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美丽中国(Wild China)第六集双语对照文本字幕

美丽中国(Wild China)第六集双语对照文本字幕
美丽中国(Wild China)第六集双语对照文本字幕

美丽中国(Wild China)第六集双语对照文本字幕(2012-04-21 08:03:44)

美丽中国(Wild China)第六集潮汐更迭Tides of Change 双语对照文本字幕

从东端的长城起From the eastern end of the Great Wall,

中国的海岸跨度14,500公里China's coast spans 14,500 kilometres

并且拥有五千多年的历史and more than 5,000 years of history.

在这个方面显示了This is the area which shows the greatest contrast

中国的过去和未来之间的差距between China's past and its future.

如今中国的东海岸线Today China's eastern seaboard

有七亿人口is home to 700 million people,


packed into some of the most dazzling hi-tech cities on earth. 然而这些拥挤的海岸仍然是野生动物的一个重要财富

Y et these crowded shores remain hugely important for a wealth of w ildlife. 现在古老的传统渐渐被新的气息所侵蚀

Now, as ancient traditions mingle with new aspirations, 那么在中国拥挤的海岸上还有野生动物的活动场所吗

is there any room at all for wildlife on China's crowded shores? 谨以此献给我们多灾多难但美丽依旧的祖国

For our troubled but drop-dead beautiful motherland

在中国北方的扎龙自然保护区In northern China's Zhalong Nature Reserve,


a pair of red-crowned cranes have staked out their nesting territory

在一个商业管理的芦苇床残株里in the stubble of a commercially managed reed bed.

数百年来For centuries,cranes have been revered in China

鹤被中国人视为长寿的象征而备受尊崇as symbols of longevity.

它们的雕像被放在皇帝的宝座旁Their statues were placed next to the Emperor's throne. 鹤因此而受到赞扬The cranes have cause to celebrate.

幼鹤在困难时刻就象征着希望This chick is a sign of hope in difficult times.


Red-crowned cranes are one of the world's most endangered species. 在过去的一个世纪Over the last century,

中国失去了近一半的沿海湿地China has lost nearly half of its coastal wetlands


and most of what remains is managed for the benefit of people, not wildlife. 从现在起的数个月A few months from now,


this chick and its parents will face a long migration south 来躲避北方的严冬to escape the harsh northern winter.

它们将沿着海岸向前Their route will take them along a coast


which has been greatly affected by human activity. 在它们的征途上Along their journey, the cranes will be joined

将有成千上万其他鸟类加入迁徙大军by many thousands of other migrating birds.

它们迁徙的方向横跨南渤海湾All heading south across the Bohai Gulf

沿海岸的黄海和中国东海and along the shores of the Y ellow and East China Seas,

最远甚至抵达中国南海some even reaching as far as the South China Sea 寻找一个安全的冬季避难所in search of a safe winter haven.


The annual bird migration has been going on for thousands of years. 在中国东北海岸的锦屏山Here at Mount Jinping on China's northeast coast,

存留着人类there is surprising evidence

曾长期居住过的惊人遗迹that people have lived here almost as long.

七千年前Seven thousand years ago,


members of the Shao Hao tribe carved magical symbols


representing significant elements of their daily lives.


The petroglyphs show wheat sheaves connected by lines to human figures,

中国第一个有记录的耕种遗址the first known recordings of cultivation in China.

因为常年目睹群鸟迁徙的奇观Familiar with the spectacle of yearly bird migrations,


the Shao Hao people chose a symbol of a bird as their totem.

锦屏山位于山东半岛附近Mount Jinping lies near the Shandong peninsula,

是候鸟的一个重要越冬场所an important wintering site for migrant birds,


and even today there are still communities along this coastline

并且和当地的鸟群保持着密切关系who retain a special affinity with their local birdlife.

烟墩礁Y andun Jiao village,

位于半岛的东北岸on the north-eastern shore of the peninsula,


is famous for its traditional seaweed-thatched cottages.

在早春料峭的清晨On a chilly morning in early spring,

屈夫妇在破晓时刻出来碰运气Mr and Mrs Qu venture out at first light


armed with the traditional seaside accessories of bucket and spade.

当屈家人朝着港湾前进As the Qus head down into the harbour,

一群被当地人 a flock of whooper swans,

亲切称为“冬日天使”的大天鹅known affectionately here as "winter angels",

在海湾醒来are waking out in the bay.

屈家和他们的邻居在潮落的泥浆中The Qus and their neighbours search for tube holes

寻找管状的孔in the mud at low tide,

那里意味着有扇贝或竹蛏深藏在泥底the sign of cockles and razor shells hidden deep below. 收集贝克是颇为流行的消遣While gathering shellfish is a popular pastime,

当地人以出海为主要营生the main business of Y andun Jiao happens further out at sea. 当老屈站在启程船只的甲板上As the boats set out,with Mr Qu on board,

天鹅并肩掠过the swans set a parallel course.

整个海湾是一个巨型海藻农场The whole of the bay is a gigantic seaweed farm.

人们整天忙于清理和照料海藻叶The men work all day cleaning and tending the kelp fronds 海藻长在巨大浮标舰队互相连接的绳子上

that are grown on ropes linked to a vast armada of buoys.

天鹅只吃长在绳子表面的本地海藻The swans eat native seaweeds growing on the surface ropes 而非更有价值的产物rather than the valuable crop of kelp,

所以它们无损经济作物的生长so they do no harm to the commercial operation.

下午当风在海上生起In the afternoon, as the wind picks up out at sea,

工人和天鹅退回岸边the workers and swans return to shore.

当追求与自然和谐的文化While the culture of seeking balance with nature

历经远路回归中国的时候goes back a long way in China,


it is rare to see such harmonious relationships on China's crowded coast. 当夜晚降临As evening draws on,

屈家人准备了扇贝the Qu family prepare their evening meal of cockles,

馒头和海藻做为晚膳steamed bread and seaweed.


剩菜被村里的孩子们用来喂天鹅Leftovers are given to the village children to feed the swans. 这给孩子和村民带来许多乐趣It's fun for the kids and provides


an extra energy boost for the birds as they face another cold night. 天鹅已经利用这个庇护港The swans have been using this sheltered bay

作为冬天的过冬地at as a winter refuge for many generations.

只要敬重自然的传统还在As long as the tradition of respect for nature persists,


this remarkable association between the Y andun Jiao community 奇妙友谊就会持续下去and their winter angels looks set to continue.

在渤海湾天鹅村的最东北处Out in the Bohai Gulf, northeast of the swan village,


a small rocky island provides a quiet resting spot for migrating birds. 但是蛇岛亦潜伏着危险But Shedao Island has hidden dangers.


Pallas' pit vipers trapped here 6,000 years ago by rising sea levels 这已演化成一种险恶的生存方式have evolved a sinister lifestyle.

每年有10个月For 10 months of the year

岛上没有任何食物there is nothing substantial to eat on the island,


so the reptiles conserve their energy by barely moving at all.


当阳光使它们的岩石家园变暖As the sun warms their rocky home,

这些蛇便爬进灌木树丛the snakes climb up into the bushes and trees.

但是它们不是来这晒日光浴的But they aren't here to sunbathe.

越来越多的毒蛇出现了More and more vipers appear

事实上毒蛇占据了几乎所有栖息地until virtually every perch where a bird might land

等着鸟们上钩has been booby-trapped.

“守猎”游戏开始了Then the waiting game begins.

蛇隐藏得很好The serpents' camouflage is remarkable,

但是蛇攻击鸟的时候but so are the birds' reactions,

鸟的反应同样迅速as this high-speed shot reveals.

鸟群只在岛上停留几周The birds will only stay on the island for a couple of weeks.

但是尽管蛇已经饿了几个月了But although the snakes have been starving for months,

但是它们实现饱餐一顿心愿的途径their only hope of bagging a meal is to be patient

只能是潜藏起来耐心等待and sit tight.

即便最微小的失误The slightest miscalculation

也会导致狩猎的失败and the snake is left with a mouthful of feathers.

蛇只能通过嗅觉寻找失去的美味The dropped meal is tracked down mainly by smell,

毒蛇用分叉的舌头the viper using its forked tongue

分辨空气来靠近追逐的猎物to taste the air until it is close enough to see its quarry. 最后的挑战是吞下自己头部两倍粗的食物

The final challenge is to swallow a meal that's twice the size of its head. 蛇能让下巴脱臼并合理安排食物的方向

It does so by dislocating its jaws and positioning its prey 使鸟嘴指向后边so the beak is pointing backwards.

对于爬虫来说,充足的时间也很短暂For the reptiles, this time of plenty is all too brief.

再过几个星期,迁移就要结束了In a couple of weeks, the migration will be over

鸟群会继续前进and the birds will have moved on.

这可能是蛇六个月中的最后一餐This could be the snake's last meal for six months.

但是并不是岛上会经历But it isn't just islands

盛宴和饥馑的循环that experience cycles of feast and famine.

海也有季节变化The sea, too, has its seasons,


a fact well known to fishing communities along the neighbouring coasts. 在初望港In Chuwang harbour,


the start of a new fishing season provides the excuse for a massive party. 但是对于船主老赵来说But for boat owner Mr Zhao,

既有庆祝又有祈祷it's a day of prayer as well as celebration.


Zhao hopes that by presenting gifts and showing respect to the sea goddess, 来确保他们来年捕鱼he can help ensure a prosperous and safe year ahead

顺利安全for him and his crew.


Meanwhile, drums, firecrackers and fireworks reflect the ancient belief 古人认为嘈杂巨响能驱赶海怪和坏运气

that loud noises will frighten off dangerous sea devils and bad fortune. 台子中间的那个是海龙的象征

Occupying centre stage is a representation of the sea dragon, 传说海龙控制着水和天气mythical ruler of water and weather.

夜晚风平浪静In the calm of the evening,

赵先生和家人点亮了纸船灯笼Mr Zhao and his family light paper boat lanterns.


Each flickering flame carries a wish to the sea goddess, 这个传统世代传递着

a tradition passed on from parents to children over countless generations. 在中国拥挤的海岸线上On China's crowded coasts,

渔民们必须非常机敏fishermen need to be extremely resourceful.

收渔网是一项繁重的工作Hauling in the nets is hard work,

目前为止还没有看到鱼and so far there's not a fish in sight.

只有海蜇Only jellyfish.

每年无数的海蜇Each year, millions of jellyfish

被渤海湾的水流带到南方are carried south with the currents in the Bohai Gulf. 这种现象的生态学原因很复杂The ecological story behind this event is complex,

但决不是中国特有的but by no means unique to China.

海蜇是快速繁殖的浮游生物的食物Jellyfish are fast-breeding plankton feeders.


In recent years, human sewage and fertilisers from intensive farming 增大了海湾的浮游生物繁殖速度have increased plankton blooms in the Gulf,

提供了丰富的海蜇食物providing extra jellyfish food.


While over-fishing has reduced their enemies and competitors. 这种现象已经

It's a phenomenon that has become increasingly widespread

在全球蔓延across the world's seas.

然而别的地方认为是个问题However, what is seen elsewhere as a problem,

在中国却被当成机会in China is perceived as an opportunity.

岸上Back on shore,


mule carts transport the jellyfish to nearby warehouses

在那里处理后销往全国where they will be processed and sold as food all over China.

四代人正在饱餐一碗海蜇片Four generations tuck into a bowl of sliced jellyfish, 这道菜可以延年益寿the recipe for a long and healthy life.

离开了渤海湾Leaving the Bohai Gulf behind,

迁徙的鹤群migrating cranes,

篦鹭和鸭子里边加入了其他鸟类spoonbills and ducks are joined by other birds,

它们都飞向南方寻找安全的冬天栖息地all heading south in search of a safe winter haven. 鸟群的迁徙路线顺着黄海The birds' migration route follows the coast of the Y ellow Sea

一路朝向江苏省down into Jiangsu Province,

那里有肥沃的农业风景 a fertile agricultural landscape

有中国最后存留的盐沼泽地with some of the last remaining salt marshes in China. 大丰At Dafeng,


a small salt marsh reserve is home to an animal which is lucky to be alive. 中国人认为麋鹿是奇怪复杂的动物

The Chinese see these Milu as a curious composite animal,

有像马一样的头with a horse's head,

牛一样的脚cow's feet,

驴一样的尾巴 a tail like a donkey

朝向后边的鹿角and backwards-facing antlers.

在西方自从第一个欧洲人In the West, we know it as David's Deer,

叫它麋鹿以后我们也这样叫了after the first European to describe it.

在发情期During the rut,

雄鹿用植物的花环来装饰自己stags decorate themselves with garlands of vegetation

这些东西是用鹿角弄的collected in their antlers.

激烈的战斗决定谁拥有交配权Fierce battles decide mating rights.

雌鹿仍然带着去年的幼鹿The females still have last year's fawns in tow.

母鹿在发情期也没有给幼鹿断奶They haven't been weaned by the time of the rut

幼鹿聚在一起and band together in large crhes,

只回到自己母亲那里喂食only returning to their mothers to feed.


This unique behaviour helps to keep them clear of the aggressive males.

现在中国仅存2500头麋鹿了Today, there are just 2,500 Milu in China,

很明显如果再多也很有限but it is remarkable that there are any at all.

在20世纪初期野外的麋鹿濒临灭绝In the early 1900s Milu became extinct in the wild,


but luckily, some of the Imperial herd had been sent as a gift to Europe.

那些在英格兰Woburn Abbey的麋鹿繁衍了下来Those at Woburn Abbey, in England, prospered. 20世纪80年代40头鹿被送回了故乡

And in the early 1980s, 40 of the deer were returned to their homeland 它们在那里继续繁衍生息where they continue to thrive.

迁徙的鹤群至今已经The migrating cranes have so far travelled

顺着海岸向南飞行了两千多公里了over 2,000 kilometres southwards along the coast.

经过了大丰的麋鹿预留区Passing the Milu Deer Reserve at Dafeng,

它们接近了另一个盐沼泽地they are approaching another salt marsh


which will provide the perfect conditions for them to spend the winter. 盐城,中国最大的沿海湿地This is Y ancheng, the largest coastal wetland in China, 每年估计有三百万鸟拜访这里visited by an estimated three million birds each year. (嘎嘎的叫声)(SQUAWKING)

刚出生七个月的幼鹤Crane chicks that were only born seven months ago

完成了第一次来回旅行have now completed the first leg of a round trip

它们将会每年重复这样which they will repeat every year.

坚强的鹤群能应付冬天的温度The hardy cranes can cope with winter temperatures

温度可能降到零度以下which may drop below freezing.


However, other migrating birds, like the endangered black-faced spoonbill,

就没有那么耐寒are less cold-tolerant


and will continue even further south in search of warmer climes. (嘎嘎的叫声)(SQUAWKING)

在这里许多迁徙的鸟群At this point, many of the migrating bird flocks

勉强达到了它们南飞旅程的一半are barely halfway along their southward journey.

在它们前面还有新的挑战Ahead of them lies a new challenge,

中国最伟大的河——长江China's greatest river, the Y angtze,

是许多种类迁徙物种的聚集地and the venue for a very different kind of migration.


Each year, millions of tons of cargo travel up and down the river,


making this one of the busiest waterways in the world.

这些是中华绒蝥蟹These are Chinese mitten crabs,

因它们长毛爪子得名named for their strange hairy claws.

它们可以迁移长达1500公里They may migrate as much as 1,500 kilometres

从支流和湖泊一直到河口from tributaries and lakes to the river mouth,

他们在那里繁殖后代where they gather to breed.

中华鲟也有相似的迁徙A similar migration is made by the giant Y angtze sturgeon, 中华鲟能长到4米长半吨重which can reach four metres long and weigh half a ton.

近些年来它们的数量骤减In recent years, its numbers have declined dramatically


as its migration is impeded by ever more river dams.

但是不仅中华鲟有这样的境遇But it isn't just animals like the sturgeon that are in trouble, 整个长江的生态系统都遭到了破坏the entire Y angtze River ecosystem is being poisoned.

虽然有显耀的清理计划项目In spite of being the subject of an ambitious clean-up plan, 估计长江是最大的today the river is reckoned to be the biggest

污染太平洋的单向水源single source of pollution entering the Pacific Ocean.

坐落于长江入海口的Situated right at the mouth of its estuary,

崇明岛为迁徙的滨鸟Chongming Island provides a vital resting and feeding spot 提供了重要的休养生息的地方for migrating shorebirds,

人们对长江流域的野生动物的态度不断转变and a place which offers welcome evidence


of changing attitudes towards the Y angtze's beleaguered wildlife. 几个世纪里这些沿岸泥滩一直吸引许多捕猎者

For centuries these coastal mudflats have attracted hunters, 就像金先生一样like Mr Jin,

他们不断地改善捕猎技巧who have honed their trapping skills to perfection

捕获稀有鸟类供上海有钱人食用to put rare birds on the tables of Shanghai's elite.

40年里金先生一直用一张网For 40 years Mr Jin has used a net,

简单的诱鸟和一只竹笛simple decoy birds and a bamboo whistle

来诱惑经过的鸟到他的网里to lure passing birds towards his nets.


这需要耐心和高超的技巧It takes both patience and consummate skill.

但是事情并不总是这样But all is not as it seems.

像其他许多最好的自然保护者一样Mr Jin, like many of the best conservationists,

金先生现在由偷猎者变为了看护者is poacher turned gamekeeper,

使用他捕猎技艺来保护他原先的猎物using his hunting skills to benefit his old quarry.

在东潭鸟类保护基地里The staff here at Dongtan Bird Reserve

人们将给这些捕获的鸟测量带环称重will measure, ring and weigh the trapped birds

然后把它们释放before releasing them unharmed.

由金先生和他的同事们收集的这些信息The information gathered by Mr Jin and his colleagues 帮助保护了200多个不同的鸟类helps to protect over 200 different species of birds

这些鸟类每年都要来到这个岛屿which visit the island each year.

在崇明岛正南端Just south of Chongming Island

是中国最大的海边城市——上海lies China's largest coastal city, Shanghai.


Situated on a major migration route for birds as well as river life,

现在它正进行一个更大的侵袭动作Shanghai is now preparing for an even bigger invasion.


Barges loaded with building materials constantly arrive in the city's docks,


feeding one of the greatest construction booms in the world.


Last year, half the world's concrete was poured into China's cities,


all in preparation for the biggest mass migration of people

人口迁移做准备in the history of the world.

在未来25年里预计有超过3亿中国人In the next 25 years, well over 300 million people


are predicted to move from rural China into cities like Shanghai.

从农村到城市的人类迁移The migration of people from country to city

在全世界各地都可以看到is being mirrored around the world, and by 2010


over half of the world's population will be urban dwellers.

当夜晚来临时上海就会揭示它的本色As night falls, Shanghai reveals its true colours.

这是中国最快增长的金融中心China's fastest-growing financial centre

是这个巨大繁荣的中心is in the midst of a massive boom.

其人口估计超过2千万With an estimated population of more than 20 million,

上海无疑是中国最大Shanghai is officially China's largest

也是最耀眼的城市and certainly its most dazzling city.

但他的辉煌背后存在着环境代价But there is an environmental cost.

上海居民使用的电力是Shanghai residents now use two and a half times more power per head 郊区居民的2.5倍than their rural cousins.

这个城市近乎贪得无厌的能源需求The city's seemingly insatiable energy demands

得需要17个电厂来提供满足currently require the output of 17 power stations.

上海往南城市灯光逐渐暗淡South of Shanghai the city lights gradually fade

好象我们进入了一个古老的世界as we enter an ancient world.

这是福建省This is Fujian Province,

一个崎岖的地域 a rugged terrain


guarded by sheer granite mountains which have helped to forge and preserve


some of China's most ancient sites and traditional cultures. 远高出海边地带坐落着1400米高的太姥山

Towering above the coast, the 1,400-metre-high Taimu Mountains

是中国人熟识的“海上仙都”are known to the Chinese as "Fairyland on the Sea". 潮湿的海风在寒冷的山顶凝聚Moist sea breezes condense on the cool mountaintops

并与排水良好的酸性土壤结合and combine with well-drained acid soils

便形成了完美的种植环境to produce the perfect growing conditions

适合喜酸性的植物——例如野杜鹃for acid-loving plants like wild azaleas.

也合适生长山茶It's also home to camellias, including the most famous of all, 包括最著名的茶树种植the tea plant.

沿着福建沿海一带的类似种植环境Similar growing conditions all along the Fujian coast

使得中国茶叶独享其尊make this the treasure chest for China's tea,

其茶产业远可源自4000多年前the heart of an industry dating back almost 4,000 years.

这个地区最传统的茶树栽培文化One of the most traditional tea-growing cultures in the area 当数这里的客家人沿袭的is that of the Kejia people.


Every morning, goats are let loose among the tea terraces, 这是个历史悠久的传统 a centuries-old tradition.

看起来好象很奇怪让这些This might seem surprising given goats' reputation

山羊去吃这些绿色的植物for eating anything green,

不过茶树并不像看上去那样毫无设防but tea isn't as defenceless as it looks.

茶叶中存在刺激性的化学成分Tea leaves are loaded with bitter chemicals

以驱走啃食的动物designed to repel browsing animals.

这对山羊很有效It works on the goats,

它们只是吃光茶树外的杂草who leave the tea untouched and instead eat up the weeds,

它们的粪便恰好茶树供给了养分fertilising the tea plants with their droppings.

惊讶的是我们人类The surprise is that we humans

却还没发现同样刺激性的化学鸡尾酒should find the same bitter chemical cocktail

以便让人类根本不敢染指utterly irresistible.


Among the Kejia people, tea-growing is a family business. 女人们采摘男人门加工打包Women do the picking, while the men process and pack it. 张女士是一名客家家族的成员Mrs Zhang belongs to a Kejia family

她们家族在这片同样的茶园that has lived and worked for generations

生活劳作了数个世代among these same tea terraces.


The finest tea needs to be gathered quickly in warm sunshine 这样可以让茶叶保留有茶油的香味as this brings out the flavour-enhancing oils inside the leaves. 这个可持续的产业使得中国最精美的地形之一

This sustainable industry has protected one of China's finest landscapes

和最传统文化之一得以保存下来and one of its most traditional cultures.

在早上采摘之后At the end of the morning's picking,

张女士把茶叶带回家以待加工Mrs Zhang returns home to drop off her tea ready for processing. 这个城堡式样的建筑在过去This fort-like design has survived from a time

客家人得以从与敌对的当地部落势力when the Kejia needed to protect themselves

斗争中幸存下来against hostile local tribes.

每个房子有3到4层Each house has three or four levels

以适合50到250人居住designed to accommodate 50 to 250 people.

最底层是厨房和家畜使用The ground floor houses the kitchens and animal stock 同时有一条通道通向水井取水with access to a well for water.

第一层房间用作储藏The first floor rooms are used for storage

第二层作为寝居and the upper floors are bedrooms.

这一些很非凡的建筑已有800多年历史了Some of these remarkable buildings are 800 years old 经历了地震和台风并完整的保存了下来and have survived earthquakes and typhoons.


Once enough tea has been gathered in, the processing begins.

把绿色茶叶变为市场销售的茶叶Turning green leaves into saleable tea

最少包含8个步骤involves at least eight different stages,

包括干燥捻细筛挤压和扭拧including drying, bruising, sifting, squeezing and twisting,

这些都是成品打包前必须的步骤before the finished product is finally ready for packing. 张女士的村庄出产“小黑龙”茶The Zhang's village produces "little black dragon", 即——乌龙茶or oolong tea,

其称呼源于冲泡茶叶时so called because of the way its twisted leaves unfurl

那宛如蟠龙舒展的姿态when water is poured over them.

茶在客家人生活中占据着重要地位Tea plays a vital part in Kejia life,


not only as a source of income, but also as a way to welcome visitors

它将人们联系在一起and bring people together.

在中国人传统生活中In traditional Chinese life,


even the simplest cup of tea is poured with an intricate amount of ritual.

在过去In the past,


the Kejia people's other main income came from transporting goods like tea


across the treacherous topography of mountains and river estuaries.


Their route was suddenly made easier when, in 1059, 一切归于这座名桥的建造this remarkable bridge was built.

它的桥面由重达10吨的花岗岩架设而成Made from massive 10-ton slabs of granite,

是中国不太知名的建筑奇葩之一it is one of China's lesser-known architectural gems.


Luoyang Bridge has withstood earthquakes and tempestuous tides. 被称为“万安渡”的Known as "10,000 ships launching",

46座桥墩the bridge's 46 piers


have withstood time and tide for almost a millennium.

据当地传说According to folklore,


its success is due to a far-sighted piece of bio-engineering. 在桥墩上养殖牡蛎之后Oysters were seeded on the piers

利用他们的凝固物可以and ever since, their concretions have helped cement

将花岗岩胶合凝结起来the granite blocks together.

如今惠安的女人们仍用传统的Today, oysters are still cultivated here

方法在这里养殖牡蛎in the traditional way by Hui'an women.

屹立在桥下的泥滩之中的岩石Stones are stood in the mudflats below the bridge

可以使牡蛎附着生长to encourage the oysters to grow.

如今当地人主要用洛阳桥来Luoyang Bridge is now mainly used by locals


carrying goods across the estuary towards the coastal ports.

两千多年来For more than 2,000 years,

中国的沿海贸易主要依靠于coastal trade in China has depended

一种具有开创性卓越性能船on a remarkable and pioneering type of ship,

我们称之为舢板known to us as the junk.

这艘船所用的的大众化设计This working vessel follows a general design

在福建已经使用了600多年that's been in use in Fujian for at least 600 years.


Its bows take the form of a beak, with two large painted eyes

古代的航员们相信evoking the traditional seafarers' belief

鸟的形象可以使海员们平安归来that the bird's image would help sailors return safely,

就像每年春秋回来的候鸟一样like the migrants that return each spring and autumn.

茶叶和其他货物经防水处理后储存Tea and other goods were stored in strong bulkheads,


each waterproofed and separated from the next to minimise flood damage.

这种保持珍贵茶叶干燥的革新措施This innovation, introduced to keep precious tea cargos dry,

不仅改进了中国的船只spurred on the improvement of not only Chinese boats,

还改进了西方的船只but Western ones, too.

舢板上独特的索具The distinctive rigging of the junk's sails

使得它在恶劣的天气下也容易操纵allows easy handling in bad weather,

这在风暴肆虐的海边至关重要essential along this storm-battered coast.

台风一词源于“大风”的谐音Each year from July to November, up to a dozen typhoons,

每年7至11月成批的台风 a corruption of the Chinese word for "great wind",

朝西北方向席卷中国而来head northwest towards China.


Typhoons are becoming more frequent as sea 1111111111temperatures rise, 使得海的温度升高aided by a global increase in greenhouse gases,

台风也因此变得更加频繁such as carbon dioxide.


But satellite pictures have revealed a surprising twist.


It seems that typhoons can pull deep, nutrient-rich seawater

带到表面使得浮游生物繁荣繁衍up to the surface causing plankton blooms,

而他们又可以吸收大量的二氧化碳which in turn soak up large quantities of carbon dioxide.

当台风袭来时When a typhoon strikes,

香港因其遮蔽的停泊所one of the best places to be is Hong Kong harbour

而成为最佳泊地之一with its sheltered anchorage.

作为一个国际贸易中心A centre of international trade,

她以参差错落的摩天大楼the city is famous for its jumble of skyscrapers

和熙攘拥挤的商业中心闻名and its bustling commercial centre.

但香港还有鲜为人知的一面But there's a side to Hong Kong that's less well known.

在这个盲目扩张的城市之中Behind the urban sprawl

坐落着一片湿地lies a swathe of wetlands

其中就包括米埔野生动物保护区which include the Mai Po Nature Reserve.

保护区主要用于保护候鸟Managed principally for the benefit of migrating birds,

此外还保存着许多传统的虾塘the reserve maintains a series of traditional prawn farms,

也就是基围known as gei wais,

还有毗邻的红树林和泥滩and their adjoining mangroves and mudflats.

从11月到3月份每两周Every two weeks from November to March,

就会打开一个基围塘的水闸排水one of the gei wais is drained by opening up the sluice gates.

随着水位下降鸟儿们开始聚集As the water level falls, birds begin to gather.

苍鹭白鹭和鸬鹚Herons, egrets and cormorants

和另一种稀有的动物混在一起mingle with a far rarer visitor,

这就是黑脸琵鹭the black-faced spoonbill.

这些濒危的候鸟们These endangered migrants

从中国北部和朝鲜半岛have travelled the length of the Chinese coastline

沿着中国的海岸线一路飞来from Northern China and Korea.


Mai Po marks the end of a 2,000 kilometre journey


during which the birds may have lost up to a third of their body weight. 400多只黑脸琵鹭Four hundred black-faced spoonbills,

占了世界数量的四分之一 a quarter of the world's population,

会在这里过冬pass the winter here.

在浅水中At low water,

被困的鱼虾易于捕食trapped shrimps and fish become easy prey,

成为了这些濒危鸟儿们的救命粮草 a life saver for these endangered birds.

米埔沼泽是珠江口的一部分The Mai Po marshes are part of the Pearl River estuary, 螃蟹虫子和泥鳅在这个泥质海滩上俯拾即是

whose muddy shores abound with crabs, worms and mud-skippers. 退潮时暴露出泥中生命的Exposed at low tide,

就像自助餐一样this smorgasbord of mud-life attracts both waders

不仅吸引了涉禽还吸引了基围的鸟儿and the gei wai birds.

在后海湾内湾的泥滩上Here on the mudflats of Inner Deep Bay,

每种鸟类都拥有自己的领地each kind of bird has its own specific feeding zone

这决定于水的深度defined by the depth of the water,

它们的喙长和捕食的技巧the length of its beak and its feeding technique.

一旦吃饱喝足Once refuelled,

它们就沉浸于整齐划一的空中表演they revel in synchronised aerial displays.

比起中国海岸线上的其他地方More than any other place on China's coastline,

后海湾内湾更能证明在帮助之下Inner Deep Bay demonstrates that, with help,

可自我调节的自然仍旧可以生存resilient nature can still thrive,

即使被包围在像深圳这样的even when boxed in

高楼环立的城市的阴影之中and overshadowed by towering cities like Shenzhen.

人类保护自然的另一个Another successful example of man's intervention

成功范例on behalf of nature

就是大屿山can be glimpsed in the waters round Lantau Island.

在白鹭饱餐之时While egrets make the most of an easy meal,

其他的生物则盯上了渔民的成果other creatures have their eye on the fishermen's catch. 中华白海豚堪称河口生活的专家Chinese white dolphins are estuary specialists.


Found widely in the Indian and Pacific Ocean,

在中国非常少见this species is rare in China.


The young are born dark grey and become spotted as adolescents, 最终成年后转为乳白色finally turning creamy white as adults,


though on some occasions they may blush a delicate shade of pink.

有三群海豚生活在大屿山周围Three groups of dolphins live close to Lantau Island.


As the tide comes in, they move with it to feed on small fish or squid

在浑浊的水中定位随水而来的which travel with the currents,

猎物——小鱼和乌贼using echolocation to see their prey through the murky water. 他们还通过声音进行交流They also use sound to communicate.

但如今却面临着震耳欲聋的噪音所带来的问题But they face a deafening problem.


The Pearl Estuary has become one of the busiest shipping channels in China,

海豚也经常受到噪音的狂轰滥炸and the dolphins are constantly bombarded with sound.


New research suggests that they may now pack more information

包含了更多的信息并变得更短促into shorter calls in a bid to be heard.


Local conservationists have now set up a protected zone near Lantau Island.

中华白海豚从此得以生存So, for now, China's white dolphins are holding on.

在香港的南部就是中国南海South of Hong Kong lies the South China Sea,

散布者200多个岛屿和礁石studded with more than 200 islands and reefs.

潜在的鱼油气等自然资源Potential reserves of fish, oil and gas

皆蕴含着重大的战略意义make each one strategic,


and the whole region has become a political hot spot


as territorial disputes simmer between its many neighbouring countries. 水质本身并不富含养分The waters themselves are low in nutrients

此地甚至匮乏生机and would be poor in life

一切都拜当地充足日照所赐if it wasn't for the other resource that's here in abundance. ——阳光Sunlight.

在珊瑚礁岛屿的浅海区域In the shallows of the coral atolls,

水母将他的触须直指太阳small jellyfish point their tentacles towards the sun.

正如此地的其他动物一样Like many animals here,

他们靠着能将太阳能转换they depend on a close partnership with microscopic algae, 为食物的海藻存活which turn solar power into food.

最著名的莫过于为海底The most famous of these relationships is the reef-forming corals, 提供炫目生态环境的珊瑚礁

which provide the foundation of the sea's most dazzling ecosystem.

他们的枝条为成群弱小敏感Their branches provide shelter

身披神奇自然保护色的for a wealth of small and vulnerable creatures,

小生物提供了天然庇护所many of them beautifully camouflaged.


But the ultimate master of disguise has to be the octopus,

他们不仅能改变外形与颜色able to change not only its shape and colour,

甚至能变化皮肤纹理but its skin texture, too.

在暗礁与深水的交接处Where the reefs meet deeper waters,

上涌的水流携带大量营养元素至表层水upwelling currents carry nutrients to the surface.


Reef fish swim out to gorge themselves on the resulting food, 当有掠食鱼类出现便返回巢穴in turn attracting larger predatory fish to the reefs. 他们以密集的队列巡游海底Trly prowl in dense packs.

巨鳐挥扫着优美的鳍翅Giant rays sweep in on graceful wings

吸食周围残余的浮游生物to hoover up the remaining plankton,

这些浮游生物同时也吸引了鱼中霸王which also attracts the king of fish.

长达12米Growing up to 12 metres long,

鲸鲨却是个温和的大块头the whale shark is a gentle giant.

这些日子已难得一见And these days, a rare sighting.

无论大小鲨鱼皆被捕杀掉As sharks, small and large,

以供给东亚鲨鱼肉食贸易are plundered to supply the East Asian shark meat trade, 这一惊人生物命悬一线the fate of these fabulous creatures hangs in the balance. 虽然偏远岛屿依旧存留有健康的珊瑚礁

While healthy coral reefs still survive in the remote islands,


the situation close to the Chinese coast is quite different. 中国最大的热带岛屿——海南岛沿岸的水域

The waters along the shores of Hainan, China's largest tropical island, 已经历了数千年的捕渔have been fished for thousands of years.

当珊瑚海越来越贫产As the reefs become less and less productive,

来自潭门湾的渔夫fishermen from Tanmen harbour

不得不绞尽脑汁维持生计need all their resourcefulness to make a living.


Dicing with death, they breathe air pumped through hose pipes 潜入深海寻觅残存的海底生物in a desperate bid to catch the last remaining sea life.近年渐增的沉积物以及炸药和氰化物的使用

Over the years, increased sedimentation and the use of dynamite and cyanide 使得近海的珊瑚难以存活means the corals close to shore are barely hanging on. 近年来政府意识到若想当地捕鱼业得以存活

Recently the government has recognised that regulation is needed 则整顿势在必行if the local fishery is to survive for the future.

每年禁渔两月Fishing is now banned for two months of the year 以给予海洋生物休养生息的机会to allow marine life a chance to breed.

对幼鱼而言最重要的热带栖息地之一One of the most important tropical habitats

红树林沼地for young fish is mangrove swamps.

在过去四十年间In the last 40 years,


eighty percent of China's mangroves have been destroyed. 然而地处海南的But at the Dongzhaigang Mangrove Reserve in Hainan, 东寨港红树林自然保护区 a remarkable conservation initiative

正将年轻的中国志愿者聚集到一起is bringing young Chinese volunteers together

在粘稠的泥浆中种植红树苗to plant mangrove saplings in the glutinous mud. 对这些城市孩子而言For many of these city-born students,


such unglamorous work demonstrates their commitment

对祖国环境事业所肩负的责任to their country's environment.

正如其他人口众多的国家一样Like other heavily populated countries,

中国面对着一个重大挑战China today is faced with a challenge.


How best to protect nature in an increasingly crowded space?


These wild macaques live on a tiny Hainan Island reserve

在这里他们被细心看管和精心照料着where they are carefully managed and looked after.


Most of the island's hillsides are covered with tropical woodland, 但依旧存有鲜花盛开的草场but there are also areas of flower meadows

猴子在这里被聚集放养where the monkeys gather to feed.

每个清晨当热带的太阳为整个岛屿加温Each morning,as the tropical sun heats their island, 猕猴们便下山寻觅阴凉之地

the macaques head downhill in search of somewhere cooler.


And what could be more refreshing than a dip in the pool?

对中国人而言To the Chinese,combining a wildlife reserve


with a tourist development makes perfect commercial sense,


and the monkeys don't seem at all unhappy with the deal.

问题是在何处划定最后的界限The question is where to draw the line.

正如世界上的其他地方一样Like the rest of the world,


China is still feeling its way towards a harmonious relationship with nature.

六百年前Six hundred years ago


the people who lived here carved this calligraphy in the rocks, 将其命名为“天涯海角”announcing it to be "the end of the world". 近年来世界经历了一系列的扩张

In recent years that world has undergone a massive expansion

全国各地的旅客均发现了as tourists from all over China


have discovered the delights of Hainan's tropical seaside resorts. 截至至2010年中国旅游年总收益By 2010, China's total tourism revenue

预期达50亿之多is expected to hit 5 billion a year.


While insensitive development could destroy China's natural environment, 而有计划的生态旅游将为野生动物带来无限裨益

well-managed eco-tourism could provide huge benefits for China's wildlife.中国高速发展的后果造成对资源

The issues that face China today, increasing pressure on resources 空间以及环境质量的巨大压力and living space and quality of environment, 然而这些问题也同样考验着我们are those that face us all.

如果说世界上有哪个国家If there is any country in the world

有能力解决如此大范围的环境问题equipped to solve environmental problems on a vast scale, 那么这个国家必非中国莫属it has to be China,


with its tremendous human resources and powerful political control. 她选择的道路不仅仅影响中国国民The path it chooses will affect not just its own people 和中国当地的自然环境and its natural environment,

也将深刻影响整个世界but the rest of the world, too.


co-production 联合拍摄 production摄制 Consultant 策划 project supervisor专案主管 executive producer执行监制 senior producer总监制 assiatant producer助理监制 Post-Production Supervisor 后期制片监制人Producer 制片人 Production Controller 制片总监P roduction Director 监制人 Production Supervisor 制片监制C o-Producer 联合制片人 Associate Producer 助理制片人E xecutive Producer 执行制片 Produced by制作人pr oduction co-ordinator/continuity外联制片/场记location manager 外联制片 production administration 行政制作administration supervisor行政主管 marketing producer制片主任production manager制片 production secreary制作秘书 production accountant制作会计 unit manager 项目经理c lapper 场记板 Chief Director 总导演 Director 导演A ssistant Director 助理导演 Associate Director 副导演 Shooting Script 分镜头剧本O riginal Story 原著A dapted by 改编B a sed on X’s Y (电影)根据X(作家)的Y(小说)改编W riter编剧 Written by / Scripted by 编剧 screenplay by 编剧 script translation剧本翻译english subtitles by英文字幕翻译 Conducted by 指挥 Director of Photography 总摄影C inematography摄影C inematography by 摄影A ssociate Director of Photography 副摄影师C utter 剪辑师M ontage 剪辑(蒙太奇 Film Editing剪辑first cameta assistant 副摄影师 camera assistant摄影助理Fireworks 烟火L ighting 灯光,照明lighting assistant 灯光助理

美丽中国 - 字幕学习版 wild china cd1

(SQUAWKING叫鸣) distinct不同的 ethnic种族的 immense广大的 searing灼热的 mind-numbing乏味/厌烦的steaming冒蒸汽的 rare稀有的 grassy多草的 exotic外(国)来的/奇异的remarkable引人注目的 subtropical亚热带的 perch暂栖vi. rafts木排/筏pl. scenery风景/布景 throughout遍及, ~ the world, recurring再发的 motif(作品)主题 vast广阔的 (THUNDER RUMBLING(发)隆隆声) floodplain河滩 godwits黑尾鹬yù probe探索vt. thrive兴旺vi. swampy沼泽/泥泞的 cultivate栽培vt. ~ rice paddy稻田 slopes斜坡pl. plunge猛冲vi. to ~ literally简直 stacked成堆的 terraces地坪/梯田pl. plough犁vt. domesticated驯化的 feats功绩pl. square平方 cultivation耕作 ritual(宗教等的)仪式 unfold展开vi. mating交配~ season heron苍鹭 predator食肉动物 beak鸟喙 claw爪. slaughter屠杀 croak蛙鸣vi. hilly多小山的 fertile肥沃的 hillsides山腰pl. rural农村的 manure肥料 sheds棚pl. midday正午, and the Song family are tucking into 大吃 domestic家庭的 chit-chat闲聊 crop作物 critical决定性的 date日期 red-rumped尾的 favour恩惠 dwellings民居pl. note注意/记录vt. timing时间安排 ordained命令的 seedlings幼苗n. be uprooted连根拔起 nursery保育 bundle捆up transplanting移栽 egrets白鹭pl. tadpoles蝌蚪pl. chicks小鸟pl. colony(动/植物的)群体 grove丛 sign迹象 were all set to决心 step in干预to bendy易弯的 eel鳝鱼 (CHIRPING鸣叫) Providing假如... wading涉水的~ birds clusters群pl. conical圆锥体的 upturned翻过来的 cartons纸板盒 karst喀斯特


“美丽中国”在我心中 党的十八大报告明确指出,“必须把生态文明建设放在突出位置,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展。”中国特色社会主义事业的总体布局,由“四位一体”拓展到“五位一体”,这是进一步贯彻落实科学发展观的新部署,也是经济社会发展到一定阶段的必然选择。 建设美丽中国,描绘了社会主义生态文明新时代的美好蓝图,是“五位一体”的完美呈现。“美丽中国”不仅仅是环境美,我们既要“金山、银山、幸福山”,又要“山美、水美、人更美”。 山清水秀,但贫穷落后不是美丽中国;强大富裕,但环境污染同样不是美丽中国。“美丽中国”,美在自然,美在生活,美在文化,更美在人文! “美丽中国”美在自然 当前,资源约束趋紧、环境污染严重、生态系统退化,是我们国家在发展过程中不得不面对的严峻形势。以牺牲环境为代价获得的发展并不能称之为发展。人类的生存发展离不开美丽的自然环境。尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然,天地人和谐相处。“美丽中国”应首重自然之美。 “美丽中国”美在生活 山清水秀但贫穷落后,不是我们追求的美丽中国。繁荣、富强的生活,平等、自由的生活,幸福、安康的生活,是中国人追

求而为之奋斗的美好生活。丰富的物质保障,经济社会的可持续发展、优美的生存生活环境是“美丽中国”的题中应有之义。 “美丽中国”美在文化 文化是一个国家和民族的灵魂,是生存和发展的根基。一个美丽的国度必有其经过千年积淀、经久不衰传承的独特文化魅力。中华民族文化博大精深、源远流长,中华文化是中国向世界展示自身魅力的重要载体之一。保护、传承好优秀传统文化,培育、建设好现代先进文化,用繁荣的文化化育整个中华民族的风骨。“美丽中国”必要在文化的润泽中尽展文化之美! “美丽中国”美在人文 “美丽”不仅仅是拥有光鲜亮丽的外表,更要有蕙质兰心的内在。“美丽中国”是内外统一的美,是最美中国人的集合体呈现。党和政府“关注民生、以人为本、人民至上”、整个社会“平等、自由、公正、法治”、全国人民“爱岗、敬业、诚信、友爱”,整个国家洋溢着至真至纯的“善”,处处是一片政通人和的祥和之象,此乃“美丽中国”。 综上所述,“美丽中国”是人与自然和谐相处的发展,是“和谐之美”的总和体现。


co-production 联合拍摄production摄制Consultant 策划 projectsupervisor专案主管executive producer执行监制senior producer总监 制 assiatantproducer助理监制 Post-Production Supervisor 后期制片监制人P roducer 制片人 Production Controller 制片总监P roduction Director 监制人 Production Supervisor 制片监制C o-Producer 联合制片人 Associate Producer 助理制片人Ex ecutive Producer 执行制片 Produced by制作人production co-ordinator/continuity外联制片/场记 location manager 外联制片production administration 行政制作administrationsupervisor行政主管marketing producer制片主任productionmanager制片production secreary制作秘书 production accountant制作会计unit manager 项目经理c lapper 场记板 Chief Director 总导演Director 导演A ssistant Director 助理导演 Associate Director 副导演 Shooting Script 分镜头剧本O riginal Story 原著A dapted by 改编Based on X’s Y (电影)根据X(作家)的Y(小说)改编W riter编剧 Written by / Scripted by 编剧screenplay by 编剧script translation剧本翻译english subtitles by英文字幕翻译 Conducted by 指挥 Director of Photography 总摄影C inematography摄影Cinematography by 摄 影A ssociate Director of Photography 副摄影师Cutter 剪辑师M ontage 剪辑(蒙太奇 Film Editing剪辑f irstcameta assistant 副摄影师camera assistant摄影助理Fireworks 烟火L ighting 灯光,照明lighting assistant 灯光助理


documentary (film) 記錄片,文獻片 filmdom 電影界 literary film 文藝片 musicals 音樂片 comedy 喜劇片 tragedy 悲劇片 dracula movie 恐怖片 sowordsmen film 武俠片 detective film 偵探片 ethical film 倫理片 affectional film 愛情片 erotic film 黃色片 western movies 西部片 film d’avant-garde 前衛片 serial 系列片 trailer 預告片 cartoon (film) 卡通片,動畫片 footage 影片長度 full-length film, feature film 長片 short(film) 短片 colour film 彩色片(美作:color film) silent film 默片,無聲片 dubbed film 配音複制の影 片,譯制片 silent cinema, silent films 無 聲電影 sound motion picture, talkie 有聲電影 cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅瑪斯科普型立體聲寬 銀幕電影,變形鏡頭式寬銀 幕電影 cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉 瑪型立體聲寬銀幕電影,全 景電影 title 片名 original version 原著 dialogue 對白 subtitles, subtitling 字幕 credits, credit titles 對原作 者及其他有貢獻者の謝啟 和姓名 telefilm 電視片 演員actors cast 陣容 film star, movie star 電影明 星 star, lead 主角 double, stand-in 替身演員 stunt man 特技替身演員 extra, walker-on 臨時演員 character actor 性格演員 regular player 基本演員 extra 特別客串 film star 電影明星 film actor 男電影明星 film actress 女電影明星 support 配角 util 跑龍套 工作人員technicians adapter 改編 scenarist, scriptwriter 腳本 作者 dialogue writer 對白作者 production manager 制片人 producer 制片主任 film director 導演 assistant director 副導演,助 理導演 cameraman, set photographer 攝影師


最后的隐世净土 The last hidden world 中国 China 数世纪来旅人传诵着关于这片神奇土地 For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes 以及那些神奇生物的传说 and surprising creatures 中国文明是世界最古老的文明 Chinese civilization is the world's oldest 而如今是最宏博的 and today it's largest 那数十亿的人民 with well over a billion people 现存超过五十个民族 It's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groups 以及各式各样贴近自然的 and a wide range of traditional life styles 传统生活方式 often inclose partnership with nature 我们都知道中国面对着着众多社会环境问题 We know that China faces immense social and environmental problems 但这里也存在着令人窒息的美丽 but there is great beauty here too 中国有着世界最高峰 China is home to the world's highest mountains, 从无垠的炙热沙漠 vast deserts ranging from from searing hot 到麻木大脑的寒冷地带 to mind numbing cold 以及那蒸笼般的森林中 steaming forests 隐匿的各种珍稀生物 harboring rare creatures 天际下广阔无垠的草原 grassy plains beneath vast horizons


我眼中的美丽中国作文_你眼中的美丽作文 800字3篇 【校园安全演讲稿】 美丽是指漂亮,好看;即在形式、比例、布局、风度、颜色或声音上接近完美或理想境界,使各种感官极为愉悦。那么在你心中的美丽又是什么样的呢。范文网小编精心为大家整理了你眼中的美丽作文800字,希望对你有帮助。 你眼中的美丽作文800字(1) 世界上的一切东西原本都是美丽的,由于后来的各种原因有一部分事物变了,变成了平凡,平凡的事物并不是现在的平凡,而是失去原先的美丽,失去了自身原本面目,而这些平凡的事物,有的又发生变化,不再平凡,而乘着虚伪变成美丽的对面。 我自幼生活在都市当中,现代化把都市装饰起来,美丽而耀眼,但是,城市像个孩子,逐渐长大,而现代化不仅装饰了城市,也让城市变得虚伪,无论是人是物,再大公无私的人也有自私的一面,这是城市这个模具造出的人,城市失去了本来面目,那个不经修整,真真切切的城市不见了,所

以人也失去真实,有人说:”夜晚的人们最真实,”我想夜晚的城市也由于真实变得美丽了吧。 真实、自然莫过于山水,但不能是名胜古迹,不会有人破坏她的本来面目。我就到过这么个地方,无名,是个没有人打扰的清静之处,那没有虚伪挡路,美丽自然流露,呈现眼前的是没有经过任何改造,原原本本的自然之美。展现给我们的山与水,树与鸟,无论动、静都是原本的样子,那里还有居住深山中的一家人,我有种进入桃花源的感觉,那样的景色何时也不会再见到了,城市和这里的景色真是大不相同,人与人之间的差别竞也是那么大,让我发现:什么是原本的人,那就是纯得可以透视心间的,清得可以见底的,那是浅浅的一滩溪水,让你永远地看清楚她是怎样的,这就是山里造就的人啊!山是青的,水是清的,人是清的,是清纯的,山是柔美的,也险峻的,望望那山谷,是树木垒成的,树不是人种的,水不是人造的,山不是人堆的。那里不仅有这些,还有一些我未见过的鸟兽,美丽在生气中,美丽也在自然中,树、水、鸟、兽都会告诉你这些,看:树飘舞着他的肢体,用那千万只手鼓掌欢迎你,水用他那些天天嘻嘻哈哈无忧无虑的孩子们的欢笑对你诉说这里的美好,鸟儿当然用美妙的歌喉欢唱他们的快乐生活,用优美的身影告诉我,他们的愉快心间,动物们则用它们那灵活的大眼睛观察这个不速之

美丽中国中英文字幕 第01集 龙之心 Heart of the Dragon

美丽中国(Wild China) 第一集龙之心Heart of the Dragon 最后的隐世净土The last hidden world 中国China 数世纪来旅人传诵着关于这片神奇土地 For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes 以及那些神奇生物的传说and surprising creatures 中国文明是世界最古老的文明Chinese civilization is the world's oldest 而如今是最宏博的and today it's largest 那数十亿的人民with well over a billion people 现存超过五十个民族It's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groups 以及各式各样贴近自然的and a wide range of traditional life styles 传统生活方式often inclose partnership with nature 我们都知道中国面对着着众多社会环境问题 We know that China faces immense social and environmental problems 但这里也存在着令人窒息的美丽but there is great beauty here too 中国有着世界最高峰China is home to the world's highest mountains, 从无垠的炙热沙漠vast deserts ranging from from searing hot 到麻木大脑的寒冷地带to mind numbing cold 以及那蒸笼般的森林中steaming forests 隐匿的各种珍稀生物harboring rare creatures 天际下广阔无垠的草原grassy plains beneath vast horizons 以及富饶的热带海洋and rich tropical seas 现在我们第一次有机会Now, for the first time ever 深入探索这片伟大的土地we can explore the whole of this great country 接触栖息于此的珍奇生物meet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live here 目睹中国这片神奇土地上and consider the relationship of the people and wildlife of China 人与野生世界的羁绊to the remarkable landscaping which they live 这就是最原味的中国This is wild China 仅以此献给我们多灾多难但美丽依旧的祖国 For our troubled but drop-dead beautiful motherland


《美丽中国作文》 美丽中国作文(一): 美丽中国 中国,一个礼貌古国。五千年的历史铸就了她的不朽功绩;五千年的历史铸就了她的繁华壮观;五千年的历史铸就了她的大好河山 我以前背着包,走在北京的故宫里。四周是雕梁画栋、白砖玉瓦。个性是那皇家花园,翠柳拂水、云影浮动、花木扶疏,时不时有几只小鸟落在枝头,愉快地唱着歌儿。遥想当年,刚刚迁都至此的明成宗朱棣是否为它的气势与美丽而赞叹。我不禁感叹:中国之美景色美。 当然,中国文化博大精深,更铸就了她的美丽。有一句话说得好:唐诗、宋词、元曲,明清有散文。中国人,望着天上的月亮,能吟出星月皎洁,明河在天;听着龙力画眉鸟叫,随即诵读出始知锁向金笼听,不及林间自在啼;来到江边,看到那滚滚江水便诵道江山如画,一时多少豪杰中国文化不仅仅有诗歌,更有壁画。那些壁画栩栩如生,惟妙惟肖。壁画上最引人注目的是飞天,那些飞天有的凝望天边,轻声吟唱;有的怀抱琵琶,轻拨琴弦;有的舒展双臂,翩翩起舞中国之美文化美。 中国景色美、文化美、人更美!在2008年的汶川地震中,所有的武警官兵都在紧张地救人。经过几个小时的搜救,最后发现了一位中年妇女。只见这名女性两腿放在地上,双手撑地,姿态十分独特。就在人们感到奇怪的时候,一位眼尖的军人从她的腹下方找到了一个婴儿。在婴儿的被子里有一部手机,上方写着亲爱的宝贝,我爱你!在场的八尺男儿舞步为其落泪。是啊,这位母亲用她的爱感动了别人。就在最近的澳网女单决赛中,中国选手李娜两次受伤却毫不气馁,虽然与冠军失之交臂,却赢来了尊敬! 中国,我爱你!爱你的景色美、文化美、人更美!中国,美丽。 美丽中国作文(二): 美丽中国 展开画卷,淡淡的墨痕勾勒出磅礴的山河,浅浅的绿迹流露出蓬勃的生机,一幅如仙似幻的水墨画,一段和谐安谧的心境 题记 水墨丹青是你,源远流长是你,坚强不屈是你,知书达理是你,从古至今,总是美丽如你,环绕着青山绿水,拥抱着江河湖海,一个美丽的国度,一个令人向往的殿堂。 那时的李白俯瞰黄河,发出黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回的感叹,不知他有没有想过,这或许已成为心头永恒的风景;毛主席怀着满腔爱国热血,在北国留下千里冰封,万里雪飘的绝句,不知他有没有想过,山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象的景象可能已不复存在。 小时候我有这样想过,即使我们的天空被黑黑的废气遮盖,我们的碧水被刺鼻的气味污染,我们的山变得苍黄,我们的土地变得龟裂,也挡不住我们对美丽的渴望。说不清,道不明的情愫,小小的我总是向往两旁绿树成荫,燕儿翩翩飞,叶儿轻轻挥,小径野花环绕,每次站在一望无垠的田野中,绿油油的一片,似琥珀,似玛瑙,路旁的小花烂漫地开放,增添了几分清新


电影片尾字幕中英文对照表 演职员表Cast & Crew 演员表Performer 职员表Staff 演员Actor 领衔主演Starring 主演Starring Role 电影制片人(出品人) Producer 导演Director 编剧Screenwriter 制作人Producer 或Produced by... 执行制片人Associate Producer 制片主任Line Producer 副导演/助理导演Assistant Director 统筹Schedule Planner 场记Clapper 或Script Supenisor 监制Executive Producer 选角导演Casting 艺术指导Production Designer 文学策划Screenplay Coordinator 摄影指导Director of Photography

摄影Cinematographer 摄影助理Assistant Camera 照明Gaffer 照明助理Gaffer Assistant 剧照Still Photographer 录音师Sound Engineer 录音指导Sound Supervisor 配音指导ADR Supervisor 配音录音师ADR Mixer 配音剪辑ADR Editor 配音助理ADR Assistant 配音演员ADR V oice Casting 前期录音师Location Sound Mixer 同期录音师Location Recording Supervisor 拟音Foley Recording 混音Re-Recording Mixer 对白录音Dialogue Recording 后期录音室Post Production Sound Studio 原创音乐Original Music 作曲Music Composer 美术指导Art Director 美术设计(美工)Art Direction By


The last hidden world China 最后的隐世净土中国 For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes 数世纪来旅人传诵着关于这片神奇土地 and surprising creatures 以及那些神奇生物的传说 Chinese civilization is the world's oldest 中国文明是世界最古老的文明 and today it's largest 而如今是最宏博的 with well over a billion people 那数十亿的人民 It's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groups 现存超过五十个民族 and a wide range of traditional life styles 以及各式各样贴近自然的 often inclose partnership with nature 传统生活方式 We know that China faces immense social and environmental problems 我们都知道中国面对着着众多社会环境问题 but there is great beauty here too 但这里也存在着令人窒息的美丽 China is home to the world's highest mountains, 中国有着世界最高峰 vast deserts ranging from from searing hot 从无垠的炙热沙漠 to mind numbing cold 到麻木大脑的寒冷地带 steaming forests 以及那蒸笼般的森林中 harboring rare creatures 隐匿的各种珍稀生物 grassy plains beneath vast horizons 天际下广阔无垠的草原 and rich tropical seas 以及富饶的热带海洋 Now, for the first time ever 现在我们第一次有机会 we can explore the whole of this great country 深入探索这片伟大的土地 meet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live here 接触栖息于此的珍奇生物 and consider the relationship of the people and wildlife of China 目睹中国这片神奇土地上 to the remarkable landscaping which they live 人与野生世界的羁绊 This is wild China 这就是最原味的中国 Our exploration of China begins in the warm subtropical south 我们的中国探索之旅始于南方的亚热带 On the Li River fishermen and birds perch on bamboo rafts 漓江的渔人和鱼鸟栖坐在竹筏上 a partnership that goes back more than a thousand years 这个组合已延续千年之久 This scenery is known throughout the world 这景致已为世人所熟悉 a recurring motif in Chinese paintings 那是中国水墨永恒的主题 and a major tourist attraction 和旅人永远的胜地 The south of China is a vast area 中国南部是片有英国国土 eight times larger than the UK 九倍之大的广阔土地 It's a landscape of hills 这里 but also of water 是山雨的国度 It rains here for up to 250 days a year 这里一年之中有250天在降雨 and standing water is everywhere 到处都是积水 In a floodplain of the Yangtse River 在扬子江的涝原 black-tailed godwits probe the mud in search of worms 黑尾鹬在泥泞中寻索着虫子 But it isn't just wildlife that thrive in this environment 并非只有野生动物在这样的环境下茁壮成长 the swampy ground provides ideal conditions for the remarkable member of the grass family 沼泽般湿润肥沃的土地为作物家族最显著的成员提供了最理想的环境 rice 这就是稻米 The Chinese have been cultivating rice for at least 8 thousand years 中国有着至少8000年的稻米种植史 It has transformed the landscape 他们改变了这块土地 1


我心中的美丽中国 夕阳西下,是我最想念的时候,对着你在的那个城市,说了一声:我想你,不知道,你是否听得到。——徐志摩 盼望已久的十八大终于落下了帷幕,在关注的过程中,我看到了与以往不同的用词变化,也从中体会到了新一届领导人要建设美丽中国的决心和力量。建设美丽中国,这就是我在十八大报告上读到的一个美丽的词汇,当这个词汇跃入我

眼帘的时候,我的眼前似乎就有着无限的春光和连绵不绝的茂密丛林,似乎呼吸到清冽甘甜的空气以及赏阅到头顶无尽的蓝天白云。那种感觉就是我们幸福生活之所在,就是我们眼中美丽的中国之最外延的感受。建设美丽中国,是要从保护生态环境上做起的。在十八大报告中我看到了要大力推进生态文明建设的议题,在这段文字中,我看到了我们的国家首次把建设生态文明和人民的福祉联系起来的科学严谨的态度,看到了把生态文明建设看作是“关乎民族未来的长远大计”,看到了“必须树立尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然”的生态文明科学理念,看到了要把生态文明建设放在一切建设之首,放在能否实现中华民族永续发展的高度来认识。我对于十八大中能够有如此的认识颇为敬佩。因为,我们这样一个五千年的文明古国,终于看到了自然的伟大力量,终于领会了要尊重自然、顺应自然的重要意义。 回想这些年我们的国家所走过的改革开放的道路,我们看到了一个富强的祖国在30多年后的崛起,看到了北京的CBD壮观繁华的景象,感受到了生活的变化万千。但日子总是要往前走的,当我们将眼光看远,将目光放宽,我们仍然能够感受到我们的生活中还存在着很多问题。我想,此次十八大报告中着重提出的要加大生态文明建设,就是因为在生态文明建设方面我们还有很长的路要走,就是因为我们曾经的对自然生态环境保护的不够,就是因为生态平衡和生态文明已经成为摆在我们面前的一个严峻的课题。而生态文明的重要意义也日益成为平民百姓关注的重要话题,成为我们这个时代关心、担心的重要课题。因为,生活的幸福不仅仅是有吃有穿,不仅仅是有车开、有房住。 十八大报告,首次单篇论述“生态文明”,并将“建设美丽中国”写进党代会报告;可以说,这是对当代中国发展的深刻把握,是执政理念的新发展。这一表述内涵丰富,新意十足,让人浮想联翩。 我眼中的“美丽中国”有四个标准:1、自然环境美;没有污染,空气清洁,山清水秀。只要消灭污染源,多植树即可实现。2、城市美,布局合理美观;目前我国的大部分城市及其居民小区建设的都非常美丽。建议推广普及电动汽车,并规定禁止高声连续鸣喇叭,禁止燃放农作物秸秆,禁止在城市燃放高分贝的鞭炮。 3、人民心灵美、行为美;公民勤劳、诚实守信,人人讲文明、有礼貌。一方面要加强教育,另一方面要严厉打击卖淫、嫖娼,从重处罚一些不文明的行为。 4、生活美;有全面的社会保障体制,社会公平公正、治安良好,老百姓安居乐业。经过30多年的改革发展,中国老百姓基本吃喝不愁、衣食无忧,随着整个国家经济实力的提高,个体生活水平也蹭蹭上台阶。如今,老百姓最大的期盼,除了收入继续增长之外,还希望呼吸的空气更新鲜一点,流淌的湖水更清冽一点,生活的城市更宜居一点,更有尊严更高质量地生活。党的十八大报告中提出今后中国将向“美丽中国”去发展,“美丽中国”,美在山川,美在文化,美在历史,更美在人文——最美的是人。“美丽中国”,没有了最美中国人,如无根之萍、无源之水,徒具美丽外表,不具美丽生命。美丽中国不仅仅是三山五岳、长城巍峨、桂林山水、西湖碧波……美丽中国还要有清新的空气、蓝色的天空、整洁的城市、美丽的乡村、肥沃的土地、善良的人民……美丽的中国不但要外在美,还要心里美。相信每个人都向往这样的“美丽中国”。前几天就看了纪录片《美丽中国》,中国确实是美丽的,无论云南、四川的原始森林、高山峡谷,青藏高原的藏地风俗、高山湖泊,还是秦岭深处的崇山峻岭,国宝熊猫;无论是武夷山的风光旖旎、千年风俗,还是张家界的奇峰峻秀;或是是北京城的万里长城、千年古都,无不彰显着着美丽中国。我们要感谢我们的祖先留给我们的美丽,我


电影片尾字幕中英文对照表 演职员表 Cast & Crew 演员表 Performer 职员表 Staff 演员 Actor 领衔主演 Starring 主演 Starring Role 电影制片人(出品人) Producer 导演 Director 编剧 Screenwriter 制作人 Producer 或 Produced by... 执行制片人 Associate Producer 制片主任 Line Producer 副导演/助理导演 Assistant Director 统筹 Schedule Planner 场记 Clapper 或 Script Supenisor 监制 Executive Producer 选角导演 Casting 艺术指导 Production Designer 文学策划 Screenplay Coordinator 摄影指导 Director of Photography

摄影 Cinematographer 摄影助理 Assistant Camera 照明 Gaffer 照明助理 Gaffer Assistant 剧照 Still Photographer 录音师 Sound Engineer 录音指导 Sound Supervisor 配音指导 ADR Supervisor 配音录音师 ADR Mixer 配音剪辑 ADR Editor 配音助理 ADR Assistant 配音演员 ADR V oice Casting 前期录音师 Location Sound Mixer 同期录音师 Location Recording Supervisor 拟音 Foley Recording 混音 Re-Recording Mixer 对白录音 Dialogue Recording 后期录音室 Post Production Sound Studio 原创音乐 Original Music 作曲 Music Composer 美术指导 Art Director 美术设计(美工) Art Direction By


对于建设美丽中国,我们能做什么 这是一个经济与科技空前繁荣的时代,也是一个环境与资源遭受空前破坏的时代。在这个时代里,人们为神七升空、梦圆九天等奇迹而欢呼,也为频繁发生的生态破坏、环境污染和资源浪费扼腕叹息。为此去年的十八大报告提出“美丽中国”树风向标,把生态建设融入到经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展。而面对“美丽中国”的提出,百姓的呼声强烈,因为“美丽中国”就在我们身边,天蓝、山秀、水净、地绿、环境优美、资源丰富、生态平衡,建设这样的国家,需要的是我们在日常生活中注意细节,关注小事,自觉维护环境,共建生态文明,发展绿色经济。 党的十八大报告指出:建设生态文明,是关系人民福祉、关乎民族未来的长远大计。面对资源约束趋紧、环境污染严重、生态系统退化的严峻形势,必须树立尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然的生态文明理念,把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方和全过程,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展。 建设美丽中国,是智慧的流露、是文明的行为,是厚德的表现,体现在一个国家、一个地方、每位公民的自觉行动当中。要创新生态文明意识和行为教育,大力宣传和普及生态文明知识,让每一位社会公民都能够按照生态文明建设的要求,自觉践行绿色、环保、低碳的消费模式和生活方式。 垃圾分类、低碳出行、节约用水、随手关灯这些生活中的琐事,都能够践行绿色生活方式的理念。倡导“绿色”文明不仅要靠国家引导,更离不开的是每个公民的自觉行动。一个人能带动一个家庭,一个家庭能带动一栋楼宇,一栋楼宇能够带动一个社区,上千上万的人都自觉“绿色”行动,就可以带动中国越来越美。 建设美丽中国,从自身做起,从小事做起。保护环境,首先就要节约资源。在学习中,我们常常看到教室里电灯、电脑、空调不关,水龙头关不紧,纸张浪费使用等现象,这些琐碎的小事,却没有能够引起我们足够的重视。假如我们能在小事上多用心,从这些点滴做起,节约用水用电,节约纸张,那么,对环境将做出巨大的贡献。其次,在生活中,更是要注意节能保环:垃圾分类处理,少用塑料袋,不用一次性筷子,照顾好身边的一草一木等;生活中尽量选择棉质和亚麻衣服,抵制皮衣;尽可能地吃当季的蔬菜,健康安全;多种植绿色植物,美化环境,绿色环保;随手关闭电源。从小事做起,从点滴做起,我们的家园会在大家的共同爱护下越加美好! 建设美丽中国只有立足当前,人人有责、人人有行动、人人有贡献,建设美丽中国的梦想,才能早日变成美好的现实!要坚持科学发展观,实施可持续发展战略,坚持计划生育、保护环境、节约资源的基本国策,促进经济建设与环境保护协调发展。转变经济发展方式:把经济建设转到依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质的轨道上来;在保持国民经济持续较快增长的同时,把环境保护放在突出的位置,努力建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会。坚持绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展。实施科教兴国战略,依靠科技创新提高对资源的利用效率,切实做好节能减排,保护环境。树立保护和改善环境也是保护和发展生产力的观念。加强宣传教育,提高全民的节能环保意识,倡导低碳绿色消费,选择文明健康科学的生活方式。坚持依法治国的基本方略。加强监督,用法律制裁破坏生态的行为。


Beneath billowing clouds, in China's far southwestern Yunnan province, lies a place of mystery and legend. Of mighty rivers and some of the oldest jungles in the world. Here, hidden valleys nurture strange and unique creatures, and colourful tribal cultures. Jungles are rarely found this far north of the tropics. So, why do they thrive here? And how has this rugged landscape come to harbour the greatest natural wealth in all China? In the remote southwest corner of China, a celebration is about to take place. Dai people collect water for the most important festival of their year. The Dai call themselves the people of the water. Yunnan's river valleys have been their home for over , years. By bringing the river water to the temple, they honour the two things holiest to them - Buddhism and their home. The Dai give thanks for the rivers and fertile lands which have nurtured their culture. Though to some it might seem just an excuse for the biggest water fight of all time. Dai lives are changing as towns get bigger and modernize but the Water Splashing Festival is still celebrated by all. The rivers which lie at the heart of Dai life and culture flow from the distant mountains of Tibet, southward through central Yunnan in great parallel gorges. The Dai now live in the borders of tropical Vietnam and Laos, but their legends tell of how their ancestors came here by following the rivers from mountain lands in the cold far north. Lying at the far eastern end of the Himalayas, the Hengduan mountains form Yunnan's

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