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Unit 2 The United Kingdom(reading) 本单元以The United Kingdom为中心话题。本节课的阅读材料——PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHY(“地理之谜”),从地理、历史、政治、文化、体育等方面简要介绍了联合王国的形成和发展、风土人情和人文景观。

●Knowledge aims(知识目标)

1. To learn the usage of the important words and phrases. 掌握重点词汇与短语

2.To learn some information about the United Kingdom. 学习有关英国的知识。

●Ability aims(技能目标)

1.Enable the Ss to read effectively under the guidance of the teacher, and make them have a better understanding of the United Kingdom. 在老师的引导下,让学生能够准确了解有关英国的地理历史知识。

2.To develop the stude nts’ autonomous learning ability, cooperative and investigative learning abilities.提高学生的自主学习,合作学习,研究学习的能力。

●Emotional aims(情感目标)

1.Widen the Ss' international vision. 扩展学生的眼界

2. Form the Ss' consciousness of cross–culture communication. 形成学生间的跨文化(背景)的交流意识

●T eaching importance and difficulties (教学重难点)

Important points (教学重点)

1. Have a total and detail comprehension of the UK from history, geography,

politics, and culture etc。使学生对英国的历史,地理,人口,和文化有一个整体的了解。

2. 通过速读,培养学生快速阅读,把握文章结构及大意;通过精读,培养学生善于索细节的能力,通过练习提高根据上下文猜词义的能力。

3. 通过口头讨论,培养学生的语言组织能力,口头表达能力和良好的团队合作精神。

Difficult points(教学难点)

a. Some sentences are hard to understand. 重点词汇,短语的学习,重点句子的理解。

b. How to improve the Ss’ fast reading ability.提高学生的概括归纳能力和速读能力。

●Teaching Methods(教学方法)

1. 速读法:根据高中英语教材侧重阅读理解这一特点,让学生快速阅读,以尽快了解文章的大意。

2. 问答法:帮助学生理解文章的细节。

●Teaching procedures (教学步骤)

Step 1. Warming up

课前播放关于英国的短片,动态的展示英国的特色,引起学生学习和探索的兴趣,再通过多媒体展示本课的题目:The United Kingdom 。展示一些英国的图片和八个简单的小测试,让学生仔细观察图片,和学生一起解决课本上的5个问题。这部分是让学生对英国有大概的了解,为下面的精读课文做铺垫。

Step 2. Reading


Make a prediction: What’s the text about?

2. skimming

The students are required to skim the passage, and finish the tasks.

Divide the text into three parts according to the main ideas given.

Part 1 (Para _____ )How the UK came into being?

Part 2 (Para ____ ) England is divided into 3 zones. Part 3 (Para _____ ) The cultural importance of London.


3. Careful reading


Read Part 1, complete the form.

In the 13th Century

______ was linked to England. England and Wales were joined to __________.

In the early 20th Century _________ Ireland broke away and

_________ Ireland joined with _________,

Wales and _________ to become


Ⅱ Part2

1. England can be divided into____ _ parts.

They are:______________________________________________

Retell the formation of the UK according to the map.

2.What are the feature of each part?

Ⅲ Part 3

1. Para 5 mainly tells us ______.

A. museums

B. invaders

C. government

D. the Vikings

2. In the history of England, there has been four sets of invaders. They are:

3. What did the four invaders leave for England?

4. Comprehending

(1). Which city is the centre of national government and its administration?

A. London

B. Dublin

C. Birmingham

D. Belfast

(2). From Para. 4, we know that

A. England, Wales and Scotland form Great Britain.

B. most of the population settle in the north.

C. the cities are as large as those in China.

D. British people love football very much.

(3). What is the main idea of the text?

A. How many countries make up the United Kingdom.

B. Explain how England is divided into three zones.

C. The reason why London became the cultural capital of England.

D. A brief introduction to the UK about its foundation and development based on geography, history and culture, etc.

Step 3. Pair work

Make up a dialogue

A: How are you? I am a visitor from China. I want to ask you some questions about the geography of the UK. Can you help me?

B: My pleasure.

A:How many countries is the UK made up of? What are they?


A: What is the flag of the UK called?


A: How many zones of England? What are they?


A: What is the capital of the UK?


A: What are the historical treasure of London?


A: How about the invaders?


A: Thanks a lot.

Step 4. Summary

Finish the summary of the passage.

The full name of the UK is ____ _________ ___________.It consists of four parts,which are __________, ___________, _____________ and ____________________. People always think ____________ is a part of England. The flag of the UK is called ____ _______ ________. _______________ is the largest of the four countries. It is divided into three zones. They are ___ ________, ____ ___________and___ _________. Most population settled in ____ ___________. Most of the industrial cities are in ____ ____________and_____ __________ . London is _____ __________ of national government and its administration. It is the greatest ___________ ___________ of the UK. In the history of England, there have been four sets of invaders. They are: _________,_________, _________,_________,

Step 5. homework

Write a short introduction of The UK.

Blackboard design 板书设计

The UK


Unit 2 The United Kingdom(reading) 本单元以The United Kingdom为中心话题。本节课的阅读材料——PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHY(“地理之谜”),从地理、历史、政治、文化、体育等方面简要介绍了联合王国的形成和发展、风土人情和人文景观。 ●Knowledge aims(知识目标) 1. To learn the usage of the important words and phrases. 掌握重点词汇与短语 2.To learn some information about the United Kingdom. 学习有关英国的知识。 ●Ability aims(技能目标) 1.Enable the Ss to read effectively under the guidance of the teacher, and make them have a better understanding of the United Kingdom. 在老师的引导下,让学生能够准确了解有关英国的地理历史知识。 2.To develop the stude nts’ autonomous learning ability, cooperative and investigative learning abilities.提高学生的自主学习,合作学习,研究学习的能力。 ●Emotional aims(情感目标) 1.Widen the Ss' international vision. 扩展学生的眼界 2. Form the Ss' consciousness of cross–culture communication. 形成学生间的跨文化(背景)的交流意识 ●T eaching importance and difficulties (教学重难点) Important points (教学重点) 1. Have a total and detail comprehension of the UK from history, geography,


Unit 4 Making the news教案 Reading 1.教材分析(The analysis of teaching materials) This reading passage titled My First Work Assignment introduces Ss to the first day at work of a new journalist called ZhouYang. It will help Ss to recognize the varieties of jobs in the newspaper and get a realistic idea of what is needed to work in a newspaper office. 2.学情分析(The analysis of the students) Our Ss may don’t know what they will do in the future, they may still feel confuse d. This class will help them to know the varieties of jobs in the newspaper and get a realistic idea of what is needed to work in a newspaper office, which can do a great favor for our Ss to think about their own occupations. 3.教学目标(Teaching aims) *知识目标(Knowledge aims) 1. Get Ss to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part. 2. Let Ss learn about jobs in newspaper and what is needed to work in a newspaper office. 3. Have Ss read the passage and know about ZhouYang’s first work assignment. *能力目标(Ability aims) 1. Develop Ss’ reading ability and let them learn different reading skills. 2. Enable Ss to talk about jobs in newspapers and what is needed to work in a newspaper office. *情感目标(Emotional aims) 1. Stimulate Ss’ interest in Newspapers a nd the basic procedure of making the news. 2. Develop Ss’ sense of cooperative learning. 4.教学重点(Teaching important points) 1. Let Ss talk about jobs in newspaper and what is needed to work in a newspaper office. 2. Get Ss to read the passage and understand it. 3. Have Ss learn different reading skills. 5. 教学难点 (Teaching difficult points) 1. Develop Ss’ reading ability 2. Enable Ss to talk about what is needed to work in a newspaper office. 6. 教学方法(Teaching methods):Taskbased method, municative approach, Discussion 7. 教学辅助: Blackboard 8.教学过程(Teaching procedures) Step I: Leadin & Warming up (5m) 1. A free talk about students’ future plans and their ideal occupations. Tip: Whatever you want to be, you need to know a lot about the occupations and prepare yourselves for them from now on. T: Is there anyone who wants to be a journalist for a newspaper? What qualities do you think you need to have if you want to be a good new journalist? Suggested answers: Higher level of education, work experience, good munication skills, curious, active personality, hard working, enthusiasm for the job, prepared to work long hours, ability to work in a team.

高中英语必修5 unit 2 warming up and reading 教案

高中英语必修5 unit 2 The United Kingdom教案 warming up&Reading 教案背景:根据新课程标准对教学的要求,要体现出三维目标,又鉴于学生对英国的国情及文化背景知识有一定的了解,但了解得不透彻,因此需要设置一些符合学生实际的话题以提起他们的学习积极性。多媒体可以很好地整合各种教学资源,容量大、直观性强,因此我采用多媒体课件形式,以一些著名的与英国有关的图片导入新课,之后设计一个小测试检验学生对英国的了解程度,并播放幻灯片让学生尽可能多获取英国的相关信息,学生掌握一定的信息后,对文章结构进行讲解,并设计相关问题,由浅入深地分析全文。 教学课题:在互联网条件下多媒体教学的长处 教材分析:本教学内容选自《普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语》(人教课标版)高二上册必修5中Unit2 的Warming up & Reading部分。本单元主要话题是“英国”。通过阅读使学生了解英国的历史和地理位置,国家的构成及名胜古迹。 教学目标: 1. Knowledge aims: ①. Get students to know more about the UK. ②. Have students understand the text. 2. Ability aims: ①. Develop students' reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.

②. Enable students to learn more about the UK. 3. Emotional aims: ①. Stimulate students' great interest in information about the UK. ②. Inspire students' sense of cooperative learning. 教学重点: 1. Let students read the passage Puzzles in Geography and learn something about the UK. 2. Develop students' reading ability. 教学难点: 1. Enable students to use different reading skills. 2. Develop students' reading ability. 教学方法: 1. Task-based Language Teaching 2. Cooperative learning 教学工具: Multimedia、blackboard and chalk 教学过程: Step 1 Lead in Show some pictures of the UK. (pitures) Step 2 Learning Aims: 1.Know more about the UK( the four parts,t he three zones,the four invaders)

高中英语人教新课标必修五 Unit2 The United Kingdom教案

Unit 2 The United Kingdom Ⅰ. 单元教学目标

Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以The United Kingdom为中心话题。通过学习,使学生了解英国的历史、地理、政治、文化、宗教、社会习俗及名胜古迹等有关知识。 1.1 Warming Up 通过一个小测试考查学生对英国的了解情况。 1.2 Pre-reading通过三个有关英国的小问题,让学生进一步加深对英国的了解。 1.3 Reading本单元的阅读材料——PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHY(“地理之迷”),从地理、历史、政治、文化、体育等方面简要介绍了联合王国的形成和发展、风土人情和人文景观。 1.4 Comprehending通过回答问题、解析地图中的信息、划分课文段落写出大意以及归纳课文内容写出小结等练习,加强学生对课文深层次的理解,培养学生归纳、概括、总结能力。 1.5 Learning about Language分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分设置了“短文填空”和“句子填空”两个内容;语法部分由两个部分组成:一是让学生自己通过在课文中寻找含有相关语法项目(过去分词用作宾语补足语)的句子;二是对该语法项目进行操练。形式有语法结构讲练、趣味性游戏等。 1.6 Using Language 通过增加阅读篇目“SIGHTSEEING IN LONDON”,让学生了解英国首都伦敦的名胜古迹;该部分还提供了听力材料(conversation between Zhang Pingyu and a tourist guide),设计了“说” 的话题(让学生表演游客和导游之间的对话),并设置了写作练习,要求学生用“恰当的形容词和动词”来描写他们熟悉或参观过的某一建筑或景观。 1.7 SUMMING UP 让学生用选择的形式来小结本单元所学的主要内容。 1.8 LEARNING TIP就“如何修改自己的作文”给学生提出了几点建议。 2. 教材重组 2.1 将Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading和Comprehending四部分整合为一节“阅读课”。 2.2将Using Language中的Listening与Workbook 中的LISTENING和LISTENING TASK整合为一节“听力课”。 2.3将Using Language中的Reading和Work-book中的READING TASK整合为一节“泛读课”。 2.4将Learning about Language中的Discover-ing useful words and expressions,Discovering useful structures;Workbook中的USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS和USING STRUCTURES整合为一节“语言学习课”。 2.5 将Using Language中的Speaking和Workbook中的TALKING,SPEAKING TASK

人教版高中英语必修5《Unit 2 The United Kingdom》教案

人教版高中英语必修5《Unit 2 The United Kingdom》教案 教学准备 教学目标 1. Target Language 目标语言 重点词汇 sightseeing, available, delight, tower, royal, uniform, splendid, statue, communism, thrill, pot, unfair, smart, suggestion, tense, consistent, error 2. Ability goals 能力目标 Enable the students to write a short passage about a place of interest they have visited. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to describe one of the places of interest they have visited. 教学重难点 How to describe a famous building or a place of interest. 教学过程 Step Ⅰ Revision and Lead-in

Ask some students to read their work to the class. T: As we know, advertising is very important in the business world. And nowadays, more and more ads for tourism appear on televisions, in the streets, on the buses, etc. Also, an appealing poster for a scenic spot is very important to draw visitors. So it should be written in an exciting way. In the last period, you were asked to write a poster to encourage people to visit. Now who’d like to share your work? A sample version: Why not visit “the Oriental Hawaii”? Hainan Island is the second largest island in China, covering an area of 33,920 square kilometers with a history of over 6,000 years. It lies in the south of China. The Qiongzhou Strait separates the Hainan Island from the mainland. Its neighboring countries are Philippines towards the east, Malaysia and Brunei towards the south, Indonesia towards the southwest, and Vietnam towards the west. Hainan Island has a population of 7.11 million, which consists of 10 nationalities. The people there make a living by growing rice, fishing, and so on. The climate is mild all year round. Hainan is called “the Oriental Hawaii”. Every year thousands of travelers visit the

人教版高中英语必修5教案Unit 2 The United Kingdom

人教版高中英语必修5教案Unit 2 The United Kingdom Unit2TheUnitedkingdomTopic countriesoftheUnitedkingdom;Unitedjack;famoussitesi nLondonVocabulary consistclarifyaccomplishconflictunioncreditcurrency convenienceroughattractarchitecturecollectionadmini strationcountrysidefurnishedpossibilityarrangeweddi ngfoldsightseeingdelightroyaluniformsplendidstatuec ommunismthrillerrorconsistentFunction1. LanguagedifficultyincommunicationExcuseme.I’mafraidIcan’tfollowyou.canyouspeakmoreslowly,please?whatdidyoum eanby (2) Space:position,direction,distancewaleswaslinkedto… Englandandwaleswerejoinedto/connected…Englandisdividedintothreezones. Thezonenearest…iscalled…Grammar

Thepastparticipleastheobjectcomplement youfindmostofthepopulationsettledinthesouth… …hehadthemkilledwhiletheywereasleep. Periodone Teachingobjectives:1. sharetheinformationabouttheUnitedkingdom.2. FostertheSs’readingabilityTeachingprocedures:Step1.warming-upAs kthestudentstoworkinpairsanddothequizonP9keys:1.c 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B1. TheUnitedkingdomconsistsofEngland,wales,Scotlandand NorthernIreland.2. IttakestenhourstoflyfromBeijingtoLondonHeathrowAirp ortifyoutakethedirectflight.3. ThePrimeministertogetherwithhismostimportantministe rsandmemberofParliamentmaketheimportantpoliticaldec


1.consist vi 组成,在于,一致 consist of 由…组成consist in 在于consist with 与…一致 ①我们的足球俱乐部由二百多名会员组成。 Our football team consists of more than 200 numbers. 这个国家由一个岛屿和两个湖组成。 The country consists of one island and two lakes. ②这幅画的美在于其色彩的调和。 The beauty of the picture consists in its balance of colours. ③他做的和说的不一致。 What he does does not consist with what he says. 2.divide vt. 分配,分开 divide between(among)…和…分享;在…中分配divide into…把…分成… ①他决定把这些书分给一班和二班。 He has decided to divide the books between class one and class two. ②老师把我们班的同学分成四组。 The teacher divided the class into four groups. 他把西瓜切成了四块。 He divided the watermelon into four parts/ segments. 3.break away(from) 挣脱(束缚)、脱离 ①那个男孩挣脱了我们,跑掉了。 The boy broke away from us and run away. ②大约半个月前,苏格兰想脱离英格兰成为独立的国家。 About half a month ago, Scotland wanted to break away from England to become a independent country. ③我们必须破除这些旧风俗。We must break away from these old customs. 短语:break out break up break down break into 4.credit n.信任,赞扬,赊购,学分(可数或不可数) ①There was little credit given to those who had worked the hardest. ②We bought the dishwasher on credit. ③Do you place any credit in the government’s story? ④He earned enough credits for his degree. v. 相信I didn’t credit his story. adj. creditable 值得赞扬的,可信的 短语:to one’s credit 为…带来荣誉,值得赞扬,在…名下 ①值得赞扬的是,这个小男孩学会了三门语言。 To his credit, the little boy has earned three languages. ②It is greatly to your credit that you gave back the money you found. 5.convenience n. 便利、方便(不可数),便利的事物、设施(可数) for convenience at sb’s convenience


Reading 教案 By miss yi Teaching aims: 1. Help the Ss have some information of the present jobs. 2. Develop the Ss' ability of reading comprehension. Teaching difficult and important points It’s difficult for the students to improve their reading ability. It’s difficult for the students to realize the importance of respecting the traffic rules. Emotional aims Enable the students to know more about the traffic law Teaching aids:Multimedia Teaching Procedures step1 Warming up By learning about “jobs”and lead into the questions about the job whether worth doing or not. Good morning, class. Today we shall learn Module 2: A Job Worth Doing. , reading part. First, I’d like to show you a short video (After the ss enjoyed the video). T: What do you think of the couple? Do you think their job is worth doing or not ? (Discuss with your partner. The answer is open.) Today we will learn another great man, he is also a volunteer, but he is not in China.

【教案】Unit 5 Reading and Thinking 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册

Reading: First Aid for Burns 基本信息 课文标题:First Aid for Burns 单元名称:Book5 Unit5 First aid 教材版本:New Senior English Textbook 授课年级:Senior Grade two 课型Pre-reading and reading 课时40m’ 教学设计 一、整体设计思路 本单元围绕“急救”这一知识展开,要求学生在学习后能掌握有关急救的相关知识,学生对于急救这个话题虽然比较熟悉,但关于急救的一些详细知识仍需从学习中获得。本篇阅读为本单元Reading应用板块的阅读材料,分别对皮肤的功能、导致烧伤的原因、烧伤的不同类型及特点和对烧伤的急救措施的进行具体描述。本文的结构比较清晰,长难句较少,且高一年级的学生在初中阶段已经积累了一定的词汇基础,并掌握了一些简单的阅读策略和技巧,因此学生可在老师的引导下可顺利地理解和把握文章内容。为了让学生把握文章内容,我通过呈现和制作思维导图的方式梳理文章,旨在让学生学会使用思维导图概括文章内容,通过本文的学习能让学生知道如何应对烧伤。 二、教学目标 Learning objectives: Knowledge objectives: 1. to get students to understand what the text is talking about. 2. to help students set up the concept of mind map and know how to use mind maps in reading. Ability objective: to develop students’ ability of conclusion and finding out information. Emotional objective: through teaching, to let students know the importance of first aid for burns, and know how to help people who get burned. 三、教学重难点 Focal Points: To get students to understand the whole text. To get students to know what a mind map is and how to use a mind map. Difficult Points: To get the students to be involved in the teaching and learning process and to arouse students’ interest in creating mind maps. 四、教学过程 Teaching Procedures:


Unit2 Reading 名师教学设计 Unit 2 The United Kingdom Reading Puzzles In Geography教学设计 一、教学目标: 1.Have students read the passage and know about how the UK was formed and the four groups of invaders. 2.Let students learn about more about the UK. 二、教学重点: 1.Let students learn about the countries of the United Kingdom and the Union Jack. 2.Let students learn different reading skills. 三、教学难点: 1.Develop students’ reading skills. 2.Enable students to talk about the UK. 3.Let students learn how the UK was formed geographically and historically. 四、教学过程: Step I. Leading in 1、Guessing Show a part of video about the UK and guess which city it is. (The video is about the promotional video of the 2012 Olympic Games in London.) 2、Brainstorming When you mention the UK, what or who will you think of?

高中英语:Unit 2 《The United Kingdom》教案新人教必修5

Unit 2 The United Kingdom——reading I. Leading in and warming up A map of Britain The United Kingdom = the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (China = the People’s Republic of China) II. Warming up: Questions: What do you know about the UK? (I think you surely know sth. about this country, any volunteers? Just think When we talk about a country what items do we usually mention? ) Capital: London ( Do you know the capital of the countries of the UK? ) Area: over (more than) 240,000 sq.km. (about two hundred and forty thousand ) Language: English Population: (about) 59,000,000 (fifty nine million) Flag: Union Jack Natural resources: iron and coal Time difference: Eight hours later than Beijing hour The UK is an island country surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. It is situated in Northwestern Europe, lying to the north of France and the west of the Netherlands and Denmark. Now let’s do a quiz and find out how much more you know about the UK. 1. Who rules the country? A. The Queen B. The Prime Minister C. Both ( by the way who is the present Queen and Minister of the UN? //// Elizabeth & Blair ) (it may appear to an outsider that the Queen has an important role in ruling the country. However, this is not so. Her position is ceremonial: opening Parliament, weling Heads form other countries, going on tours to other countries to encourage trade with Britain, etc. The Minister together with his most important ministers (called the Cabinet) and his Members of Parliament make the important political decisions and the laws. )) 2. What are the provinces called in England? A. counties B. provinces C. states (County = a large area that includes several towns and their surrounding countryside and forms a


外研版高中英语必修5教案: Module1Reading2 XX—XX学年度学期 渤海高中高二英语课Reading教案 课题odule1Boo5Reading课时1课型阅读新授 教学 重点学习并背诵6个词汇的拼写及用法 依据:学会使用3300个左右的单词和400-500个习惯用语或固定搭配。 教学 难点1能在具体的语境中做出正确使用,并能合理翻译出所学单词和短语. 能正确使用所学词汇造句依据:高中阶段的词汇教学,在实际生活中能够较熟练地进行信息沟通。 学习 目标一、知识目标 能正确说出六种表达的汉语意思及其拼写 能正确使用六种表达造句 bedifferentfro/to preferto getaround

besiilarto asany/uchas havedifficultydoingsth. 二、能力目标 能在具体的句子中做出正确判断并正确翻译相关表达. 能正确使用六种表达造句 三、情感态度与价值观 有正确的英语学习动机,明确英语学习的目的是为了沟通和表达。理由:高中阶段的词汇教学,能够根据交际话题、场合和人际关系等相关因素选择适当的词语进行交流和表达。 教具多媒体、教材,教辅 教学 环节教学内容教师行为学生行为设计意图时间 课前3分钟1朗读课文1教师要求学生朗读课文2教师解读新课学习目标1学生大声朗读课文2学生主动举手读课文,朗读流利,没有错误可为小组加分。调动学生自主朗读英语的积极性,检测学生自主学习情况,培养语感分钟 承接结果核对自主学习任务中布置的习题答案。 教师监控学生展示讨论过程,必要时查缺补漏,适时补充。一名学生展示自主作业习题,其他学生核对答案,提出


人教版高中英语必修 5 NEW SENIOR ENGLISH FOR CHINA STUDENTS’ BOOK 5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom 年级:高三 课时:1课时 任课老师:王爽

Unit 2 The United Kingdom Ⅰ. Material analysis The topic of this unit is the United Kingdom, which helps students to gain a better understanding of history and geography of the UK and its constitution as well as some sights and historic ruins. The reading part of this unit talks about how the four countries combined into the UK, which makes students have a clear clue of its history. And it also tells us about the UK’s main sights. All of these will help students know more about the UK. Ⅱ. Teaching objectives 1.Knowledge objective: to share the information about the United Kindom. 2.Ability objective: to foster student s’ reading ability(predic tion, skimming, scanning). 3.Emotion objective: to stimulate the students’interest for learning more about the UK. Ⅲ. Teaching points and teaching difficulties 1.Key vocabulary: consist of, clarify, conflict, unwilling, break away, to one’s credit, currency, institution, convenience, roughly, attract, architecture, administration, enjoyable 2.Key points: to show the position, direction and distance 3.Difficult points: Wales was linked to… England and Wales were joined to… England is devided into three zones. Ⅳ. Teaching aids Text book, blackboard, pictures about the UK’s map

高中英语必修5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom教案

Unit 2The United Kingdom Ⅰ.重点单词聚焦 1.There was a________(冲突) between the two sides;so they didn’t reach any agreement. 答案:conflict 2.It’s surprising that he________(阐明) this difficult sentence with a very simple explanation. 答案:clarified 3.This policy has received________(全国性的) support and will be carried out soon. 答案:nationwide 4.The reason why the two boys often________(争吵) with each other confused their teacher. 答案:quarreled 5.The old couple were preparing their golden________(婚礼),the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. 答案:wedding 6.She________(安排) all her business affairs before going on holiday. 答案:arranged 7.The 7th China Garden Expo will be held in Jinan,the capital city of Shandong________(省).答案:province 8.The boy wants to play with his friends outside and is________(不愿意) to do his homework in his room. 答案:unwilling 9.His grandparents don’t like the noisy life in the city,so they live in the________(乡村) with his uncle and aunt. 答案:countryside 10.These bedrooms are fortably________(带家具的),and some of them have excellent views of the surrounding mountains. 答案:furnished Ⅱ.重点短语扫描 1.of由……组成 2.break (from)挣脱(束缚);脱离 3.leave 省去;遗漏;不考虑

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