在于把人们在现实世界的所见所闻用语言表现出来。根据Halliday系统功能语言学理论,及物性功能由三部分组成:(1)过程:通过小句中的动词体现;(2)参与者:由人或物来表现;(3)环境成分:在小句中由时间、地点和方式状语来体现(李国庆,2005)。如下所示(Halliday,1994:109): 依据Halliday的“An Introduction to Functional Grammar”(2004年新修订的第三版)对小句及物性六个基本过程的类型、范畴意义及主要参加者进行归纳(Halliday,2004:172),及物性对概念功能的履行是通过过程来表达实现的。及物系统包括六种不同的过程:(1)物质过程(material process);(2)心理过程(mental process);(3)关系过程(relational process);(4)行为过程(behavioral process);(5)言语过程(verbal process);(6)存在过程(existential process)。根据及物性系统理论的框架,对具体语篇进行分析,在过程选择中体现语篇发话人对事件的态度、立场以及发话的目的。 3.作格分析 作格分析是在及物性分析的基础上提出的,是对及物性分析的补充。作格是一种语法格的名称,它指的是小句中表示“施事”(agent)或动作的外在原因成分所具有的形式。作格分析与及物分析不同:及物分析所关心的是一个过程是否涉及参与者,即一个动作是否延及某个实体;而作格分析所探讨的是分清造成一个动作的原因究竟是来自内部还是外部。 “中介”(medium)是每个过程都必须具有的成分,它相当 华兹华斯诗歌The Daffodils的及物性分析 赵昉 (河南理工大学外国语学院 ) 62


华兹华斯诗歌原文五 首

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils, Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretch'd in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced, but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:—— A Poet could not but be gay In such a jocund company! I gazed——and gazed——but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought; For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills And dances with the daffodils. margin n.页边空白;差额;余地,余裕;边,边缘 sprightly adj.愉快的,活泼的 jocund adj.快乐的,高兴的 pensive a.沉思的,哀思的,忧沉的 bliss n.狂喜,福佑,天赐的福 A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal A slumber did my spirit seal1; I had no human fears: She seemed a thing that could not feel The touch of earthly years. No motion has she now,no force; She neither hears nor sees; Rolled round in ear th’s diurnal course With rocks,and stones,and trees. My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man; So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The Child is father of the Man; I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety. The World Is Too Much With Us The world is too much with us; late and soon, Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers: Little we see in Nature that is ours; We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon! This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon; The winds that will be howling at all hours, And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers; For this, for everything, we are out of tune; It moves us not.—Great God! I'd rather be A Pagan, suckled in a creed outworn; So might I, standing on this pleasant lea, Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn; Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea; Or hear old Triton blow his wreathèd horn


华兹华斯: 《孤独的收割人》 原文是《Solitary Reaper》 你看!那高原上年轻的姑娘, Behold her, single in the field, 独自一人正在田野上。 Yon solitary Highland Lass! 一边收割,一边在歌唱。 Reaping and singing by herself; 请你站住,或者悄悄走过! Stop here, or gently pass! 她独自在那里又割又捆, Alone she cuts and binds the grain, 她唱的音调好不凄凉; And sings a melancholy strain; 你听!你听她的歌声, O listen! for the vale profound 在深邃的峡谷久久回荡。 Is overflowing with the sound. 在荒凉的阿拉伯沙漠里, No nightingale did ever chaunt 疲惫的旅人憩息在绿阴旁, More welcome notes to weary bands 夜莺在这时嘀呖啼啭, Of travellers in some shady haunt, 也不如这歌声暖人心房; Of travellers in some shady haunt, 在最遥远的赫伯利群岛, No sweeter voice was ever heard 杜鹃声声唤醒了春光, In spring - time from the cuckoo - bird, 啼破了海上辽阔的沉寂, Breaking the silence of the seas 也不如这歌声动人心肠。 Among the farthest Hebrides. 谁能告诉我她在唱些什么? Will no one tell me what she sings? 也许她在为过去哀伤, Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow 唱的是渺远的不幸的往事, For old, unhappy, far - off things, 和那很久以前的战场? And battles long ago: 也许她唱的是普通的曲子, Or is it some more humble lay, 当今的生活习以为常? Familiar matter of to - day? 她唱生活的忧伤和痛苦, Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain, 从前发生过,今后也这样? That has been, and may be again! 不论姑娘在唱些什么吧, Whate`er the theme, the maiden sang 歌声好象永无尽头一样; As if her song could have no ending; 我见她举着镰刀弯下腰去, I saw her singing at her work, 我见她边干活儿边唱歌。 And o`er the sickle bending; 我凝神屏息地听着,听着,


I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils, Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretch'd in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced, but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:—— A Poet could not but be gay In such a jocund company! I gazed——and gazed——but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought; For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills And dances with the daffodils. margin n.页边空白;差额;余地,余裕;边,边缘sprightly adj.愉快的,活泼的 jocund adj.快乐的,高兴的 pensive a.沉思的,哀思的,忧沉的 bliss n.狂喜,福佑,天赐的福 A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal A slumber did my spirit seal1; I had no human fears: She seemed a thing that could not feel The touch of earthly years. No motion has she now, no force; She neither hears nor sees; Rolled round in earth’s diurnal cou rse With rocks, and stones, and trees. My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man; So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The Child is father of the Man; I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety.


British Writers and Works The Anglo-Saxon Period ●The Venerable Bede 比得673~735 ?Ecclesiastical History of the English People 英吉利人教会史 ●Alfred the Great 阿尔弗雷得大帝849~899 ?The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 盎格鲁—萨克逊编年史 The Late Medieval Ages ●William Langland 威廉·兰格伦1332~1400 ?Piers the Plowman 农夫比埃斯的梦 ●Geoffery Chaucer 杰弗里·乔叟1340(?)~1400 ?The Books of the Duchess悼公爵夫人 ?Troilus and Criseyde特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德 ?The Canterbury Tales坎特伯雷故事集 ?The House of Fame声誉之宫 ●Sir Thomas Malory托马斯·马洛里爵士1405~1471 ?Le Morte D’Arthur亚瑟王之死 The Renaissance ●Sir Philip Sydney菲利普·锡德尼爵士1554~1586 ?The School of Abuse诲淫的学校 ?Defense of Poesy诗辩 ●Edmund Spenser埃德蒙·斯宾塞1552~1599 ?The Shepherds Calendar牧人日历 ?Amoretti爱情小唱 ?Epithalamion婚后曲 ?Colin Clouts Come Home Againe柯林·克劳特回来了 ?Foure Hymnes四首赞美歌 ?The Faerie Queene仙后 ●Thomas More托马斯·莫尔1478~1535 ?Utopia乌托邦 ●Francis Bacon弗兰西斯·培根1561~1626 ?Advancement of Learning学术的推进 ?Novum Organum新工具 ?Essays随笔 ●Christopher Marlowe柯里斯托弗·马洛1564~1595 ?Tamburlaine帖木耳大帝 ?The Jew of Malta马耳他的犹太人 ?The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus浮士德博士的悲剧


华兹华斯诗歌 本文是关于诗词名句的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 华兹华斯诗歌 1、《孤独的割麦女》 看,一个孤独的高原姑娘 在远远的田野间收割, 一边割一边独自歌唱,—— 请你站住。或者俏悄走过! 她独自把麦子割了又捆, 唱出无限悲凉的歌声, 屏息听吧!深广的谷地 已被歌声涨满而漫溢! 还从未有过夜莺百啭, 唱出过如此迷人的歌, 在沙漠中的绿荫间 抚慰过疲惫的旅客; 还从未有过杜鹃迎春, 声声啼得如此震动灵魂, 在遥远的赫布利底群岛 打破过大海的寂寥。

她唱什么,谁能告诉我? 忧伤的音符不断流涌, 是把遥远的不聿诉说? 是把古代的战争吟咏? 也许她的歌比较卑谦, 只是唱今日平凡的悲欢, 只是唱自然的哀伤苦痛——昨天经受过,明天又将重逢?姑娘唱什么,我猜不着, 她的歌如流水永无尽头; 只见她一面唱一面干活, 弯腰挥镰,操劳不休…… 我凝神不动,听她歌唱, 然后,当我登上了山岗, 尽管歌声早已不能听到, 它却仍在我心头缭绕。 2、《我们是七个》 我碰见一个乡村小姑娘: 她说才八岁开外; 浓密的发丝一卷卷从四方 包裹着她的小脑袋。 她带了山林野地的风味,

衣着也带了土气: 她的眼睛很美,非常美; 她的美叫我欢喜。 “小姑娘,你们一共是几个, 你们姊妹弟兄?” “几个?一共是七个,”她说,看着我象有点不懂。 “他们在哪儿?请给我讲讲。”“我们是七个,”她回答, “两个老远的跑去了海上, 两个在康威住家。 “还有我的小姐姐、小弟弟, 两个都躺在坟园, 我就位在坟园的小屋里, 跟母亲,离他们不远。” “你既说两个跑去了海上, 两个在康威住家, 可还说是七个!——请给我讲讲,好姑娘,这怎么说法。” “我们一共是七个女和男,” 小姑娘马上就回答, 里头有两个躺在坟园

英语论文华兹华斯的诗歌鉴赏Appreciation of Wordsworth’s poem

Appreciation of Wordsworth’s poem—“I wandered lonely as a cloud”from the Angle of language Arts Abstract:This article centres on the artistic effect of language skills in Wordsworth’s poem—“I wandered lonely as a cloud”,this poem is his expression of deep love for nature.After the analysis we can feel the simplicity and purity of language by which his poetry is distiguished. Key word:language arts artistic effect nature Introduction:Wordsworth is a great poet of nature and he wrote a lot of short lyrics to express his deep love for nature.As he had said that:All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.”The poem “I wandered lonely as a cloud”is one of his good works as a result from his overflow of powerful feelings.In this poem,we can feel the poet’s heart was filled wuth happiness when lonely poet found great comfort from the dance of daffodils and at last dance with daffodils. Analysis: a. The separative analysis of language arts of different stanzas in this poem: In the first stanza,the poet used“cloud” to represent himself that he wandered lonely among vales and hills.“lonely”was the word that wordsworth used very often in his poetry for nature.Here,“lonely “expressed the poet’s loneliness and light depression..In the third line,“all at once”lied in the top of four clauses which expressed exactly the distraction of the poet’s attention. In the second stanza,the number of descriptive adjectives in this stanza was the most among the four stanzas,in this stanza,the first two lines:“continuous as the stars that shine”and “And twinkle on the milky way”are the adverbial modifier of the third line –“they stretched……”Generally,the main part of descriptive sentence in English is occupied by subject,however,here,the poet through two lines of adverbial modifier to descibe that daffodils are alike shinning stars .This placement has deep meaning that it hightlights the majority and beauty of the daffodils.In the fifth line,the object“ten thousand”was put advanced which also hightlights the majority of the flower.In the third line,the word “never-ending”was used to convey that the endless

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