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Word Form Quiz

Part A

Fill the blanks using the words below. While doing this exercise, look for clues which tell you what kind of word is missing (adjective, noun, verb, adverb).

1. That man was ________enough not to tell the manager that he would not do the job.

A. care

B. careful

C. careless

D. carelessness

2. The soldier died for saving the child,so his________ is heavier than Mount Tai.

A. die

B. dead

C. died

D. death

3. The child looked ________at his brother who was badly wounded.

A. sadly

B. sadness

C. sadden

D. sad

4. He is an expert at chemistry. We all call him a ________.

A. chemistry

B. chemical

C. chemist

D. physician

5.The three- ________chair isn’t suitable for a young child. He may fall off.

A. legging

B. legged

C. legs

D. leged

6. Stephenson became the________railway engineer in the world.

A. lead

B. leader

C. leading

D. leadership

7.When the teacher praised him for working out the maths problem,Jack looked________about at his classmates.

A. proud

B. proudly

C. pride

D. pridely

8.To everyone’s ________,the girl finished the job quite well.

A. satisfied

B. satisfactory

C. satisfying

D. satisfaction

9.—What are you doing here?

—Oh,my teacher asked me to write a passage about ________in English.

—You can write________passage in English?

A. 600 words;a 600-words

B. 600-word;a 600-words

C. 600 words;a 600-word

D. 600 words;a 600-words

10. No one should enter the spot without the________of the police.

A. permit

B. permission

C. permitting

D. permittence

11. You must come with us to the police ________.Our head is waiting for you.

A. headquarters

B. headline

C. headmaster

D. headache

12.Letting that animal escape was no accident;you did it ________.

A. intend

B. intention

C. intentionally

D. intentional

13. The shop owner welcomed all the guests with a________smile.

A. practice

B. practise

C. practical

D. practiced

14. The________ordered him to pay a $100 fine.

A. judger

B. judgment

C. judge

D. judgement

15. My TV is out of order. Can you tell me what is the________news about Iraq War?

A. lately

B. latest

C. later

D. latter

16. The Great Wall is more than 6000 li in ________.

A. longer

B. length

C. long

D. longing

17.To my ________,I passed the exam easily.

A. joy

B. joyful

C. joyless

D. joyness

18. Canada is mainly an________country.

A. English-speaking

B. speak-English

C. spoken-English

D. English-spoken

19. How________ he is! He is always acting________.He is really

a ________.

A. foolish;foolishly;fool

B. fool;foolish;fool

C. foolish;fool;fool

D. foolishly;foolish;fool

20. The necklace that she lost is very expensive. It’s of great ________.

A. valuable

B. value

C. valueless

D. unvaluable

21. There were________fish in the river in South America.

A. in danger

B. danger

C. dangerous

D. dangerless

22.The letter “b” in the word “doubt” is________.

A. sound

B. silent

C. silence

D. sounded

23. The child looked at me________.

A. stranger

B. strangely

C. strange

D. strangeless

24.The black people were against slavery and fought for their________bravely.

A. free

B. freely

C. freedom

D. frees

25. What you said sounded________ but in fact it was untrue.

A. reasonable

B. reasonful

C. reasonless

D. unreason

26. We have to learn ________technology from other countries.

A. advance

B. advancing

C. advantage

D. advanced

27. The children live in a village ________.They come here almost every day.

A. nearby

B. near

C. nearly

D. near by

28.Mr Black is an ________in the army,not an ________in the government. You can not easily find him in his________.

A. official;officer;office

B. officer;office;official

C. official;official;official

D. officer;official;office

29.You’d better give up smokin g if you want to keep ________.

A. health

B. healthy

C. healthily

D. healthier

30.________ speaking,I didn’t do it on purpose.

A. Honestly

B. Honest

C. Honesty

D. Dishonest

Part B

Use the word at the end of each gap to form a new word with which to fill the gap. While doing this exercise, look for clues

which tell you what kind of word is missing (adjective, noun, verb, adverb). Make sure to take into consideration forms using various prefixes and suffixes, as well as negative forms.

We earn our_____________ (LIVE) in America today in peaceful ____________ (COMPETE) with people all across the Earth. Profound and _________ (POWER) forces are shaking and _________ (MAKE) our world, and the urgent question of our time is whether we can make change our friend and not our enemy. This new world has already ___________ (RICH) the lives of millions of Americans who are able to ____________ (COMPETITION) and win in it. But when most people are working harder for less, when others cannot work at all, when the cost of health care devastates families and threatens to ____________ (BANK) our enterprises, great and small, when the fear of crime robs law abiding citizens of their _____________ (FREE), and when millions of poor children cannot even imagine the lives we are calling them to lead, we have not made change our friend.

Some Tips

1.V-ing和V-ed 作形容词时的差别

表示情感的及物动词如excite, discourage, disappoint, encourage, inspire, interest, move, please, puzzle, surprise, worry 等,其分词常加上后缀-ing或-ed转化为分词(也可称为形容词),用作表、定、状或补语。在这种情况下,分词主要体现了语态的不同。现在分词有主动意味,含有“具有令人……的特性”的意思;而过去分词有被动意味,含有“受到影响而感到……”的意思。例如:In Aswan, there are plenty of interesting places to visit. 阿斯旺有许多值得一去的地方。Some people whose lives are full are always interesting to talk to. 有些人的生活经历丰富,与他们交谈总是令人感兴趣的。

If I can find you any support, would you be interested? 假如




The woodcutter was standing next to a fallen tree. 那个樵夫站在一棵伐倒的树旁。

fallen leaves落(在地上的)叶(比较:a falling leaf一片飘落的树叶)

boiled water(煮)开(过的)水(比较:boiling water沸腾着的水)

the risen sun升得老高的日头(比较:the rising sun初升的太阳)

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9119182134.html,/doc/a313844204.html,ter和latter 的区别


Two days later, we proved these facts to be correct. 两天以后,我们证明了这些事实是正确的。He reached the stations 5 minutes later. 他晚到车站五分钟。

sooner or later 总有一天,迟早

later on 今后,以后



b)与定冠词the连用,表示“后者”,与the former相对;


例如:the latter half of the month 后半月,下半月

the latter part of the year 一年中后一段时期

Of the two the latter is far better than the former. 两者中后者


He has been at home in these latter days. 在最近的这些日子里,他一直呆在家里。

3.Dangerous 与in danger、endanger的区别


而in danger是固定词组,义为“在危险之中”使用时通常在前面加be


To play with matches is very dangerous. (玩火柴是很危险的。)The panda is in danger.(大熊猫正在危险之中。)

如果说The panda is dangerous.不就变成“大熊猫是很危险的动物”了吗?endanger

vt. 危及;使遭到危险

It can endanger future populations of some kinds of fish.

4.Advance, advancing, advanced


n. 发展;前进;增长;预付款

vt. 提出;预付;使……前进;将……提前

vi. 前进;进展;上涨

adj. 预先的;先行的


adj. 前进的;年长的

v. 前进;超前(advance的ing形式)


adj. 先进的;高级的;晚期的;年老的

v. 前进;增加;上涨(advance的过去式和过去分词形式)


英语构词法练习题 一、基础练习 A:名词后加“y”变成形容词 sun---_________( ) wind -—-__________() cloud ——-__________()rain -——________( ) snow --—__________() fun-——__________( ) health —-—________()noise -——__________( )salt—-—__________( ) luck -—-__________() sleep ———__________( ) sand -——__________( ) B:名词后加“—ful" “—less”变成形容词 care -——__________()__________()use--—__________( )__________( ) colour---__________()_________( ) help-—-__________( )__________( ) hope ---__________()__________( ) harm —-—__________( )__________( ) success-—-________( ) wonder———_______( ) peace—-—__________() sleep ———__________( ) home-——__________( ) value———__________() C: 名词后加“—ern”变成形容词 east—-—______( )west --—_______()south—-—_______( ) north—--__________( ) D: 名词后加“-al"变成形容词 person——-__________()education-——__________()tradition———__________( ) medicine--—__________() music —-—__________()nature--—__________( ) E: 名词后加“—ly”变成形容词 friend-——___________( ) love-——___________( ) week-—-__________( ) F:名词后加“——ous”变成形容词 danger——-___________( ) mystery-—-___________( ) fame-—-__________( ) G:名词后加“-en”变成形容词 wool——-___________( ) wood-——___________( ) gold--—__________()H: 名词转化为形容词的不规则变化 energy——-___________( ) athlete——-___________( ) hunger--—___________() pride-——___________( ) death——-___________() science-——___________() knowledge---___________( )anger—--___________( )Africa---___________() America—-—___________( ) Asia—-—___________( ) Australia--—___________()


英语构词法总结与练习 a合成法 (1)合成是将两个或多个单词合成为一个单词。复合词在英语中更活跃。复合形容词很常见。其中大多数用作定语,有些用作预测词;作为主语或宾语的复合名词;复合动词作谓语;作为状语的复合副词。 quick-servicecounter快餐部,airsick晕飞机,air-dropped空投,warm-heartedly热情地,sightseeing游览观光,cross-roads十字路口(2)合成形容词的构成方法如下: ① 形容词/数字+名词+高尚、脾气好、热心、冷血、三条腿、独眼 ②形容词+现在分词good-looking好看的,fine-sounding动听的,easy-going 香/臭,便宜 ③副词+现在分词hard-working勤劳的,far-reaching深远的ever-lastingrapidlycincreasinglong-sufferingnever-ending④名词/代词+现在分词:peace-loving热爱和平的,english-speakingmatch/flower-sellingflesh-eatingrecord-breakingself-lockingtime/gas-savingman-killing⑤名词+过去分词state-owned国有的,heartfelt由衷的self-taughtsnow-covered ⑥ 副词+过去分词 widely-usednewly-builtbadlycmanagedover-fed ⑦ 形容词/数字+名词大型高级二手长距离高速活动耳机⑧ 名词+形容词 duty-free免税的,airsick晕飞机的ice-coldhome-sick⑨另外还有其他方式构成的合成词,如: (3)合成名词的常见形式有:① 名词+名词 silkworm蚕,bloodtest验血 safetybelt,chinatown,trafficlight,shoelaceclassroom ② 形容词+名词 double-dealer两面派,shorthand速记③v-ing+名词 候诊室,安眠药④ 动词+名词 pickpocket扒手,break-water防水堤⑤名词+动名词


高中英语构词法专题复习(含有习题和答案) 1.I wrote him a letter to show my ________(appreciate)of his thoughtfulness. 2.The first tomb was built at the_____(begin)of the 15th century. 3.Painting is a______(create)process. 4.For our homework tonight,we have to write a _____(describe)of the street where we live. 5.The_____(discover)of gold on their land made the people rapidly rich. 6.I’d just like to____(emphasis)how important it is for people to learn foreign languages. 7.My grandfather is as__(energy)as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing at all. 8.The first lesson was very_______(enjoy)----I liked it a lot! 9.These discoveries proved the______(exist)of a human species who lived in the area between700,000and


专题训练10 构词法 单项选择题(25*1=25) 1.—That bookstore is ______ on Monday. —I see. I'll go there the other day then. A.close B.closer C.closing D.closed 2.You have to be_______ and wait until I finish my work. A.patient B.patiently C.patience D.patients 3.Overseas experience may help make our life_______.So why not try to study abroad? A.success B.successfully C.successful D.succeed 4.The soft music sounds________. We are all listening ________. A.happily;careful B.beautifully;carefully C.moving;careful D.beautiful;carefully 5.—Who is the ________of this iPhone? —It's mine. A.own B.owner C.owned D.owning 6.I could ________control my feelings at the moment.The song brought back so many childhood memories. A.hard B.hardly C.harder D.hardest 7.I feel very________because my students always respect me. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9119182134.html,fort B.uncomfortably C.uncomfortable https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9119182134.html,fortable 8.It's dark.I can't see the words on the blackboard _______. A.clear B.clearly C.clean D.cleaning 9.September is the _______month of a year. A.nine B.nineth C.ninth D.nineths 10.I was born in_______,but I can't speak German. A.German B.Germany C.Germans D.Germen 11.Tom became the _______of this factory last year. A.lead B.leader C.leading D.leadership 12.To his father's _______, the boy gave up smoking. A.satisfied B.satisfactory C.satisfying D.satisfaction


中考复习构词法专项练习 单项选 择 1.His daughter is _________ girl. A. a eight-year-old B. an eight-year-old C. an eight-years-old D. a eight years old 2.We'll be away for two weeks because we'll have a ___________. A. two-weeks holiday B. two weeks' holidays C. two- week holiday D. two-weeks' holiday 3.–It’s said that we'll have a ________ the coming May Day. –That’s so good. A. three-days holiday B. three-days' holidays C. three-day holiday D. three-days' holiday 4.Mike is _______ boy. A. one 11-years-old B. one 11-years old C. one-11-year-old D. an 11-year-old 5. Our teacher is Tony Brown. We call him(称呼他) A. Mr. Tony B. Mr. Brown C. Mrs. Tony D. Mrs. Brown 6.After playing football for more than half an hour, the students took ______ rest. A. a ten--- minute B. a ten minute’s C. a ten-minutes’ D. a ten-minute’s 7.Tom is only ______. I don’t think a _______ boy should be allowed to drive. A. fourteen-year-old; fourteen-year-old B. fourteen years old; fourteen-year-old C. fourteen years old; fourteen-years-old D. fourteen-year-old; fourteen years old 8.He is a boy. A. 11 B. 11 years old C. 11- year-old D. 11-years-old 9.Mary won in the_______ race last week. A. woman’s 400—meter B. woman’s 400—meters C. women’s 400—meter D. women’s 400—meters 10.—We’ll have _______ holiday in June. Will you go home? —No. If I go home, I’ll have to take_______ ride. A. a one-week; seven days B. an one-week; a seven day’s C. a one-week; a seven days’ D. an one-week’s; a seven days’11.Which of the following words is a homophone? A. BTW B. WBQ C. CSL D. gr8 12.Jones won the gold medal in the _____ race in the 27th Olympic Games. A. women’s 100- meters B. women’s 100-meter C. women’s 100 meters D. women 100 meter 13.It’s about _______walk from here to the bus station. A. two hours B. two-hours C. two hours’ D. two hour’s 14.- We’ll have a ______ holiday. What about going to the West Lake? - Sounds great. A. two days B. two-day


构词法W o r d F o r m a t i o n 在英语中,词的构成方式主要有三种:合成、转化和派生。 一、合成Compounding 两个或更多的词合成一个词。 方式:1. 直接写在一起。 2. 用连字符(-)连接。 3. 由两个分开的词构成。 (1) 合成形容词 (2)合成动词

(3)合成名词 (4)合成副词however, maybe, wherever, whenever, forever (5)合成代词whoever,, whatever, everyone, nobody, myself, something, anything, 二、派生Derivation 前缀


注意:-ese, -ian, -ist 既可以构成名词,又可以构成形容词。 -er 构成的名词,既有表示人的,又有表示物的。

三、转化Conversion: 指一个词不变化词形,而由一种此类转化为另一种词类或几种词类。 1. 名词和动词之间的转化 telephone电话——打电话, mirror镜子——像镜子一样反映, drink喝——饮料, record录音——记录, name, date, hand, study, 2. 形容词转化为动词perfect完美的——使完善 3.名词转化为形容词(副词) front前面——前面的 4.形容词转化为名词chief 主要的——首领 语法填空之构词法专项练习 1. The soldier died for saving the child,so his________(die)is heavier than Mount Tai. 2. The Great Wall is more than 6000 li in ________(long).


构词法练习及其答案 编辑整理: 尊敬的读者朋友们: 这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(构词法练习及其答案)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。 本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为构词法练习及其答案的全部内容。

高考能力测试构词法Word Formation 一.合成 Compounding 两个或更多的词合成一个词。 方式:1. 直接写在一起. 2. 用连字符(—)连接. 3. 由两个分开的词构成.

话—打电话, mirror镜子—像镜子一样反映, drink喝—饮料, record录音—记录, name, date, hand, study, 2. 形容词转化为动词 perfect完美的-—使完善 3。名词转化为形容词(副词) front前面——前面的 4.形容词转化为名词 chief 主要的-—首领 训练要旨:构词法是英语学习的一个重点,也是近年来常考的项目。特别是在词语辨析的综合运用中, 对词汇掌握的要求越来越高。检测构词法,在阅读理解中,已不把这种词汇看作生词,而是把这类词的理 解看作学生通过对构词法知识的学习,应该具备的一种能力。如有的生词,只要其词根是学生们该掌握的 或熟悉的,只是加上了前缀或后缀,再者或是合成词等,命题人就认为不必再注出汉语注释。 1.That man was________enough not to tell the manager that he would not do the job.A.care B。 careful C. careless Dcarelessness 2。The soldier died for saving the child,so his________ is heavier than Mount Tai. A。 die B. dead C. died D. death 3。The child looked_______ at his brother who was badly wounded. A。 sadly B。sadness C。 sadly D. sad 4。He is an expert at chemistry. We all call him a ________。 A。 chemistry B。chemical C. chemis D. physician 5.The three—________chair isn’t suitable for a young child。 He may fall off。 A. legging B 。legged C。 legs D。leged 6.Stephenson became the________railway engineer in the world. A。lead B。leader C. leading D。 leadership 7.When the teacher praised him for working out the maths problem,Jack looked_______about at his classmates。


英语构词法汇总及练习 一.概念 英语的构词法主要有:合成法,转化法,派生法,混成法,截短法和词首字母缩略法. 二.相关知识点精讲 1.转化法 英语中,有的名词可作动词,有的形容词可作副词或动词,这种把一种词性用作另一种词性而词形不变的方法叫作转化法。 1)动词转化为名词 很多动词可以转化为名词,大多意思没有多大的变化(如下①);有时意思有一定变化(如下②);有的与一个动词和不定冠词构成短语,表示一个动作(如下③)。例如: ①Let's go out for a walk.我们到外面去散散步吧。 ②He is a man of strong build.他是一个体格健壮的汉子。 ③Let's have a swim.咱们游泳吧。 2)名词转化为动词 很多表示物件(如下①)、身体部位(如下②)、某类人(如下③)的名词可以用作动词来表示动作,某些抽象名词(如下④)也可作动词。例如: ①Did you book a seat on the plane?你订好飞机座位了吗? ②Please hand me the book.请把那本书递给我。 ③She nursed her husband back to health.她看护丈夫,使他恢复了健康。 ④We lunched together.我们在一起吃了午餐。 3)形容词转化为动词 有少数形容词可以转化为动词。例如: We will try our best to better our living conditions.我们要尽力改善我们的生活状况。 4)副词转化为动词 有少数副词可以转化为动词。例如: Murder will out.(谚语)恶事终必将败露。 5)形容词转化为名词 表示颜色的形容词常可转化为名词(如下①);某些形容词如old, young, poor, rich, wounded, injured 等与the连用,表示一类人,作主语时,谓语用复数(如下②)。例如: You should be dressed in black at the funeral.你在葬礼中该穿黑色衣服。 The old in our village are living a happy life.我们村的老年人过着幸福的生活。 2.派生法 在词根前面加前缀或在词根后面加后缀构成一个与原单词意义相近或截然相反的新词叫作派生法。 1)前缀 除少数前缀外,前缀一般改变单词的意义,不改变词性;后缀一般改变词类,而不引起词义的变化。 (1)表示否定意义的前缀常用的有dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, mis-, non-, un-等,在单词的前面加这类前缀常构成与该词意义相反的新词。例如: appear出现→disappear消失correct正确的→incorrect不正确的lead带领→mislead领错stop停下→non-stop不停


中考复习:构词法专练 to give it the opposite meaning. 2. There are many models of places of from all over the world in the World Park. 3. The Golden Gate Bridge is a famous landmaG in San Francisco, the USA. Which of the following words is created in the same way as the word landmark? C. lying you.dad? that the dog could do so many useful things for the disabled. 一、单选题 A. possible C. interesting D. friendly A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. more interesting 1. We cannot add 'un ・' to A. unpleasant B. useless C. summertime D. surprising 4. She spoke to the frightened child. A. gently B. gentle C. gentleman D. gentlely 5. The shop with old people on weekends, hul children in the inieresling places. A. crowds ; crowded B. crowded ; crowds C. crowded ; crowd D. is crowded : crowd 6. “How much do you ?'means''What's your A. wcigh;wcigh B. weigh;weight C. weight;weight D. weight :weigh 7. We will have a holiday after the exam. A. two month B. two-month C. two month's D. two-months 8. He works hard and is often .1 hope he will have more at his business. A. successful; success B. success; successful C. successfully; successful D. succcssfiil; successful 9. —I think study at school every day is much too long for the students . I think so. A. 14 hour's ;13-years-old B. a 14-hours ;13-year-old 14 hours* ;13-year-old D. 14-hour ;13-years-old 10. Jim is ill in hospital. Now he is in bed and talking to his doctor. A. II. Becky girk wants to be a reporter. A. a 8-ycar-old B. a 8-ycars-old C. an 8-ycar-old D. an 8 years old I was


构词法练习1 1.That man was ___careful____(careful)enough not to tell the manager that he would not do the job. 2.The soldier died for saving the child,so his ___death____(die) is heavier than Mount Tai. 3.The child looked ___sadly____(sad)at his brother who was badly wounded. 4.He is an expert at chemistry. We all call him a _chemist___. (chemistry) 5.The three- _legged______(leg)chair isn’t suitable for a young child. He may fall off. 6.Stephenson became the __leading_(lead)railway engineer in the world. 7.When the teacher praised him for working out the maths proble,Jack looked_pridely____(pride)about at his classmates. 8.The shop owner welcomed all the guests with a__ practiced__(practice)smile. 9.My TV is out of order. Can you tell me what is the_latest__ (late)news about Iraq War? 10.The Great Wall is more than 6000 li in ____length____. (long) 11.To my____ joy____,(joy)I passed the exam easily. 12.How___foolish____ he is! He is always acting ___foolishly_.He is really a ___fool_. (fool) 13.The necklace that she lost is very expensive. It’s of great _value_.


课程名称:英语词汇学 课程代码:056261 资源类型:英语词汇学自主学习 1.2词汇记忆与词汇测试 构词法练习 训练指要 构词法是英语学习的一个重点,也是近年来常考的项目。特别是在词语辨析的综合运用中,对词汇掌握的要求越来越高。检测构词法,在阅读理解中,已不把这种词汇看作生词,而是把这类词的理解看作学生通过对构词法知识的学习,应该具备的一种能力。如有的生词,只要其词根是学生们该掌握的或熟悉的,只是加上了前缀或后缀,再者或是合成词等,命题人就认为不必再注出汉语注释。所以我们在学习英语词汇的时候一定要灵活学习和掌握,随时准备应付所出现的情况。 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.That man was________ enough not to tell the manager that he would not do the job. A. care B. careful C. careless D. carelessness 2.The soldier died for saving the child,so his________ is heavier than Mount Tai. A.die B. dead C. died D. death 3.The child looked________ at his brother who was badly wounded. A. sadly B. sadness C. sadly D.sad 4.He is an expert at chemistry. We all call him a ________. A. chemistry B. chemical C. chemist D. physician 5.The three- ________chair isn’t suitable for a young child. He may fall off. A. egging B. legged C. legs D. leged 6.Stephenson became the________ railway engineer in the world. A. lead B. leader C. leading D. leadership 7.When the teacher praised him for working out the math problem,Jack looked________ about at his classmates. A. proud B. proudly C. pride D. pridely 8.To everyone’s ________,the girl finished the job quite well. A. satisfied B. satisfactory C. satisfying D. satisfaction 9.—What are you doing here? —Oh,my teacher asked me to write a passage about ________in English. —You can write________ passage in English? A.600 words;a 600-words B.600-word;a 600-words C.600 words;a 600-word D.600 words;a 600-words 10.No one should enter the spot without the________ of the police. A. permit B. permission C. permitting D. permittence 11.You must come with us to the police ________.Our head is waiting for you. A. headquarters B. headline C. headmaster D. headache 12.Letting that animal escape was no accident;you did it ________. A. intend B. intention C. intentionally D. intentional 13.The shop owner welcomed all the guests with a ________smile. A. practice B. practise C. practical D. practiced


初中英语构词法汇总及练习(一) 一。概念 英语的构词法主要有:合成法,转化法,派生法,混成法,截短法和词首字母缩略法。 二。相关知识点精讲 1.转化法 英语中,有的名词可作动词,有的形容词可作副词或动词,这种把一种词性用作另一种词性而词形不变的方法叫作转化法。 1)动词转化为名词 很多动词能够转化为名词,大多意思没有多大的变化(如下①);有时意思有一定变化(如下②);有的与一个动词和不定冠词构成短语,表示一个动作(如下③)。例如: ①Let's go out for a walk。我们到外面去散散步吧。 ②He is a man of strong build。他是一个体格健壮的汉子。 ③Let's have a swim。咱们游泳吧。 2)名词转化为动词 很多表示物件(如下①)、身体部位(如下②)、某类人(如下③)的名词能够用作动词来表示动作,某些抽象名词(如下④)也可作动词。例如: ①Did you book a seat on the plane 你订好飞机座位了吗 ②Please hand me the book。请把那本书递给我。 ③She nursed her husband back to health。她看护丈夫,使他恢复了健康。 ④We lunched together。我们在一起吃了午餐。 3)形容词转化为动词 有少数形容词能够转化为动词。例如: We will try our best to better our living conditions。我们要尽力改善我们的生活状况。 4)副词转化为动词 有少数副词能够转化为动词。例如: Murder will out。(谚语)恶事终必将败露。 5)形容词转化为名词 表示颜色的形容词常可转化为名词(如下①);某些形容词如old, young, poor, rich, wounded, injured等与the连用,表示一类人,作主语时,谓语用复数(如下②)。例如:You should be dressed in black at the funeral。你在葬礼中该穿黑色衣服。 The old in our village are living a happy life。我们村的老年人过着幸福的生活。 初中英语构词法汇总及练习(二) 在词根前面加前缀或在词根后面加后缀构成一个与原单词意义相近或截然相反的新词叫


高中英语构词法讲解与练习 一.种类 英语构词法主要有:合成法,转变法,派生法,混成法,截短法和词首字母缩略法。 二.定义与精讲 1.转变法 英语中,有的名词可作动词,有的形容词可作副词或动词,这类把一种词性用作另一种词性而词形不变的方法叫作转变法。 1)动词转变成名词①很多动词可以转变成名词, 大多数情况下,意思 没有多大的变化,如: Let's go out for a walk.我们到外面去散闲步吧。 ②有时意思有必然变化,如: He is a man of strong build.他是一个体格强壮的汉子。 ③有的与一个动词和不定冠词组成短语,表示一个动作,如: Let's have a swim.我们游泳吧。 2)名词转变成动词 ①很多表示物件,如 Did you book a seat on the plane? 你订好飞机座位了吗 ? ②身体部位,如:

Please hand me the book请.把那本书递给我。③某 类人的名词可以用作动词来表示动作,如:She nursed her husband back to health她.看护丈夫, 使他恢复了健康。 ④某些抽象名词也可作动词。如: We lunched together我.们在一起吃了午餐。 3)形容词转变成动词 有少许形容词可以转变成动词。如: We will try our best to better our living conditions.我们要全力改进我们的生活情况。 4)副词转变成动词 有少许副词可以转变成动词。比方: Murder will out.( 谚语 )恶事终必然败事。 5)形容词转变成名词 ①表示颜色的形容词常可转变成名词,如: You should be dressed in black at the funeral.你在葬礼中该穿黑色衣服 ②某些形容词如 old, young, poor, rich, wounded, injured 等与 the 连用,表示一类人,作主语时,谓语 用复数以下,如: The old in our village are living a happy life. 我们村的老年人过着幸福的生活。 2.派生法


【高考领航】高考英语一轮复习语法突破第1讲构词法练习 语法突破第一讲构词法 Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The news of his death in the flood was ________,and all his employees got ________ at it.(shock) 2.After ________ to his father's company as president of it ________,he ________ in making the company more ________ in its field,which helped to make him a ________ in turn.(success) 3.Mrs.White,a ________ friend of mine,________ herself to teaching and her ________ to children made us vote for her.(devote) 4.Mastering some basic skills will greatly increase your chances of ________.Last week,thanks to the skills he and his tour pal succeeded in ________ the terrible floods and they were the only two ________.(survive) 5.All dogs ran in all ________ ________ the ________ said“Go”.(direct) 6.I should ________ my task and make it ________ to finish.(simple) 7.The boy having the ________ of being half-starved ________,never to be seen again.(appear) 8.The police ________ the pot and ________ a plot against the President.(cover) 9.You are so ________ to help me.Thank you for your ________.(kindly) 10.Everything is becoming ____________ than before and many college students had to work to make some money for their college ________.(expend) 答案:1.shocking;shocked 2.succeeding;successfully; succeeded;successful;success 3.devoted;devoted;


Word Form Quiz Part A Fill the blanks using the words below. While doing this exercise, look for clues which tell you what kind of word is missing (adjective, noun, verb, adverb). 1. That man was ________enough not to tell the manager that he would not do the job. A. care B. careful C. careless D. carelessness 2. The soldier died for saving the child,so his________ is heavier than Mount Tai. A. die B. dead C. died D. death 3. The child looked ________at his brother who was badly wounded. A. sadly B. sadness C. sadden D. sad 4. He is an expert at chemistry. We all call him a ________. A. chemistry B. chemical C. chemist D. physician 5.The three- ________chair isn’t suitable for a young child. He may fall off. A. legging B. legged C. legs D. leged 6. Stephenson became the________railway engineer in the world. A. lead B. leader C. leading D. leadership 7.When the teacher praised him for working out the maths problem,Jack looked________about at his classmates. A. proud B. proudly C. pride D. pridely 8.To everyone’s ________,the girl finished the job quite well. A. satisfied B. satisfactory C. satisfying D. satisfaction 9.—What are you doing here? —Oh,my teacher asked me to write a passage about ________in English. —You can write________passage in English?

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