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Unit 1

Welcome to Beijing!


I am Wei Ke from Beijing, the capital of China.


In the middle of the ancient city of Beijing is the Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City.


The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live there.


It was turned into a museum in 1925.


With wonderful buildings and art treasures inside, it is well worth a visit.


Next to the Palace Museum is Tian'anmen Square, the biggest city square in the world.


Many tourists like to gather there early in the morning to watch the raising of the national flag.


In the north-west of Beijing is the Summer Palace,


a large Chinese garden set in a natural landscape.


It was once a nice place for the emperors to spend the summer.


Another famous attraction is the Great Wall.


It runs for over 6,000 kilometres across northern China,


with watchtowers every few hundred metres.


The wall was first built more than 2,000 years ago.


It is one of the wonders of the world.


Come and visit my city!


All about Guilin


Hello. My name is Mei Fang. My home is in Guilin.


"East or west, Guilin landscape is best."


Guilin is really a beautiful city in southern China.


It lies on the two sideshow of the Lijiang River.


All around the city, mountains stand in different shapes.


Many visitors come and visit Guilin because of its fantastic landscape.


In the north-west of the city is the Reed Flute Cave.


In this underground cave, it is amazing that there are so many rocks in unusual shapes--


some hang down, and others point upwards.


The cave is praised as the "Art Palace of Nature".

此洞被誉为“大自然的艺术宫殿” 。

Tourists like to take a boat trip along the Lijiang River.


It is great fun.


It is also popular to hire a bicycle and ride around the countryside.


I hope you can visit my city one day!



Unit 2

Neil Amstrong


Neil Amstrong was born on 5 August 1930 in Ohio, the USA.


He became interested in flying when he took his first flight at the age of six. 当他在六岁的时候体验了第一次飞行之后,他就对飞行产生了兴趣。

He received his student pilot’s licence when he was 16.


Amstrong joined the navy in 1949 and served as a pilot for three years.


In 1955, he became a test pilot.


He flew over 1,100 hours and tested all types of aircraft.


In 1962, he was chosen to become an astronaut.


In 1966, he went into space as command pilot of Gemini 8.


He and David Scott managed to join two spacecraft together for the first time in space.


However, on their way back to the Earth, the spacecraft began spinning out of control.


Amstrong received the order to cut the flight short.


He successfully brought the spacecraft down into the western Pacific Ocean. 他成功地使宇宙飞船落入西太平洋。

On 20 July 1969,Amstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.


Together with Buzz Aldrin, he landed the spacecraft Apollo 11 on the Moon.


He said the famous words”one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind”


As he stepped out onto the Moon’s surface.


Amstrong and Aldrin walked on the Moon for about two and a half hours.


They collected Moon rocks to take back to the Earth for further research.


When Apollo 11 returned, the whole world was waiting to greet them. They were heroes.


Became of his excellent service, Neil Amstrong was presented the Medal of Freedom,


the highest award that a US citizen can receive.


He was the pride of the whole world.



Unit 3



Mr Jiang is a manager of a big company in SunshineTown. He is always too b usy to have any time torelax.

"I have to buy a robot so that I can more freetime," Mr Jiang thought. So he ordered one from arobot shop.


The robot made Mr Jiang's life much easier. When hegot up in the morning, b reakfast was made, hisbusiness suit was smoothly ironed, and his lunchbox was already prepared. That made him very happy.


While Mr Jiang was at work, the robot would do all the housework. It would g o shopping at thesupermarket as well.


When Mr Jiang returned home from work, his flat look as good as new, and a delicious dinnerwould be ready for him. After dinner, the robot would tidy up. That allowed Mr Jiang to dowhatever he liked. He would watch TV or do dom e reading.

当江先生下班回到家里,他的公寓看起来就像新的一样,美味的晚餐已为他准备好。晚餐过后,机器人会清理干净。那让江先生可以做任何他喜欢做的事情了。他可以看电视或者看书。It seemed that in general the robot satisfied Mr Jiang's needs.


After a few comfortable weeks, however, things started to go wrong. The robot caught a virus and no longer worked properly. It began to make stupid mistakes. Sometimes it woke Mr Jiang up at four o'clock in the morning. When Mr Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a complete mess: food was laid on the bed; milk was stored in the rubbish bin; coins, bils and his private papers were spread all over the floor. Moreover, the robot moved too fast on its wheels and often knocked things over. Mr Jiang did not know what to do with it.


家里乱作一团;食物放在床上,牛奶储存在垃圾桶里,硬币、账单和他的私人文件撒得满地都是。而且机器人的轮子移动得太快了,经常把东西撞翻。江先生不知道该拿它怎么办。In the end, Mr Jiang decided to return the robot to the robot shop. Robots can help people a lot, but they can also be too much trouble!



Unit 4

Moving to Mars


Some people believe that humans could live on the planet Mars by the year 2 100. Our own planet, theEarth, is becoming more and more crowded andpoll uted because of the rapid increase in population. It is hoped that people coul d start allover again and build a better world on Mars. Here iswhat life there c ould be like.


At present, our spacecraft are too slow to carry large numbers of passengers to Mars--it wouldtake months. With the development of technology, by the y ear 2100, the journey might onlytake about 20 minutes in spacecraftthat tra vel at the speed of light! However, the spacecraft would travel so fast that th e journey to Mars mightbe quite uncomfortable. Many peoplewould feel ill. 目前,我们的宇宙飞船太慢了,无法运送大批的乘客去火星——因为要花几个月的时间。随着技术的发展,到2100年,乘坐以光速飞行的宇宙飞船,行程或许只要大约20分钟!但是,宇宙飞船的飞行速度如此之快,可能会导致到火星的行程相当不舒服。很多人会觉得不舒服。

Humans cannot survive without water, oxygen or food.


So far, nobody knows whether there would be enough water or oxygen on Mars for people there. Moreover, scientists are not sure whether plants could grow on Mars. Food would most probably be in the form of pills and wouldnot be so tasty.

到目前为止,没有人知道火星上是否有足够的水和氧气供人类生存。而且,科学家也不确定植物是否能在火星上生长。食物很大可能会以药片的形式存在,而且味道没那么可口。Gravity could be another problem. The gravity on Mars is only about

three-eighths of that on the Earth. Peoplewould have to wear boots that are specially designed to prevent themselves from floating off into space.


Compared with life on the Earth, life on Mars would be better in some ways. People would have more space. Theymight live in houses with huge comfortable rooms. Also, robots would do most of their work so that they could have more time to relax.


There would probably be no schools on Mars. Every student would have a computer at home connected to an interplanetary network. They would study at online schools with "e-teachers".


Life on Mars would be interesting as well as challenging.



Millie is reading a TV guide online,she is reading about some of her classmates' favourite TV programmes. Here are the two web pages Millie is reading. The TV programmes on Saturday Sports World Sunshine TV 10 a.m.—11.30a.m. A weekly round-up of what is happening in sport, with lots of up- to-date information. The programme covers different sports, such as swimming, basketball, badminton and football. However, if you are not a football fan, you might find this week's programme a bit boring. It is all about football. There are also a number of interviews with some famous football players. A report on preparations for the coming World cup will also be included. Beijing Music Awards Sunshine TV 8 a.m.—10.00a.m. This year's Beijing Music Awards will be covered live. The presentation will be held in Beijing this coming Saturday. Many famous Asian pop stars will attend. Some of the most famous stars will be interviewed about their recent work before the awards start. Twenty thousand fans have voted online for their favourite songs, singers and music videos. The results will be announced during the programme and then some questions will follow. As you are watching the show, write down your answers and send text messages to 1396. Y ou could win two free concert tickets. Murder in a Country House Golden TV 7 p.m.—9.30p.m. Murder in a Country House is a horror film directed by Cindy. Cark, a new director. In the film, a doctor is found dead in his house. Was he killed or did he kill himself? Y ou will not find out the answer until the end of the film. The film is excellent and full of horror and mystery. If you enjoy solving mysteries, you will love this film. If you get scared easily, do not watch it! The actors are all new, yet they all did very well. Tiger Watch Golden TV 10.30 p.m.—11.30p.m. This one-hour documentary takes a close look at the life of tigers in India. After you watch this programme, you will realize how much danger these tigers face. In fact, they are disappearing faster than pandas. The documentary explains that these tigers are being killed for their skin and bones. If you are an animal lover, you might be a bit disturbed while watching the programme. Tiger Watch was filmed in India between 2004 and 2006. It shows the tigers in their natural habitat. Y ou can see sce nes of India, one of the few places on Earth where tigers still live. Tiger Watch won an award for its amazing photography.


2014年最新译林牛津教材 9A英语教材Comic reading Task 中文翻译 9AU1 Comic strip —埃迪,这是一篇有趣的关于性格的文章。 —哦?让我看看。 —它说有些人很慷慨。他们感觉与其他人分享东西很好。 —对,我同意。 —我很慷慨。 —是的,你是。 —霍波,你把我的早餐吃光了 ! —但这会让你感觉很好啊! 9AU1 Welcome to the Unit 米莉和她的同学们正在讨论他们自己的性格以及他们喜欢或者不喜欢哪种工作。分小组讨论一下你们自己。用下面的对话作为模版。 米莉:我很有耐心,不容易生气。我认为我会是一名好老师或者一名好医生。你呢,保罗? 保罗:我有时候很粗心。我父母和我都认为我不能做一名好会计,你喜欢什么工作,桑迪? 桑迪:我的美木老师说我经常有令人兴奋的主意。我喜欢创造性的工作。你呢,戴维? 戴维:我很活跃,我喜欢与人交谈。对于我来说,整天工作而不说话很可怕。9AU1 Reading 吴维,艺术家:“吴维是一位天生的艺术家,”他最好的朋友说。“他很安静,话不多,但是他的作品却极具说服力!”吴维——年轻的艺术家,他富有创造力的作品给全国留下了很深的印象。他给阳光镇广场做的雕塑赢得了艺术协会的高度赞扬。他说:“我想与人们分享最好的艺术,因此我总是搜索一些更好的或不同的东西。这本身就是非常有趣的事。” 苏宁,经理:五年前,苏宁放弃了她的会计工作,并开始在一家大公司的销售部门工作。“我活跃并且精力充沛,我喜欢和人们在一起工作。然而,在我的上一份工作中,我只能日复一日地跟数字打交道。那使我不开心。”现在苏宁是这家公司的总经理。她说: “人生就像一场赛跑。你要么领先要么落后。我随时准备好迎接新的挑战。”刘浩,工程师 刘浩是阳光镇到天津这段高速公路的首席工程师。“对我们来说,失之毫厘,谬以千里。我们承担不起任何错误所造成的后果,”刘先生说。“我们所有人都知道注意每个细节很有必要。”“他严肃认真、有条理,”他团队的一名成员说。“他对工作总是有着高标准,但是他很谦虚,并且容易共事。” 方圆,医生 方圆——阳光医院的院长,心脏手术的开拓者,善良且有耐心。“作为一名医生,再怎么仔细也不为过,”她说。“粗心不仅对于我们自己而且对于病人都


译林版牛津初中英语九下reading译文 ======================================= Unit 1 Welcome to Beijing! 欢迎来北京! I am Wei Ke from Beijing, the capital of China. 我是来自中国首都北京的魏可。 In the middle of the ancient city of Beijing is the Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City. 在北京古城的中间就是故宫,也叫做紫禁城。 The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live there. 明朝和清朝的皇帝过去就住在那里。 It was turned into a museum in 1925. 它在1925年变为博物馆。 With wonderful buildings and art treasures inside, it is well worth a visit. 它里面有宏伟的建筑和艺术珍宝,非常值得一游。 Next to the Palace Museum is Tian'anmen Square, the biggest city square in the world. 故宫旁边就是世界上最大的城市广场--天安门广场。 Many tourists like to gather there early in the morning to watch the raising of the national flag. 许多游客喜欢一大早聚集在那里观看升旗仪式。 In the north-west of Beijing is the Summer Palace, 颐和园在北京的西北部, a large Chinese garden set in a natural landscape. 它是一个坐落在自然景观中的大型中国式园林。 It was once a nice place for the emperors to spend the summer. 它曾经是皇帝们避暑的好地方。 Another famous attraction is the Great Wall. 另一个著名的景点就是长城。 It runs for over 6,000 kilometres across northern China, 它在中国北部地区绵延6000多公里,

牛津译林版英语九下《Unit 2 Robot》(Reading)word教案

Unit 2 Robot Reading 第一部分简要提示 一、年级:九年级 二、教学内容:9B Unit 2 Robots 三、课型:阅读课 四、教学目标 1. 知识目标 1) 词汇:掌握本课时的四会单词。 2) 词组:to own a robot; change one’s life; in many ways; have more spare time; make a great difference to …; iron shirts; for an extra hour; do the la undry; air the rooms; return home from work; look as good as new; be happy with …; go wrong; catch a virus; cause problems; knock things over; in a mess; 3) 句型:In order to have more spare time, I need to buy a robot. As a result, Mr Jiang no longer needed to get up early to do the housework. I need to buy a robot. 2. 能力目标 通过阅读了解文中所出现的家用机器人的基本情况;学会运用本课所学的主要词汇、句型。 3. 情感目标 结合所学内容,引导学生对未来生活展开美好想象,激发学生探索未知世界的热情。 五、教学重难点 1. 重点:理解课文内容;掌握四会单词、词组和句型 2. 难点:When Mr Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a mess. Coins were spread all over the floor.

牛津英语 9A U5 Reading 翻译

好莱坞影坛的空前的最棒(常青树)——奥黛丽·赫本 奥黛丽·赫本是好莱坞空前最棒的女演员之一。她不仅在美国出名并且在世界其他地方都很出名。当赫本1993年去世的时候,全世界都在哀悼这位伟大的美人,伟大的女演员和一位伟大人道主义者。 1929年5月4日,赫本出生于比利时。她在很小的时候就参加芭蕾舞课。她爱跳舞,她的梦想是成为一名成功的芭蕾舞者。在她步入电影事业之前,她把大部分精力投入到芭蕾训练中。在她成为一名好莱坞巨星之前她也做过模特。 在1951年,当拍摄《蒙特卡罗宝宝》时,赫本遇到了著名的法国作家科莱特。赫本的美丽和魅力吸引了这位作家的注意。科莱特写了一部小说叫《琪琪》。这部小说后来被改编成一个剧本。科莱特坚持认为赫本是出演这部剧本女主角最完美的女孩。那个事件标志着赫本成功职业生涯的开端。 不久之后,赫本被选中在好莱坞电影《罗马假日》中主演一位年轻公主。这部电影获得了很大的成功,赫本一举成名。她因在这部影片里的角色获得奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。后来她还因出演《翁迪娜》赢得了托尼戏剧奖。 在她的一生中,赫本赢得了另外四个奥斯卡提名奖。赫本参演的一些著名的电影包括《甜姐儿》,《蒂凡尼的早餐》和《窈窕淑女》。在1989年,赫本出演了她最后一部电影《直到永远》,她扮演了一个天使的角色。一些人认为她在出演她自己,因为对他们来说,她自己就是一个天使。 在她整个表演生涯中,她只出演过一部电视剧,《奥黛丽赫本的秘密花园》。通过向我们展现自然之美,赫本想提醒我们应该保护环境。 赫本的成就超出了电影界。人们怀念她不只是因为她是位伟大的女演员,而且因为她作为伟大的慈善家把大量的时间投入到慈善事业中。她花费生命的最后几年和联合国儿童基金会密切合作,来帮助世界上不同地方的贫困儿童。因为她在这一领域的努力,她被授予了许多奖项。在1992年,美国总统为她慈善事业的工作颁发了总统自由勋章。 在1991年,赫本发现自己得了癌症。1993年1月10日,她最后一次在她的花园里散步。十天后,63岁的赫本在睡梦中安详地辞世。

深圳牛津英语初中九年级全一册chapter 4课文和翻译

What should I do? 我该怎么办? At Debbie?s school, students can write to Ms Robbins,the school counselor about their problems. Here are extracts from there she received recently. 在戴比的学校,学生可以写信给罗宾斯,学校辅导员自身的问题。这是她最近收到的提取物。 I had not seen my friends Amy for a long time ,so last Sunday I went to visit her new high-rise flat. While I was there,she knocked a flower pot from her window by accident. It broke on the ground below and narrowly missed some children at play. No one was hurt, so we said noting and left for the cinema. 我没有看到我的朋友艾米很久了,所以上星期日我去拜访了她的新公寓。我在那里的时候,她把一个花盆从她的窗口的事故。它发生在地面以下,险些错过一些孩子在玩。没有人受伤,所以我们说什么,离开了电影院。 When we got home, We learnt that the police had just been to the flats and questioned everyone about the pot. 当我们回到家中,我们了解到,警方已经对单位和询问所有的锅。 Amy was too afraid to talk to the police. Now I feel guilty and don?t know what to do… 艾米非常害怕和警察交谈。现在我感到内疚和不知道做什么… 2. 2。 By nine o?clock yesterday evening, I had finished my piano lesson and was taking the underground home. Three strong boys got on my almost empty carriage. They sat down beside a young boy who was travelling alone. 昨天晚上九点,我完成了我的钢琴课,以地下的家。三强的男孩让我几乎空车厢。他们坐在一个年轻的男孩谁是独自旅行。 They began to bully him. The boy was so frightened that he moved to another seat. However ,the bigger boys just followed him and continued their bullying. 他们开始欺负他。这个男孩很害怕,他搬到另一个座位。然而,更大的男孩就跟随他,继续他们的欺负。 Then the train stopped at my station . I got off the train and walked home. I felt very sorry for the boy, but I did not know how to help him. I ?m not strong enough and I hate violent behaviour. What could I do?... 然后火车停在火车站。我下车回家。我觉得很对不起这个男孩,但我不知道如何帮助他。我没有足够强大和我恨的暴力行为。我该怎么办呢?… 3.


九下英语第三单元课文翻译牛津版 It was a sun day of the summer holiday. The weather was hot. My little brother and I decided to go to the resrvoir to swim by bike. It took us half an hour when we got there, many people were swimming. The we dived into the water…… About an hour later, suddenly somebody called: “help! help!” We were surprised to see a boy struggling in the deep water. As quickly as possible. We swam towards him and pulled him to the shore. He lost his consciousness. We sent him to the nearest hospital at once luckily, he was saved. In the end, we were worn out, but felt happy. That day was meaningful. We did a good deed! 这是暑假里的一个阳光灿烂的一天。天气很热。我的小弟弟和我决定骑自行车去河里游泳。我们花了半个小时我们到达那里时,看到许多人游泳。我们跳进了水…… 大约一个小时后,突然有人叫:“救命!救命!“我们惊讶地发现,一个男孩在深水中挣扎。我们尽可能快地游向他,把他拉到岸上。他失去了意识。我们把他送到最近的医院,幸运的是,他得救了。 最后,我们都累坏了,但是感觉快乐。这一天是有意义的。我们做了一件好事!


2017年最新沪教牛津版初中英语九年级下册课文与翻译 最新沪教牛津版初中英语九年级 下册课文与翻译 Unit1 Great explorations The voyages of Zheng He Zheng He was a famous Chinese explorer. In 1405, he set off from China on the first of seven great voyages. This was nearly a century before Christopher Columbus first set sail on his journey of discovery to America. His travels were so important that they are still studied today. Zheng He was born in Yunnan in 1371. He rose to become a trusted official of the Yongle Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The emperor ordered Zheng He to visit and explore the lands outside China. His task was to develop relations and set up trade routes with foreign countries. In a few years, he built a great fleet of ships, the biggest in the world at that time. The ships were known as treasure ships. They were big enough to carry 25,000 people as well as very large quantities of goods. From 1405 to 1433, Zheng He went on seven trips and visited South-East Asia, the Middle East and even the east coast of Africa. It seemed that nowhere was too far for him to visit. These voyages allowed China to trade valuable goods like gold, silver and silk. At the end of each voyage, Zheng He returned with many things that were seen in China for the first time, such as a giraffe from Africa. Besides developing trade, the voyages also encouraged the exchange of cultures and technologies. They helped the development of those countries and regions. Zheng He died in 1433 during his last voyage. However, his


Unit 3 Robots Period 3 Reading Ⅱ 基础检测 一、根据句意和所给首字母写出单词 1. My father o________ a new computer online this morning. 2. The big bird s________ its wings and flew up to the sky. 3. Mr. Li l________ the newspapers on the desk and left his office. 4. China's first manned space flight was a c________ success. 5. More reading rooms are set up to meet the reading n________ of the local people. 二、根据句意, 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1. The meeting will go ________ (smooth) if he boss is in a good mood. 2. Nothing ________ (satisfy) her. She is always complaining. 3. Some computer ________ (virus)can damage a computer's memory or steal a user's personal information. 4. Tim's uncle is a ________ (manage) of a big foreign company. 5. Children should learn how to behave ________ (proper) in public places. Amy: I feel too busy to relax these days. Perhaps I need a robot to help me. Bill: What can he do to help you? Amy: Mm, he can make breakfast and ___1___ the lunch box for me so that I will be ___2___ in a hurry. Bill: But a robot costs much. Maybe you should find a family worker. Amy: A robot is better because he can also ___3___ my son ______ his homework in the afternoon while I am ___4___ . Bill: Great! You can also have more time for your hobbies in your spare time. Amy: That's what I want. Owning a robot will ___5___ me ______ do whatever I like. Bill: Does a robot sometimes ___6___ ? Amy: Yes, I heard it would ___7___ , like putting plates on the bed. Bill: Can you ___8___ it by yourself? Amy: No, but I will ___9___ it to the robot shop. ___10___ the service is good. Bill: That sounds great! 四、根据汉语意思完成句子 1.当我走进卧室后, 发现里面一团糟。 When I __________________ my bedroom, I found __________________ . 2. 电脑使我的生活方便有趣多了。 The computer __________________ . 3. 有了机器人的帮助, 她不再每天打扫房间了。 __________________ the robot, she __________________ every day. 4. 我的自行车坏了, 我不知道怎么处理。 My bike broke down. I didn't know __________________ . 5. 我想待在家里以便有更多的时间看点书。 I want to stay at home __________________ . 技能提升


译林版九年级下册英语Unit4 Task部分课文翻译 英语课文的学习需要翻译的对照,关于译林版九年级下册英语Unit4 Task的部分课文翻译有哪些呢?接下来是店铺为大家带来的关于译林版九年级下册英语Unit4 Task部分课文翻译,希望会给大家带来帮助。 译林版九年级下册英语Unit4 Task部分课文翻译(一) Daniel is making a guide to living on Mars in the future. First,help him complete the spidergram below to organize his ideas. Write the correct letters in the blanks. 丹尼尔正在制订一个将来在火星上的生活指南。首先,帮助他完成下面这个蛛网图来组织观点。在空白处写下正确的字母。 a . Cars float in the air 汽车飘浮在空中 b . Low-gravity basketball games 低重力的篮球比赛 c. Traffic with no air pollution 没有空气污染的交通 d . Spac e clothes and food 太空服和食物 e. Many online theatres 许多网上剧院 f . Planet Mars Bank 火星银行 g . Goods from the Earth are hard to find 来自地球的商品很难找到 h . Visit the two moons 参观两颗卫星 译林版九年级下册英语Unit4 Task部分课文翻译(二) Danielis writing his draft. Help him complete https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2e19364480.html,e the information on page 62 to help you.Here is a guide to living on Mars in the future.On Mars, we use Mars dollars. We get about M$ 10 for every¥1,but we never see any of it! Mars dollars are electronic and are stored in the (1)_____. 丹尼尔正在写草稿。帮助他完成它。用62页中的信息来帮助你。这是将来在火星上的生活指南。在火星上,我们用火星美元。人民币我们兑换大约10火星美元,但我们从来没看到过任何火星美元!火星

2020-2021学年牛津译林版英语九年级下学期 Unit1阅读填空(无答案)

译林牛津英语九年级下册Unit 1阅读填空随堂练习 1 Last spring I was walking in a park. In front of me there was a mum and her 3-year-old daughter. The little girl was holding on to a string, which had a balloon at the other end. All of a sudden, a sharp gust (一阵风) of wind took the balloon from the little girl. I thought she would scream and cry. But, no! As the little girl turned to watch her balloon rise to the sky, she cheerfully shouted out, “Wow!” I didn’t realize it at that moment. But that little girl taught me something. Later that day, I received a phone call from a person with news of a sudden problem. I almost replied with “Oh no, what should we do?” But remembering that little girl, I found m yself saying: “Wow, that is interesting! How can I h elp you?” One thing is for sure —life is always going to put us off balance with things we don’t expect. But how we act to them is our choice. We can choose to be discouraged or interested. No matter what the situation is, a “Wow!” will always beat “Oh, n o.” So next time you meet one of life’s unexpected gusts, remember that little girl and make it a “Wow!” experience. It always works. 53. Where was the little girl? ▲ 54. How did the little girl feel when her balloon was blown away? ▲ 55. Will you have an active mood when unexpected trouble comes up? Why or why not? ▲ 2 If you visit the animal shelter(收容所)in Saunas, California, you'll see huge signs that have a picture of a dog and a cat on them. These signs are put in front of the shelter to catch people's attention. The signs make people interested in the shelter and encourage them to visit it and maybe even take a cat or a dog

牛津译林版九年级英语下册 Unit2 Reading 巩固练习(含答案)

9B Unit2 Reading巩固练习 一、词组翻译 1. 加入海军________________________ 2. 为了进一步的研究__________________ 3. 在…岁数时______________________ 4. 服役当飞行员______________________ 5. 测试各种类型的飞机_____________ 6. 第一个在月球行走的人_______________ 7. 缩短航程________________________ 8. 全世界的骄傲_______________________ 9. 进行某人第一次的飞行10. 作为…的指挥官_____________________ 11.首次___________________________ 12. 在回…的路上_______________________ 13.成功将两个航天器交会对接14. 两个半小时________________________ 15. 失去控制_____________________ 16. 被授予……_________________________ 二、单词拼写 1. The scenery is very beautiful near the_________________(太平洋的) Ocean . 2. Li Hai failed his English ____________(测试) yesterday. 3. Once it is out of ____________ (控制) , many people will get into trouble. 4. What’s on the ____________ (表面) of the river? 5. You should go through the physical exam if you want to be a ____________ (飞行员). 6. The scientists in China have done much___________ (研究)on outer space. 7. The plane has _______(降落), so we’ll meet Mr White soon. 8. I received the ________(命令) not to let anybody in. 三、单项选择 ( ) 1. Armstrong became interested in _______ ever since he took his first _______ at the age of six. A. fly; flying B. flight; fly C. flight; flying D. flying; flight ( ) 2. The fire was getting stronger and stronger and it seemed to . A. lose control B. be under control C. be out of control D. be controlled ( ) 3. I took my flight______________ at 10. A. first B. for the first time C. the first time D. at first ( ) 4. His family are worried about him because they haven’t _______ letters from him for a long time. A. accepted B. received C. written D. collected ( ) 5. Spacecraft _______made_____ possible for humans to research _______ the universe. A. have; it; to B. has; that; of C. have; it; into D. has; that; for ( ) 6. —Where is your brother? —He _______Beijing. He _________there last month. A. has gone to; went B. has been to; went C. has gone to; has gone D. has been to; has gone ( ) 7. —How far is it from Tianjin to Changsha? —It is a _______flight from Tianjin to Changsha. A. two-hour-long B. two-hours-long C. two hour’s long D. two hour long ( ) 8. Lily saw three thieves _______the jeep. A. stepping out B. stepping out of C. stepped out of D. step away ( ) 9.Wang Yaping and Liu Yang are our_______ in China. We’re proud them. A. women astronauts; of B. woman astronauts; of C. women astronauts; in D. woman astronauts; in ( ) 10. —What are you going to do this weekend? —I together with my classmates _______ going to climb Mount Qian. A. is B. am C. are D. were

Unit 4 Reading2 学案-2021-2022学年九年级英语牛津译林版下册

九年级下册Unit4 Reading2学案 主备:审核:日期:2022-01-22 学校:____________ 班级:____________ 姓名:_____________ 家长签字:__________ 【课前导学】 短语翻译。(请认真阅读课本P52-55,翻译并背诵下列短语) 1. 越来越拥挤 2. 在火星上建立更好的世界 3. 以光速旅行 4. 在科技发展的帮助下 5. 十分不舒服 6. 阻止...飘进太空 7. 在某些方面更好8. 有更多的时间休息 9. 有更多的空间10. 做某人的大部分工作 【课堂学习】 Step1. Revision Ask the students to read the article loudly and complete the table . Step 2. Language points. 1. With the development of technology, by the year 2100, the journey might only take about 20 minutes in spacecraft that travel at the speed of light! (Lines8-11, P52) at a/the speed of 表示“以……的速度” e.g.小汽车正以每小时100公里的速度行驶。 The car is moving _______ _______ _______ _______ 100 kilometers per hour. 2. The gravity on Mars is only about three-eighths of that on the Earth. (Lines19-21, P53) Three-eighths 八分之三分数在英语中基数词表示分子,序数词表示分母。 如果分子大于1,分母要用复数形式。注意:二分之一通常用a half来表示,而四分之一通常用a quarter, 也可用a fourth四分之三通常用three quarters或thr ee fourths来表示。 如:十分之一___________________ 三分之一_______________________ e.g. 我们班五分之三是女生。 _____________ the students in my class _______ girls. ☞在做比较时,我们常用that/those指代句中类似或相同的那一部分。 e.g. 火星上的空气要比地球上的稀薄的多。 The air on Mars is ________ _______ ________ _________ on the Earth. 3. Compared with life on Earth, life on Marswould be better in many ways. (L23) 词汇理解:compare A with B 把A与B比较 compare A to B 把A比作B;把A与B比较 e.g. 父母们总是喜欢将他们的孩子同其他的孩子作比较。 Parents always like to _________ their children _______ others. 我将这个美丽的女孩比作一朵花。I _________ the beautiful girl ______ a flower. 4. Every student will have a computer at home connected to an interplanetary network. 词汇理解:connect vi. 连接;把……联系起来 注意:当connect表示“与……有联系”时,后接with而不用to。 警察认为这小刀和这件谋杀案没有关系。 5. Our own planet , the earth , is becoming more and more crowded and polluted because of the rapid increase in population. 词汇理解:population: 集合名词,可以有冠词a,但无复数变化。作主语时,若表示整体概念,谓语动词用单数;若表示个体概念,谓语动词用复数。 (1) 世界人口增长很快。 (2) 这里三分之一的人口是工人。 注意:(1) 北京的人口是多少? (2) 中国的人口比美国多。 6. Life on Mars would be interesting as well as challenging. 火星上的生活不仅有挑战性而且很有趣。 短语as well as 的意思是“不但……而且,既……又”。注意这一短语在翻译成

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