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2023-2024学年高二英语unit1 part4(高教版2021基础模块3)

课题Unit1 Festivals

Around the World

(Language Practice )




课时 1

授课班级授课时间45mins 设计者张远哲


本课教学内容选自高等教育出版社出版的“十四五”职业教育国家规划教材,《英语3 基础模块》中第一单元的Language Practice板块,主要内容为非谓语动词做宾语(即不定式、动名词作宾语)及本单元的重点词汇。学生可通过观察、对比、分析,归纳等方法学习不定式和动名词作宾语,强调学生的探究能力和在具体语境中的应用能力,用听说读板块中已学到的语言呈现语法,形成较为完整的语法体系。词汇训练为本单元核心词汇,再结合具体语境,运用和巩固重点词汇,真正掌握重点词汇,同时感受中国传统节日的魅力。



学习目标Knowledge objectives:

To know how to use non-predicate verbs as objects.

To be able to use the vocabulary and phrases accurately. Ability objectives:

To be able to use gerund or infinitive as objects . Emotional objectives:

To feel the charm of Chinese traditional festival culture

学习重难点To know how to use non-predicate verbs as objects.

To know how to use gerund or infinitive as objects in real situation.






Step 1: Lead in 1.Review the concept and classification of

non-predicate verbs:





2.Review the usage of non-predicate verbs:





1.Review and clear

the concept and

classification to

prepare for the new


2.Review the usage

of non-predicate










1.Summarize the usage of gerund or infinitive

as objects.


V+to do 的常见的动词有:






1.Review all the

usage of gerund or

infinitive as objects

and take some

notes .Master so

many verbs





动词要用it 做形式


Step 2: Grammar 语后面。

●V+疑问词+to do

●prep+疑问词+to do


●V+doing 的常见的动词及动词短语有:




be busy,be worth,feel like,can't stand,can't

help,think of,dream of,be fond of,


protect...from,set about,be engaged in,

spend...(in),succeed in,be/get used to,look

forward to,object to,pay attention to,insist on,

feel like,etc.


[注意] 动名词作宾语时,若跟有宾语补足语,


2)Read the sentences and decide what the object


2.Read and group.

1)Read and group the sentences in task15 by


2)Ask some students to check answers,then find

the verbs in the notes to remember them


3.Read and match.

Match the right part to make https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6719013183.html,e the

first part to make new sentence to grasp these


E.g:Tom likes reading different kinds of books.

We plan to play a game after class.

followed objects and

be able to remember

and use them


Practice and

recognize objects.

2.Group the

sentences and

remember the two

group verbs.













Helen and her mother prefer walking to shop.

Many fans expect to meet their idols in person. Many students begin to change their books for the new lesson.

4.Read and complete.

Read the paragraph and complete the blanks by the right forms of the verbs.Understand the main idea of the text and remember the verbs.

Plan to do sth;expect to do sth;begin to do sth 3.Match the right

part to make

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6719013183.html,e the

first part to make

new sentence by


according to the

guide of the teacher.

4.Read the

paragraph and

complete the blanks













Step 3: 1.Read and choose .

Read to understand the underlined words and

choose the right answer .Check the answer and

review them together.

2.Read and complete.

Review the words in the reading to know the

usage of them,then fill in the sentences to finish

Choose the right

answers and explain

the reason in groups.

Complete the






3.Read and complete.

Review the words in the reading to know the

usage of them,then fill in the passage about the

Spring Festival. sentences and learn

to describe the


Complete the

passage about the


Festival.Share the

answers and















Step 4: Summary Grammar




●V+to do 的常见的动词有:(略)


●V+疑问词+to do

●prep+疑问词+to do


●V+doing 的常见的动词及动词短语有:(略)


[注意] 形式宾语it

Step 7: Homework 1.Be able to remember the two groups of verbs.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6719013183.html,e gerund or infinitive as object to introduce a festival.



2023-2024学年高二英语unit1 part4(高教版2021基础模块3)

课题Unit1 Festivals Around the World (Language Practice ) 课型 Language Practice 课时 1 授课班级授课时间45mins 设计者张远哲 教材分析 本课教学内容选自高等教育出版社出版的“十四五”职业教育国家规划教材,《英语3 基础模块》中第一单元的Language Practice板块,主要内容为非谓语动词做宾语(即不定式、动名词作宾语)及本单元的重点词汇。学生可通过观察、对比、分析,归纳等方法学习不定式和动名词作宾语,强调学生的探究能力和在具体语境中的应用能力,用听说读板块中已学到的语言呈现语法,形成较为完整的语法体系。词汇训练为本单元核心词汇,再结合具体语境,运用和巩固重点词汇,真正掌握重点词汇,同时感受中国传统节日的魅力。 学情分析 非谓语动词的用法是较难的一个语法项目,本节分模块化只学习动名词、不定式作宾语,降低了任务难度,适合中职生的学习特点。学生经过以往的学习,对这一语法有了解,但是不够系统,本节课结合本单元已在听说读板块中学过的语言,和再设情景相结合,有助于学生系统掌握这一语法点。对于词汇学习,教师要注意联系词汇首次呈现的情景,创设新情景,帮助学生掌握词汇并灵活运用。 学习目标Knowledge objectives: To know how to use non-predicate verbs as objects. To be able to use the vocabulary and phrases accurately. Ability objectives: To be able to use gerund or infinitive as objects . Emotional objectives: To feel the charm of Chinese traditional festival culture 学习重难点To know how to use non-predicate verbs as objects. To know how to use gerund or infinitive as objects in real situation. 教学方法 小组讨论法、任务教学法、情境教学法课前准备PPT课件


2021-2022学年高教版英语1(基础模块)电子教案 一、教学目标 1.熟悉并掌握基础模块的教学内容。 2.扩展学生的词汇量和语法知识。 3.培养学生的听、说、读、写的综合能力。 4.培养学生的团队合作和沟通能力。 二、教学内容 1.单词和短语的学习。 2.语法知识的学习。 3.阅读理解的训练。 4.听力和口语的练习。 5.写作和演讲能力的培养。

三、教学方法 1.情境教学法:通过具体的情境和实际生活中的例子,让学生更好地理解和掌握知识。 2.合作学习法:组织学生进行小组合作学习和讨论, 培养团队合作和沟通能力。 3.多媒体教学法:利用多媒体资源,辅助教学,提高 学生的学习兴趣和效果。 4.情感教育法:通过情感因素的引导和培养,激发学 生学习英语的兴趣和动力。 四、教学步骤 第一课时 1.导入新课:通过查找资料介绍英语课程的重要性和 学习英语的目的,并与学生进行讨论。 2.学习新单词:教师呈现新单词,并帮助学生掌握其 发音和词义。 3.练习新单词:教师组织学生进行单词的拼写和记忆 训练。

4.学习新语法:教师介绍新的语法知识,并通过例句进行解释和练习。 5.听力练习:教师播放录音材料,要求学生仔细听,并完成相关的听力练习题。 6.口语练习:教师组织学生进行口语练习,要求学生使用所学的单词和语法知识进行对话。 7.小结和复习:教师对本课内容进行总结,并进行相关的复习练习。 第二课时 1.复习前一课内容:教师通过问答的方式对前一课的内容进行复习和检测。 2.学习新单词:教师呈现新单词,并帮助学生掌握其发音和词义。 3.练习新单词:教师组织学生进行单词的拼写和记忆训练。 4.阅读理解:教师选择一篇适合学生水平的短文进行阅读,要求学生理解文中的内容,并完成相关的问题。


2023-2024学年高教版英语1(基础模块)电子教案 课程介绍 本教案是针对高教版英语1(基础模块)课程设计的电子教案。本课程旨在帮助学生提高英语听说读写能力,并培养学生的学习和交际能力。在本课程中,学生将学习基本的英语语法,词汇和句型,并通过各种听说读写的练习来提高实际运用能力。 课程目标 通过本课程的学习,学生将能够: - 理解和运用基本的英语语法规则 - 掌握常用的英语词汇和句型 - 发展听说读写的能力- 提高学习和交际能力 课程安排 本课程共分为以下几个模块:

模块一:英语基础知识 在本模块中,学生将学习英语的基本语法,包括名词、动词、形容词、副词等的基本用法。通过课堂练习和个人作业,学生将巩固并运用所学知识。 模块二:词汇与阅读 在本模块中,学生将学习常用的英语词汇,并通过阅读练习来提高阅读理解能力。课程将涵盖不同主题和文体的文章,学生将学会提取关键信息,理解文章的主旨和细节。 模块三:听力与口语 在本模块中,学生将进行听力和口语训练。通过听力材料的听写和听力理解练习,学生将提高听力技能。同时,通过口语练习和对话训练,学生将提高口语表达能力,并学会使用学过的词汇和句型进行对话。 模块四:写作与翻译 在本模块中,学生将进行写作和翻译练习。学生将学习不同类型的写作,如句子写作、段落写作和文章写作,并通过翻

译练习来提高英语表达能力。课程将涵盖常见的写作主题和翻译题材。 教学方法 本课程采用多种教学方法,包括课堂讲授、小组讨论、听 力练习、口语练习和写作练习等。教师将通过引导学生主动参与,培养学生的学习兴趣和学习能力。 教学资源 学生需要准备以下教学资源: - 一本英语教材 - 一台电脑或平板电脑 - 一个耳机 - 笔记本和笔 评估方式 学生的学习成绩将通过以下方式进行评估: - 参与课堂讨 论和练习 - 个人作业和小组作业 - 考试和测验 总结 本课程旨在帮助学生打好英语基础,提高英语听说读写能力,并培养学生的学习和交际能力。通过多种教学方法的应用,学生将能够有效地学习和掌握英语的基本知识和技能。欢迎大家加入本课程,一起开启英语学习之旅!


江西省部分学校2023-2024学年高二上学期11月月考英语试卷 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、阅读理解 The Bullock Texas State History Museum The museum opened in April of 2001. Here’s the museum’s official mission statement: We create experiences that educate, engage, and encourage a deeper understanding of Texas. It offers interactive exhibits that explain Texas history and an IMAX® theater. The Exhibits The first floor is about the land and covers the first meetings between Native Americans and Europeans, early settlers and missions and the mapping of the state. The second floor is about identity and discusses Texas history, the significant battles and people who made the state what it is today. The third floor covers important technology from Texas, Texas-led explorations and other Texan achievements. IMAXW Theater The Bullock museum’s IMAX® theater was one of the first IMAX® theaters in Texas, and one of few in the world. The theater seats 329 guests and houses the biggest IMAX ®screen in the state at 6 stories high and 84 feet wide. Guests can enjoy sharp and vivid images, as well as immersive (沉浸式虚拟现实的) sound. Museum Store On the first floor of the Bullock Texas State History Museum, you will find the museum store. It is filled with Texas-themed goodies, such as clothing, ornaments, books, movies, jewelry, music, home décor and kitchenware. The Essentials Address: 1800 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701 Hours: The museum is open from Monday through Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm. Parking: The museum has an underground parking garage with an entrance. Parking in the museum garage is $15 for full-day parking. 1.Which floor of the museum shows the battles? A. The first floor. B. The second floor. C. The third floor. D. The fourth floor. 2.What is the right time for visiting the museum? A. 9 am, Sunday. B. 9 am, Monday. C. 2 pm, Thursday. D. 6 pm, Saturday. 3.What is the purpose of the text?


一、单项选择题 ( )1. This is ________ interesting book and I enjoy it. A.a B. an C. the D./ ( )2. Middle school students don't need to go to ________ school on weekends. They can go to ________ park for fun with their parents or friends. A. /; a B. a; a C. the; a D. a; / ( )3. Nick is ________ 8-year-old boy, but he can write more than 2,000 words. A./ B. the C. a D.an ( )4. Bill likes playing________ basketball, but he doesn't like playing ________ piano. A.the; the B. /; the C. the; / D./ ()5. Don't you know ________ girl under the tree? She's our teacher's daughter. A.a B.an C. the D./ ( )6.The______ has two _______ . A. boys; watches B. boy; watch C. boy; watches D. boys; watch ( )7.What’s ______ name and phone number? A.she B. her C. him D. hers ( )8. This summer, I'm going to visit ________ Great Wall. A.a B.an C. the D./ ( )9. My mother is ________ English teacher in _____ university in Beijing. A.a; a B.an; a C. the; an D.an; an ( )10. As we know, England is ________ European country and Singapore is ________ Asian country. A.an; an B.an; a C.a; a D. a; an ( )11. This is _____ room. The twin sisters like it very much. A. Lucy's and Lily's C.Lucy and Lily's B.Lucy's and Lily D. Lucy and Lily ( ) 12. It's about ___ walk from my home. A. ten minute B. ten minutes' C.ten minute's D. ten minutes ( )13. This is my dress. That one is____. A.Mary B.Mary's C.sister D.mother ( )14. --Where's your father? --At______. A. Mr Green's B.Mr.Green C.the Mr. Green's D.the Greens ( ) 15. These ______ have saved many children's lives. A. woman doctors B. women doctor C. women doctors D. woman doctor

Part1-2 Unit4 Volunteer Work 教案-【中职专用】高一英语同步精品课堂(二

Part1-2 Unit4 Volunteer Work 教案-【中职专用】高一英 语同步精品课堂(二)(高教版2021·基础模块2) Unit 4 Volunteer Work 教材版本:高教版2021·基础模块2 教学目标: 1.掌握并运用五个谈论义工工作的词汇。 2.通过阅读和听力活动,学生们能够理解义工工作的重要性和影响。 3.学生们能够运用谈论义工经历和给予意见的基础句型。 4.学生们能够根据阅读材料、听力材料和自己的经历撰写一篇100字左右的义工工作体验。 教学重点: 1.提高学生们对义工工作的认识,让他们知道义工工作对社会的益处,从而激发他们的社会责任感。 2.通过阅读材料和听力材料,训练学生们的听力、阅读、写作和口语技能。 3.让学生们掌握并应用基础句型和词汇,提高他们的语言表达能力。 教学难点: 1.如何让学生们认识义工工作的重要性和影响,从而激发他们的社会责任感。 2.如何通过阅读材料和听力材料训练学生们的听力、阅读、写作和口语技能。

3.如何让学生们掌握并应用基础句型和词汇,提高他们的语言 表达能力。 教学方法: 1.听力活动——让学生们通过听力材料,提高他们的听力技能。 2.阅读活动——让学生们通过阅读材料,提高他们的阅读技能。 3.口语练习——让学生们应用基础句型和词汇,提高他们的语 言表达能力。 4.写作活动——让学生们根据阅读材料、听力材料和自己的经 历撰写一篇100字左右的义工工作体验。 教学过程: Step 1: Introduction 1. 讲述义工工作的概念和义工工作的重要性。 2. 学生讨论义工工作的意义和价值。 Step 2: Vocabulary 1. 用ppt讲解五个与义工工作相关的词汇: volunteer, charity, organization, community, opportunity. 2. 学生们跟读这五个单词,并且应用它们进行句子造句。 3. 教师让学生们应用三个单词(volunteer, organize, opportunity)构建一个对义工工作的定义。 Step 3: Listening 1. 播放一段关于义工工作的听力材料,让学生们听,理解。 2. 播放完毕后,教师让学生们回答问题,以检测他们的理解能力。

2023-2024学年高二英语unit part1(高教版2021基础模块3)

课题Unit1 Festival Around the World ( Listening and speaking) 课型 Listening and speaking 课时 2 授课班级授课时间90mins 授课教师 教材分析 本课教学内容选自高等教育出版社出版的“十四五”职业教育国家规划教材,《英语3 基础模块》中第一单元的热身(Warming Up)和听说(Listening and Speaking)板块,本单元主题为全球的节日,本节听、说语料分别是关于中国传统节日中秋节和春节的介绍,以及礼貌地接受或拒绝节日庆祝活动的邀请。要求学生掌握与中国传统节日相关的词汇与表达,能够对节日活动进行礼貌地邀请和应答,并根据新年和元宵节具体节日具体介绍和邀请,识别节日介绍中的文化信息,了解和尊重不同的节日文化。 学情分析 对于节日这个话题,学生能够说出几个西方节日,简单介绍中国的重要节日,但因为缺乏相关词汇和表达的积累,对如何详细介绍具体信息,邀约外国朋友参加相关庆祝活动,不能流利用英语交流。因此,教师在听说部分应结合任务和情景,由浅入深的教学,为学生扫除词汇障碍,提供具体表达方法,引导学生由简单到复杂,熟练掌握重要词汇和表达,并灵活运用于实际情景,同时尊重外国人士对节日邀请接受和拒绝的态度。 学习目标Knowledge objectives: To learn words and phrases about festivals:celebrate,reunion, fall,lunar,bright,sound, similar,big,appreciate,receive To be able to use these sentences skillfully:I plan to.../It falls on.../How do you celebrate the festival?/What I love most is.../I am so happy to receive your invitation. Ability objectives: To be able to introduce the Chinese traditional festivals . To be able to invite foreign friends to participate the celebration of the festival. Emotional objectives: (1)To respect the differences of receiving and refusing an invitation in different countries. (2)To stimulate the interest in Chinese traditional festival culture.


中职英语基础模块单词汇总默写本 (2021高教版) Unit1Personal and Family Life community cook energetic especially family gift handmade introduce jog manager notice parent photo puppy strict visit vocational be strict with Chongyang Festival high school younger sister UNIT2Transportation address airport change convenient direction district express green hire near province subway taxi terminal visitor bus stop get off get to take a taxi rush hour shuttle bus Summer Palace worry about you'd better UNIT3Shopping add bestselling beverage cart communication compare cotton customer discount edition feature fit font jeans mall material offer online original rating review silk size snack stationery style sweater tight traditional workplace comvenience store fitting room

Unit 4 基础练习题-2022-2023 学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册(答案)

Unit 4 PART 1 Listening and Speaking & Listening and Talking I. 根据下列各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式(每空一词)。 1. The role of the __________ (个人) in history has always been a concern for historians. 2. Many places have a tradition of eating Mahua, which could be kept fresh for a long time and is a good s__________ for festivals. 3. He was so e__________ to know about the historical event that he looked up a lot of information about it. 4. Siheyuan, a traditional unique c__________, has a long history in Chinese architecture. 5. The __________ (哲学) of Confucianism has influenced Chinese culture right up to the present day. II. 选用方框内合适的习语并用其正确形式完成下列句子(每项限用一次)。 Achilles’ heel, pull one’s leg, fish out of water 1. Are you ____________________? Is it really a custom for the Dai people to pour water at one another to welcome the New Year? 2. When Carla entered the new school, she felt like a(n) ____________________ because she didn’t know anyone there. 3. I’m very interested in the history and traditions of Europe, so I’ve been planning a tour recently. But language is my ____________________. PART 2 Reading and Thinking I. 从 a-f 中选出下列句子中画线单词的英文释义。 1. Scientists have discovered new evidence of the ancient culture in South America. 2. This powerful kingdom ruled what is now northern Peru for almost 500 years. 3. Historypin is an app which can be used by visitors to explore the history of nearby locations. 4. The Victorians were great inventors and their achievements in technology and science were great. 5. The first land battle of the Civil War was fought on July 21, 1861, just 30 miles from Washington. 6. The Great Wall, which was an ancient defence project, was built between the 3rd century BCE and the 17th century CE on the northern border of China. a. not far away

中职英语(高教版版2021)基础模块2Unit4Volunteer Work课文

中职英语(高教版版2021)基础模块2Unit4Volunteer Work课文 activity /ækˈtɪvəti/ n. 活动 amazing /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/ adj. 令人惊奇的 application /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn/ n. 申请 apply /əˈplaɪ/ v. 申请 architecture /ˈɑːkɪtektʃə(r)/ n. 建筑 beach /biːtʃ/ n. 海滩 collect /kəˈlekt/ v. 收集 contribute /kənˈtrɪbjuːt/ v. 做出贡献 department /dɪˈpɑːtmənt/ n. 部门 electronic /ɪˌlekˈtrɒnɪk/ adj. 电子的 enthusiastic /ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪk/ adj. 热心的 exhibit /ɪɡˈzɪbɪt/ n. 展览品;展览 gain /ɡeɪn/ v. 获得 graduate /ˈɡrædʒuət/ v. 毕业 include /ɪnˈkluːd/ v. 包含 inform /ɪnˈfɔːm/ v. 通知 knowledge /ˈnɒlɪdʒ/ n. 知识 organization /ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃn/ n. 组织 palace /ˈpæləs/ n. 宫殿 patient /ˈpeɪʃnt/ adj. 有耐心的 public /ˈpʌblɪk/ n. 公众 responsible /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/ adj. 有责任心的 result /rɪˈzʌlt/ n. 结果 rural /ˈrʊərəl/ adj. 农村的 university /ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti/ n. 大学 volunteer /ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)/ n. 志愿者 act as 充当 be skilled in 擅长 elementary education 基础教育 elementary school 小学 home and abroad 国内外 look forward to 期待 major in 主修 录音原文 Peter and Lily are schoolmates at a vocational school. They are talking about doing volunteer work. Peter: Hi, Lily! What did you do last weekend? Lily: We went to a park to do some volunteer work. Peter: Oh, what did you do there? Lily: We picked up the rubbish, cleaned the chairs, and planted some trees. Peter: How many volunteers took part in the activity? Lily: About 20 students from our school. Peter: How do you feel about the experience?


Unit1 personal and family life. community kəˈmjuːnəti社区; 社会; 团体; 社团; 界; 共享; 共有; (动植物的)群落; cook/kʊk/烹调,煮,烧炊事员,厨师 energetic/enəˈdʒetɪk/精力旺盛的 especially/ɪs'peʃəli/特别;尤其 family/'fæmɪli/家,家庭 gift/ɡɪft/赠品;礼物 handmade hændˈmeɪd手工制作的; introduce/ɪntrəˈdjuːs/介绍 jog/dʒɒɡ/慢跑 manager/'mænɪdʒə/经理,负责人 notice/'nəʊtɪs/通告,布告 parent/'peərənt/父(母)亲 photo/'fəʊtəʊ/照片 puppy/'pʌpi/自负的年轻人 strict/strɪkt/严格的,严密的 visit/'vɪzɪt/访问,参观,拜访 vocational vəʊˈkeɪʃənl职业的; 职业技术的; 业务知识的; be strict with bi strɪkt wɪð严格要求; 对某人要求严格; Chongyang Festival chongyang ˈfestɪvl重阳节; 重陽節; high schoolˈhaɪ skuːl中学,高中; younger sister'jʌŋɡər ˈsɪstər妹妹; 阿妹; 小妹妹; UNIT2 Transportation address/ə'dres/地址 airport/'eəpɔːt/航空站,飞机场 change/tʃeɪndʒ/变化,变更,改变 convenient/kənˈviːnɪənt/便利的,方便的 direction/dɪˈrekʃ(ə)nˌdaɪˈrekʃ(ə)n/方向;方位 district/ˈdɪstrɪkt/区;地区;区域 express/ɪks'pres/表达;表示;表情快车,特快专递 green/griːn/绿色(的) hire/ˈhaɪə/租用 near/nɪə/在...附近 province/ˈprɒvɪns/省 subway/'sʌbweɪ/n. 地铁 taxi/'tæksi/出租汽车 terminal/tɜːm/(火车汽车飞机)终点站 visitor/'vɪzɪtə/参观者,访问者 bus stopˈbʌs stɒp公交站; 公共汽车停靠站; get off/ˈgetɒf/来,从...下来 get toɡet tu到达; 开始; 抵达; 抓住; 接触; 和…取得联系; take a taxi teɪk ə ˈtæksi乘出租车,搭出租车; rush hourˈrʌʃ aʊə(r)(上下班时的)交通高峰期; shuttle busˈʃʌtl bʌs班车; 区间(公共汽)车;


2023-2024学年湖北省武汉市常青联合体高二上学期期中联考英语试题 Modern life is evolving fast. Think about how much things have changed even in the last twenty years. This rate of change isn’t slowing down. If anything, it’s increasing. Technology is augmenting (提高) human life in all kinds of ways. Electric Cars The way that we approach motor vehicles has changed. Electric cars are the response to the pollution of gas vehicles. For a long time, electric vehicles were inaccessible. They were expensive and unattainable. Things have changed. Now electric automobiles are cheaper than ever. They are similarly priced as regular gas vehicles. Furthermore, car charging stations are more common. More are being installed on the streets and in parking lots. Soon electric cars will be as common as gas vehicles. It is changing our way of life by alleviating pollution. Virtual Reality Virtual reality (VR) is a part of technological advance that will continue to change the way we live for years to come. VR will change entertainment. With a headset, you don’t just watch a video. You are a part of it. You can experience things digitally. It provides immersion (沉浸) that is difficult to accomplish otherwise. Augmented Reality Beyond entertainment, augmented reality (AR) , when you use the organic environment with the technology, will facilitate medicine. Remote surgeries can be performed with AR on the 5G Internet. These technologies can also help terminal patients (whose illness cannot be cured and will lead to death) find a new state of mind. There is no shortage of the number of ways that AR will change the way we live. Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) uses machine learning to recognize patterns, create algorithms and analyze data. AI can synthesize (综合) all the information available to it. AI can excel to the optimal point in effectiveness productivity. It is used for many different purposes. There is no end to how Al will improve human life. It isn’t just used to improve social media sites to show consumers advertisements for products they might want to buy. It can perform all kinds of tasks out of thin air. 1. According to the passage, what’s the advantage of electric cars? A.More eco-friendly B.Less expensive than others C.Conveniently installed D.commonly visible 2. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A.The price of electric cars is similar to all other vehicles. B.Achieving the effect of immersion is tough for VR. C.AR can provide dying people with a new mindset.

高教版2021基础模块3Part 1-2 Unit 4 Customer Service教学设计

课题Unit 4 Customer Service ( Listening and speaking) 课 型 Listening and speaking 课 时 2 授课班级授课 时间 90mins 授课 教师 教材分析 本课教学内容选自高等教育出版社出版的“十四五”职业教育国家规划教材,《英语3 基础模块》中第四单元的热身(Warming Up)和听说(Listening and Speaking)板块,本单元主题是售后服务,听说板块的语料分别是手机维修和运动手表退换的服务场景对话,要求学生能在听说的过程中提取双方的问题和态度,能以顾客的身份表达需求,以服务者的身份处理投诉,培养职场语言沟通能力,思维差异感知能力,提升职业素养。 学情分析 学生基本掌握购物时顾客与服务员常用的一些语言,但还不熟悉关于售后服务的表达,不明确如何表达顾客自己的需求,不会以服务者的身份处理投诉,对语境中如何礼貌而有效的实现投诉和处理投诉,也缺乏相应的语言储备和迁移能力,但是思维活跃,服务意识强,喜欢在“真实的情景中”进行语言学习。教师应采取由浅入深的教学策略,先为学生扫除词汇障碍,然后积攒语言的输入,再由模仿到角色扮演练习,最终实现语言的输出。培养职场语言沟通能力,体现诚信和顾客至上的服务态度,同时坚守按照工作程序办事的职业原则。 学习目标Knowledge objectives: To learn words and phrases about complaint:complaint,apology,refund,blank screen,even if,charge,inconvenience ,receipt,under guarantee,patience. To be able to use these sentences skillfully:The dish is too.../It is the wrong.../There is something wrong with .../I’d like to have...repaired./Excuse me, I’d like to make a complaint./I’m sorry for the inconvenience caused./Thanks for your patience. Ability objectives: To be able to make a complaint and deal with the complaint in different situations. To improve listening skills. Emotional objectives: To develop a sense of service and adhere to professional principles. To recognize the value of honesty in doing business.

Unit 1 同步练习-2022-2023学年高中英语外研版(2019)选择性必修第二册

Section B Using language 必备知识基础练 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.If you are (prepare),and have the knowledge to back it up,your self-confidence will rise very quickly. 2.It is reported that about 5 million people all over the world die from diseases (relate)to smoking each year. 3.There has been a (progress) decrease in population every year in this city. 4.They bought an old schoolhouse to live in and built a workshop in the (base). 5.We try to improve (relate) between our two countries. Ⅱ.短语填空 after all;be curious about;no longer;in the long term;stick to 1.Though she his past,she refrains from asking too many questions. 2.I hated practicing,but I it and now I can play pretty well. 3.,thriving farms and open markets will provide a secure food supply. 4.You should forgive him for his forgetfulness.,he is over seventy. 5.Parties and social gatherings excite us the same way they once did. Ⅲ.完成句子 1.人生不管是长是短,和永远比较起来,什么都不是。 long or short the life is,compared with eternity,it means nothing. 2.我们作为新时代的大学生,应当遵循严格的宿舍作息时间表。 As college students in the new era,we should . 3.你的评论可能产生出乎意料的后果并给你带来很多麻烦。 Your comments may backfire and for you. 4.当你离家在外的时候,你的家人们一直在等候你。 When you ,your family members are waiting for you. 5.随着经济的发展,人民的生活水平也相应地提高了。 ,the living conditions of the people have been improved accordingly. 能力素养提升练 Ⅳ.七选五 How to read more and learn more These days,more and more Chinese people enjoy sending and receiving messages on the phone.It can help them to get the latest news and communicate with friends.But I think I

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