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Unit2 robot



时态不变He teach es English.


主动变被动English is taught

宾语变主语 by him.




等式相加:一般式 to be done

to do

+be done

to be done 完成式to have been done(表示不定式动作发生在谓语动词之前)

book is said to have been translated into several languages. to do

have done

be done

to have been done

2. 动词不定式的被动语态在句子中的作用 1) 做主语(常用it做形式主语)

To be offered sympathy by a robot is ridiculous.

2) 做表语

The party is to be held next Saturday evening.

3) 做宾语

She didn’t like to be treated as

a child.

4) 做宾语补足语

Tony expected the house to be completely transformed.


The English are proud of the Olympic Games to be held in London.


All these gifts must be mailed immediately so as to be received in time for Christmas.



The meeting is said to have been canceled.


The student seems to have lost interest in politics.


The disabled don’t like to be laughed at.


There is no time to waste/ be wasted


It is a great honor to be invited to the English Club



True or False

was going to be away from home so he hired a robot to accompany his wife.

2. Claire didn’t like the idea at the beginning, but she agreed to it at last.

3. Tony could understand Claire when she said she was not clever.

4. When Tony offered to help dressing, Claire was pleased to accept it.

5. It was Claire that first decided to invite Gladys and her friends to her house.

6. Claire’s guests were filled with admiration when they saw her house was completely changed.

7. The company was satisfied with Tony’s report because he had successfully made a woman fall in love with him.

Points Of Reading

(1)test out 试验;考验

Scientists test out theories by experiment.科学家靠实验检验理论。

test vt. 测验;检验;试验;检查

The teacher tested the children on their homework. 老师就孩子们的家庭作业进行检查。

2. alarm n.

(1) a warning of danger 警报 a

fire alarm

I raised the alarm as soon as I saw what was happening.

(2) fear caused by the expectation of danger 恐慌

I hope you won’t take alarm at the news.

alarm v.

(1) giving a warning 警告

The notice board alarms people not to swim in the river.

(2) feel feared or cause anxiety 恐慌

The news that H5N1 has spread alarmed the nation.

alarmed adj. 惊恐的, 忧虑的alarming adj. 惊人的, 吓人的

The news is really alarming.

3. accompany v.

(1) to go/stay with

I’d like you to accompany me to the supermarket.

What accompanies him is always a dog.

(2) to exist at the same time 和……一起发生

Lightning usually accompanies thunder.

4. declare vt.

(1) 宣布;宣告;声明 + (that) to make known formally or officially

The new Congress declared a state of war with Germany. 新的国会向德国宣战了。

(2) 宣称;断言 + (that)

The accused man declared himself innocent. 被告声称他是无罪的。

I declared at the meeting that I did not support him.我在会上声明我不支持他。

(3) 申报 (纳税品等)

I have nothing to declare. 我没什么要申报的。

辨析: declare与announce

declare 宣告, 宣布a way of expressing oneself

I would like to declare my love

for you.

announce 宣布 to tell a lot of people

If I have a birthday party, I want to announce it to my friends.

5. leave / let … alone / be 不管/不打扰/不理会

I’ve told you to leave my things alone.

Please don't leave me alone in the dark room.

Let me be, I want a rest.

leave + 宾语 + 补足语使……处于……状态

Leave the door open.

6. As she turned around, there stood Gladys Claffern. 当她转过身时,看到格拉迪斯克拉芬站在那儿。

①句中as意为“当……时”,为从属连词,引导时间状语从句。通常强调“ 同一时间” 或“一先一后”,如:

As I was going out, it began to rain.

②主句“there stood Gladys Claffern”是由副词there引导的倒装句。



As spring warms the good earth, all flowers begin to bloom.

②由副词there和here引导的倒装句通常不用于人称代词即不说“Here comes he!”

而须说“Here he comes!” 但在对比情况下,人称代词则与连系动词be构成倒装句,如:

There was he, on the playground, while I had to study.

2. The guests would be arriving soon and Claire told Tony to go into another room.


句中用到过去将来进行时,由“would +be + 动词的现在分词”构成,表示在过去看来将来某一时间正在发生的动作。它常和表示过去将来的时间状语连用,但上下文清楚时,时间状语可省略。和将来进行时一样,它也常表计划中的事,不表意愿或打算。它还有一个特点,即常用在宾语从句 (尤其是间接引语)中。


a. Mr. Smith never realized that some day he would be living in China.

b. Mary told us that Jack would be coming next Saturday.



中,如:I would pay the rest as I would be leaving Beijing. (用在状语从句中。)


如:The car started. Ellen Green would be driving off to the college.

高中英语选修七unit2重点词汇 短语讲解学案 及练习含解析

教学过程 一、复习预习 教师引导学生复习上节内容,并引入本节课程内容 二、知识讲解 本节课主要知识点解析,中高考考点、易错点分析 考点/易错点1词汇辨析 1. sympathy 同情心,同情; 怜悯一致; 同感; 赞同,慰问; 吊慰 习惯用语:come out in sympathy 举行同情罢工, 罢工声援 express sympathy for (对...表示)慰问feel sympathy for (=have sympathy for) 同情 in sympathy with 同情; 赞成; 和...一致win sympathy of 博得...的同情 out of sympathy with 对...不同情; 不赞成; 对...没有同感, 和...不一致 feel/have sympathy for… 同情… be in sympathy with… 赞同… seek sympathy from a friend 想得到朋友的同情 同义词:commiseration -mercy -pity -sensitivity -tolerance -understanding 1) I felt real sympathy. 我由衷地感到同情。 2) Her sympathy became pungent. 她的同情心变得强烈起来。 3) With profound sympathy. 4) I felt much sympathy for the blind. 5) Her sympathy became pungent. 她的同情心变得强烈起来。 2. elegant adj.优雅的, 风雅的, 雅致的, 文雅的, 有风度的,优美的, 精彩的, 讲究的,[口]极好的, 一流的 elegant furnishings 雅致的装饰an elegant gentleman 举止文雅的绅士 an elegant vase 别致的花瓶an elegant writer 格调高尚的作家 同义词:cultured fine polished refined superior tasteful 反义词:inelegant Her manner is elegant. 她的举止优雅。 imposingly fashionable and elegant. 令人印象深刻的时髦、优雅。

人教英语选修7Unit 2 Section 2

Unit 2Section Ⅱ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A There are robots all around us.Some do very complicated (复杂的) jobs like flying airplanes and driving subway trains.And some do one simple job.When an automatic washing machine is switched on,water pours in.The machine waits until the water is warm enough for washing clothes.It does this by “feedback”(反馈).Information about what is happening is feedback into the robot to tell what to do next.Our eyes,ears and other senses are our feedback.They tell us what is going on around us.So robots are like human beings in two ways.They work and they have feedback. In some ways robots are better than human beings.They work quickly and do not make mistakes.They do not get bored with doing the same job over and over again.And they never get tired.So robots are very useful in factories.They can be taught to do many different jobs.First their electronic brain must be shown how the job is done.A person moves the robot's “arms” and “hands”through each part of the job. The most intelligent(智能的) robots can move and see.Their eyes are cameras.Their fingers can feel shapes and sizes of the objects.These robots have computer brains linked to their eyes and fingers,which control their actions.The expensive “Times New Roman ”—the most intelligent robots are used in scientific research.They do such a job as handling radioactive materials. 文章大意:本文介绍了机器人的特点。 1.In this passage the author tells us that __A__. A.robots are very popular B.there are various kinds of robots C.we see robots only at certain times D.robots can be easily controlled 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段第一句There are robots all around us.知选项A正确。 2.What does the author seem to inform you about robots?__C__ A.They should be greatly improved.


课文解析 1. Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. 克莱尔觉得,机器人会向她表示同情,这有点儿荒唐可笑。(P11) 【要点提示】sympathy n. 同情,同情心,一致,慰问。如: He has no sympathy for beggars. 他不同情乞丐。 Many people are in sympathy with your views. 许多人赞同你的看法。We sent our sympathies on the death of his mother. 他母亲故去时我们去信吊慰。 2. As he was not allowed to accompany her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her. 因为她不想让他陪她去商店,所以他就给她写了一份购物清单。(P11) 【要点提示】accompany vt. 陪伴,伴奏,为……伴奏。如: He wished her to accompany him. 他希望她陪他。 Lightning usually accompanies thunder. 闪电通常伴着雷声。 The pianist accompanied her singing. 钢琴家为她的歌唱伴奏。 【归纳拓展】固定搭配:be accompanied by; accompany sb to。3....he suggested that she invite Gladys and her friends to the house the night before he was to leave and Larry was to return. ……他建议在他即将离开和拉里回来之前,她应该邀请格拉迪斯和她的朋友们来做客。(P11) 【要点提示1】suggest vt. 建议,提议。如: I suggest our going to the park on Sunday. 我建议我们星期天去公园。


名词辨析,动词辨析,动词短语辨析 适用学科英语适用年级高中二年级 适用区域 陕西西安课时时长(分钟) 60 知识点各种时态的被动语态,名词辨析,动词辨析,动词短语辨析 教学目标掌握选修七 unit 2重点词汇,短语,句型。同时,训练阅读理解能力和综合语言能力。 教学重点掌握选修七unit2重点词汇,短语,句型。同时,训练阅读理解能力和综合语言能力。 教学难点训练阅读理解能力和综合语言能力。 教学过程 一、复习预习 教师引导学生复习上节内容,并引入本节课程内容 二、知识讲解 本节课主要知识点解析,中高考考点、易错点分析 考点/易错点1词汇辨析 1. sympathy 同情心,同情; 怜悯一致; 同感; 赞同,慰问; 吊慰 习惯用语:come out in sympathy 举行同情罢工, 罢工声援 express sympathy for (对...表示)慰问 feel sympathy for (=have sympathy for) 同情 in sympathy with 同情; 赞成; 和...一致 win sympathy of 博得...的同情 out of sympathy with 对...不同情; 不赞成; 对...没有同感, 和...不一致 feel/have sympathy for… 同情… be in sympathy with… 赞同… seek sympathy from a friend 想得到朋友的同情 同义词: commiseration -mercy -pity -sensitivity -tolerance -understanding 1) I felt real sympathy. 我由衷地感到同情。 2) Her sympathy became pungent. 她的同情心变得强烈起来。 3) With profound sympathy. 4) I felt much sympathy for the blind. 5) Her sympathy became pungent. 她的同情心变得强烈起来。 2. elegant adj.优雅的, 风雅的, 雅致的, 文雅的, 有风度的,优美的, 精彩的, 讲究的,[口]极好的, 一流的 elegant furnishings 雅致的装饰 an elegant gentleman 举止文雅的绅士 an elegant vase 别致的花瓶 an elegant writer 格调高尚的作家 同义词: cultured fine polished refined superior tasteful 反义词: inelegant Her manner is elegant. 她的举止优雅。 imposingly fashionable and elegant. 令人印象深刻的时髦、优雅。 (informal) elegant and fashionable.


必修7 unit2 Robots 【学习目标】:Help students to learn about robots and scienc fiction. 【学习重点】:Teach students to enjoy science fiction. 【学习难点】: Enable students to realize science fiction reflects scientific thought; a fiction of things-to-com e based on things-on-hand. 【教学过程】: 【自主学习】 A Robots may be everywhere in the future,in homes and in offices.And people will have less work to do.Robots could change humans’ life.Some robots will look like humans and do the same things as humans.They can drink and eat.They can walk and dance,too.Maybe you will meet a beautiful girl in a restaurant,you will not know whether she is a robot or not.Many predictions will come true.Even some scientists believe a human might fall in love with a robot. In some science fiction movies,robots become so intelligent(智能的)that they decide to take over(接管)the earth.Will it really happen?Many writers think that robots will be dangerous for humans.However,some scientists believe humans will be able to make the robots follow the rules in real life.But some scientists disagree.They don’t think making rules is a good method.If a robot has the feeling like a real man,it will not be dangerous for humans. ()1.If robots are everywhere,they will ______. A.help people do housework at home B.do boring jobs for humans C.do dangerous jobs for humans D.change humans’ life ()2.When you meet a girl in a restaurant,you will ______. A.leave her soon B.talk with her C.have no idea whether she is a robot or not D.have a party with her ()3.Some writers think ______. A.robots will be dangerous for humans B.robots will be safe for humans C.a human will fall in love with a robot D.robot will not be able to take over the earth ()4.Some scientists don’t believe that robots will be dangerous for humans because ______. A.humans will be able to make robots look like people in real life B.humans will be able to make robots follow the rules in real life C.robots are not so clever as humans D.humans will decide whether robots live or die ()5.Some scientists believe if ______,they will not be dangerous for humans. A.robots have the feeling like humans B.robots fall in love with humans C.robots take over the earth D.humans don’t make robots any more B People began to make robots about seven hundred years ago.In the past,some of the early ones looked like animals or humans.However,they couldn’t talk and were pretty dumb.They


Part 1. Warming up Do you think it is possible for a robot to have its own needs and desires?你认为机器人有可能有自己的需求和愿望吗? desire sth.渴望得到某物 desire to do sth.希望/渴望做某事 desire that sb.(should) do要求…… have a desire for sth./to do sth.渴望得到某物/希望做某事 at one’s desire照某人的希望 [典例] 1) We all desire happiness and health.我们都希望幸福健康。 2) Everyone has a desire for success, but no everyone desire to get rich.每个人都渴望成功,但并非人人都渴望金钱。 3) He desires you to go to see him at once.他要求你马上去见他。 =he desires that you should go to see him at once. [练习] 汉译英 1) 他想受到大学教育。 ____________________________________________________________________________ 2) 他们要我快点回来。 ___________________________________________________________________________ 3) 我请他立即回信。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4) 她要你立即见她。 _______________________________________________________________________ 5) 她应邀演奏了一曲。 Keys: 1)He desired a college education. 2) They desire me to return soon. 3) I desire an immediate answer of his. 4) She desires that you (should) see her at once. 5)She played a piece at others’ desire/by desire. 【链接训练】 ①The old man ________ his sons and daughters ________ and see him from time to time. A.suggested;to come B.hoped;to come C.desired;coming D.desired;to come 【解析】desire sb.to do sth.意为“希望某人做某事”。句意为:这个老人希望他的儿子和女儿时不时地来看看他。suggest和hope后不能跟sb. to do sth.,故A、B项错误。 【答案】 D ②He insisted that he ________ nothing wrong and strongly desired he ________ free. A.did;set B.had done;should be set C.should do;be set D.had done;must be set 【解析】当insist 意为“坚持说”时,其后的宾语从句不用虚拟语气。第二空desire 后跟从句要用虚拟语气即谓语动词用(should) do形式。 【答案】 B Part 2. Pre-reading, reading and comprehending 1. satisfaction n.满意 [重点用法] satisfactory n. 满意的,

高中英语人教版选修7:Unit 2 Section Ⅱ

Section_Ⅱ Warming Up & Reading — Language Points

二、这样记短语 三、这样记句式

- you cannot have women falling in love with machines. ……他还得作一番改造——总不能让女人与机器相爱吧。 人做某事”,现在分词作宾语补足语,表示持续的动作或状态。 homework. You should finish it by yourself. 我不允许你抄我的作业,你应该独立完成。 1.(教材P10)Do you think it is possible for a robot to have its own needs and desires ? 你认为机器人有可能有自己的需求和愿望吗? desire (1)n.渴望;欲望;渴求 have a strong desire ⎩ ⎪⎨⎪⎧ to do sth. 迫切想要做某事 for sth. 急于想得到某物 ①It 's our desire that you should provide some money to fund our program, as well as offer us some practical suggestions.(2013·重庆高考满分作文) 我们渴望你能为我们的项目提供一些资金,还能提供一些实用的建议。 ②He has a strong desire for success though he has failed many times. 尽管他失败了多次,但是他仍然渴望成功。 (2)vt.希望得到;想要 desire to do sth. 渴望做某事 desire sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 desire that ...(should) do sth. 渴望…… We always desire to_live (live) in peace with our neighbors. 我们一向希望邻里之间和睦相处。 ④We desire that immediate help (should)_be_given (give) to the local villagers who have been trapped by the flood. 我们渴望给予那些被洪水围困的当地村民们立刻的救援。 2.(教材P11)SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 包君满意 satisfaction n. [U ]满意;满足[C ]令人满意的事物 (1)to sb. 's satisfaction =to the satisfaction of sb. 令某人满意的是 with satisfaction 满意地


Unit2 robot 第一部分语法 1.被动语态复习〔一个不变,三个变〕 主动 时态不变 English is taught 宾语变主语 被动 2.不定式的被动 〔1〕不定式的被动形式 等式相加:①一般式 to be done to do +be done to be done ②完成式to have been done〔表示不定式动作发生在谓语动词之前〕

Eg.The book is said to have been translated into several languages. to do have done be done to have been done 2. 动词不定式的被动语态在句子中的作用 1> 做主语〔常用it做形式主语〕 To be offered sympathy by a robot is ridiculous. 2> 做表语 The party is to be held next Saturday evening. 3> 做宾语 She didn’t like to be treated as a child. 4> 做宾语补足语 Tony expected the house to be completely transformed. 5〕做定语

The English are proud of the Olympic Games to be held in London. 6〕做状语 All these gifts must be mailed immediately so as to be received in time for Christmas. 翻译练习 1.据说这会议已经被取消了 The meeting is said to have been canceled. 2.这个学生似乎已经对政治失去了兴趣. The student seems to have lost interest in politics. 3.残疾人不喜欢被别人嘲笑. The disabled don’t like to be laughed at. 4.没有可以可以浪费的时间了. There is no time to waste/ be wasted 5.能被邀请进这个英语俱乐部,是一大荣幸


牛津译林版高中英语选修模块七-牛津英语模块七U n i t2-R e a d i n g 教案-新版 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

牛津英语模块七Unit2 Reading教案 Step 1: Lead-in Have you ever taken medicines What medicines have you ever taken And what do you know about them Please talk about your own experiences with medicines. Step 2: Fast reading for general ideas Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in part A on Page 18. Pay attention to the title so that you can identify the most important information as soon as possible. Answers A 1. Aspirin and penicillin. 2. In 1900. 3. The Nobel Prize. Step 3: Detailed reading for important information 1. Read the passage a second time and complete Part C1 and Part C 2. Answers C1 1. About 2,500 years ago. 2. In 1897. 3. It can also help reduce the risk of heart attacks by thinning blood, prevent a stroke, reduce the risk of colon cancer, increase the length of people’s lives and help with diabetes. 4. In the mould that killed bacteria.

人教新课标高二英语选修七教案:Unit2 Robots desire accompany等重点单词精析

desire, accompany等重点单词精析 1. 【课文原句】... have its own needs and desires? (P10) 【点拨】desire n. 渴望,欲望,渴求。 【例句】Anna has a great desire to travel. 安娜非常渴望旅行。They had little desire for wealth. 他们对财富很少有欲望。 At the desire of the students, the teacher will give a special lecture tomorrow. 根据学生的请求,老师明天将上一堂特别的课。 【拓展】desire vt. 想要,希望。desire (to do) sth; desire sb to do sth; desire / it is desired that 从句(谓语用should + 动词原形,should 可省去)。如: We all desire happiness and friendship. 我们都希望得到幸福和友谊。We always desire to live in peace with our neighbours. 我们一向希望和邻邦和睦相处。 They desired him to go there at once. 他们希望他马上到那儿去。She desires that these letters be burnt after her death. 她希望在她死后这些信件会被烧掉。 It is desired that we get everything ready by tonight. 要求我们在今晚以前把一切准备好。 2. 【课文原句】As he was not allowed to accompany her to the shops, he wrote out a list of items for her. (P11) 【点拨】accompany vt. 陪伴,伴随发生,伴奏。accompany sb to some place 陪伴某人到某地;accompany sb on sth 为某人伴奏。


Unit 2 Robots 一. 重点词汇 1. desire n.渴望vt.想要 desire to do sth.希望/渴望做某事 desire that sb.(should) do要求…… have a desire for sth./to do sth.渴望得到某物/希望做某事 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ [典例] 1)We all desire happiness and health.我们都希望幸福健康。 2)Everyone has a desire for success, but no everyone desire to get rich.每个人都渴望成功,但并非人人都渴望金钱。 3) He desires you to go to see him at once.他要求你马上去见他。 =he desires that you should go to see him at once. 2. alarm n.警报vt.使```惊恐 take (the) alarm at对...感到吃惊; 因...而惊恐 be alarmed at ... 被...吓一跳 _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ [典例] 1) We were much alarmed by the fire in the forest. 森林失火使我们大为惊慌。 2) As soon as he saw the smoke, he sounded the alarm. 看见火灾爆发,他鸣响了警报。 3. sympathy n.同情 feel /have sympathy for 同情某人 in sympathy with 同情; 赞成; 和......一致 out of sympathy with 对...不同情; 不赞成; 对......没有同感, 和......不一致 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ [典例] 1) He gave the poor child some money out of sympathy. 出于同情,他给了这个穷孩子一点钱。 2) He is in sympathy with their beliefs. 他与他们的信仰一致。 4. accompany vt.陪伴 accompany sb. to a place 陪伴某人去某地 accompany sth. with/by sth. 与...…同时存在 _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ [典例] 1) He accompanied his old father to the hospita l to see what’s wrong with his stomach. 他陪他的老父亲


高中英语选修七教案:Unit2+Robots+全单元+ Period One Unit 2 — Robots Teaching Aims 1. Master the words and expressions about robots. 2. Can talk about the achievements of the study on robots. 3. Use the passive infinitive correctly in different situations. Important points 1. Describe the achievements of the study on robots. 2. Talk about robots in future. Difficult points 1. The grammar, the passive infinitive. 2. How to design robots. Teaching methods 1. Multi-media teaching. 2. Writing on the blackboard. 3. Class activities: discussion in pairs and in class. Teaching procedures [Warming up] Step one Speaking practice: 1. Lead in 1. What is a robot? 2. Have you seen a robot? 3. What may robots look like? 4. What can robots d? 5. Do you want to have a robot?


人教版高中英语选修七Unit2Robots知识讲解话题语言应用 ——机器人及科幻文学作品 话题语言应用——机器人及科幻文学作品 编稿:牛新阁审稿:王春霞 语言积累 交际用语 表示推测与确信: I think / don’t think... 我认为/认为...不... I believe / don’t believe...我相信/不相信...... I guess/ suppose... 我猜想... I wonder ... 我想知道/ 我奇怪...... Maybe ... 也许...... It must have ... 它一定已经...... Is it possible that...? ......是可能的吗? It could be that ... 可能...... Could it be that...?......可能吗? It is possible/impossible... ....是(不)可能的。 It is most likely/unlikely ... 最有/不可能...... There is a belief that... 有人相信...... Are you sure that...? 你确信......吗? I am sure/ positive that ... 我确信/肯定...... 话题语句(1) 1.有关机器人(robot)的词句: A robot is a machine designed to do jobs that are usually performed by humans. Robots are programmed and controlled by a computer. 机器人是被设计来做经常由人来做的工作的机器。机器人被计算机编上程序并加以控制。 rebuild a robot 重新组装/设置机器人 Asimov’s Laws For Robots(阿西莫夫机器人定律)

高中英语人教版选修七知识点盘点 Unit 2

高中英语人教版选修七知识点盘点 Unit2 Robots 常考单词、高频短语和写作句式 Ⅰ. 常考单词必背 1.desire n.渴望;愿望;欲望v.渴望;向往;要求 [习惯搭配] (1)have a strong desire to do sth 迫切想要做某事 (2)have a strong desire for sth 急于想得到某物 desire to do sth 渴望做某事 desire sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 desire that+主语+should+动词原形,should可以省略。 We all desire happiness and health. 我们都想得到幸福和健康。 He desired to return to Mexico. 他渴望回墨西哥去。 We desire that the tour leader inform us immediately of any change in plans. 我们希望领队在计划有任何变动时立即通知我们。 (3)desirable adj. 令人满意的 desired adj. 渴望的;想得到的 2.alarm n.警报;惊恐vt. 使警觉;使惊恐;惊动 [习惯搭配] (1)sound/give/raise the alarm 发出警报;敲警钟 in alarm 惊恐地

a fire alarm 火警装置 (2)be alarmed at/by... 被……吓一跳 be alarmed to do... 做……感到恐慌 I forgot to set my alarm and I overslept. 我忘了定闹钟,结果睡过了头。 They were alarmed by a sudden attack. 突然袭击使他们大为惊恐。 3.sympathy n.同情 [习惯搭配] (1)feel/have great sympathy for sb 对某人深感同情 with sympathy 同情地 (2)sympathetic adj. 同情的;支持的 sympathize/sympathise vi. ①同情;怜悯②体谅;赞同 I have a lot of sympathy for him;he brought up his two children on his own. 我非常同情他,他独自把两个孩子养大。 3.favo(u)r n.[U]喜爱;恩惠;赞同vt. 喜爱;支持;赞成[习惯搭配] (1)ask a favour of sb. 请人帮一个忙 do a favour for sb.=do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙 (2)in favour of 赞成;主张 in one's favour 对某人有利 The idea is beginning to gain widespread favour. 这种意见开始赢得广泛赞同。



1. desire n.渴望vt.想要 desire sth.渴望得到某物 desire to do sth.希望/渴望做某事desire that sb.(should) do要求……

have a desire for sth./to do sth.渴望得到某物/希望做某事 at one’s desire照某人的希望 1) We all desire happiness and health.我们都希望幸福健康。 2) Everyone has a desire for success, but no everyone desire to get rich.每个人都渴望成功,但并非人人都渴望金钱。 3) He desires you to go to see him at once.他要求你马上去见他。 =he desires that you should go to see him at once. 汉译英 1) 他想受到大学教育。 ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2) 他们要我快点回来。 ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3) 我请他立即回信。 ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4) 她要你立即见她。 ___________________________________________________________________________________ 5) 她应邀演奏了一曲。 Keys: 1)He desired a college education. 2) They desire me to return soon. 3) I desire an immediate answer of his. 4) She desires that you (should) see her at once. 5)She played a piece at others’ desire/by desire. 2.satisfaction n.满意 satisfactory n. 满意的, satisfy v. 满足, 使满意, demand satisfaction要求赔偿; feel satisfaction at ... 对感到满意 find satisfaction in对...感到满意 to sb.'s satisfaction (to the satisfaction of sb.)达到使某人满意的程度 with satisfaction满意地 1) At last, the whole class found satisfaction in their work.最终,全班都对他们的工作感到满意。 2) What he promised could not satisfy his family.他的许诺并未能使他的家人满意。 汉译英 1) 买到想要的东西,她满意地离开了超市。 ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2) 他的试验结果似乎令人满意。 ___________________________________________________________________________________ 3) 这些条件中你至少要符合一项,否则就不能成为本俱乐部的会员。 ___________________________________________________________________________________ Keys: 1) Having bought what she wanted, she left the supermarket with satisfaction. 2) The result of his test seemed to be satisfactory. 3)If you don’t satisfy at least one of the conditions, you can’t become a member of our club.

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