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I. Translate the Following Passage into

Chinese (50 Points):

The greatest legacy of the baby boom generation ’s early adulthood

has been that it asked all the right questions but resolved nothing. Raised by

parents whose sacrifices during the Great Depression and World War II

purchased for us the luxury of being able to question, we all understood the

standards from which some of us were choosing to deviate.

But riven by disagreement, we have encouraged our children to

believe that there are no touchstones, no true answers, no commitments

worthy of sacrifice. There are no firm principles. That for every cause there

is a countercause. T hat for every reason to fight there is a reason t o run.

That for every yin there is a yang.

How will our children react to this philosophical quagmire? My bet is

that they will surprise us with their stability, that they will perhaps be

slower to make commitments, but more serious when they do.






Someone who has bounced between two parents will not marry with

the thought that “we can always get a divorce if it doesn’t work." Som who has viewed the nightmarish results of political policies and

recreational activities that were rather innocently begun will be more

careful to consider the implications of new seductions at the outset. In the

end, just as my tiny daughter eased my personal turmoil years ago, she and

her contemporaries may become the arbiters of the generation that spawned


Thinking of these things as I sat in the quiet of her bedroom, listening

to the yellow music box that still reminds me of the adoration in Amy's

eyes, I understood another truth: we, the members of a creative, sometimes

absurd, always narcissistic postwar generation, will soon receive a

judgment. Whatever it is, our children have earned the right to make it.

II. Translate the Following Passage into


English (50 Points):

应美国“中国美术馆”邀请,中国著名书画家代表团将于2017 年







河南省第八届翻译竞赛试题及参考译文 -英语专业组

河南省第八届翻译竞赛试题及参考译文 笔译类英语专业组 I. Translate the Following Passage into Chinese (50 Points): Life of Socrates Socrates was born in Athens, 469 B. C., the son of poor parents, his father being a sculptor, his mother a midwife. How he acquired an education, we do not know, but his love of knowledge evidently created opportunities in the cultured city for intellectual growth. He took up the occupation of his father, but soon felt “a divine vocation to examine himself by questioning other men.”It was his custom to engage in converse with all sorts and conditions of men and women, on the streets, in the market-place, in the gymnasia, discussing the most diverse topics: war, politics, marriage, friendship, love, housekeeping, the arts and trades, poetry, religion, science, and, particularly, moral matters. Nothing human was foreign to him. Life with all its interests became the subject of his inquiries, and only the physical side of the world left him cold; he declared that he could learn nothing from trees and stones. He was subtle and keen, quick to discover the fallacies in an argument and skillful in steering the conversation to the very heart of the matter. Though kindly and gentle in disposition, and brimming over with good humor, he delighted in exposing the quacks and humbugs of his time and pricking their empty bubbles with his wit.


江苏科技大学第十届翻译大赛 英译汉竞赛原文 Bob Dylan, Bill Murray and Henry Kissinger: When honorees don’t want their prize On Sunday night, the ever-elusive Bill Murray is expected to take the stage at the Kennedy Center and accept the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, an award he actively avoided receiving. Last week he told The Washington Post’s Geoff Edgers, “I really thought if I don’t answer the phone for awhile, maybe they’ll just move on to someone else.”They didn’t. They called and called, and then had other people call, and eventually, Murray gave in. This month, the same tactic was used by the Swedish Academy, who is responsible for awarding the Nobel prizes. Bob Dylan won the prize for Literature. The Academy called his manager. The press called his representatives. Dylan has yet to say a word. “One can say that it is impolite and arrogant. He is who he is,” one of the Academy members told the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter this week. When the prize is bestowed on Dec. 10, it appears there’s a good chance Dylan won’t show up. So will he still get to become the first musician to receive the Nobel for literature? If the Academy follows the precedent set by the many award-giving institutions that have been snubbed throughout history, the answer is yes. In the world of prestigious prizes, the honor is yours whether you like it or not. Pick any well-known award, and there’s a good chance its chosen winners haven’t all deigned to make themselves available for the ceremony. For some, the snub is a statement. When Marlon Brando won an Academy Award for “The Godfather,” he boycotted the ceremony and sent a Native American actress named Sacheen Littlefeather in his place. She took the stage, waved away the award and told the audience that Brando couldn’t accept the award because of the treatment of American Indians by the film industry. Others seem to have little interest in the theatrics that usually surround award acceptance. Katharine Hepburn won four Oscars, but never showed up to claim them. “As for me, prizes are nothing,” she once said. “My prize is my work.” Woody Allen


笔译类非英语专业组 I. Translate the Following Passage into Chinese (50 Points): I noticed that the leaves on most of the trees in the woods where I often take my dogs have started to change color. Normally, they are green but during the autumn season here in eastern Canada, they start to turn into shades of red, yellow and orange. This is a regular seasonal occurrence in my part of the world as entire forests turn into colorful places of beauty that attracts lots of photographers. The trees change through the autumn season as they prepare for our long Canadian winter. Once the winter is over, the trees will start growing leaves again as the temperatures warms up in the springtime. Although considered a novelty to most tourists, these autumn changes are part of regular life each year here in Canada. Change, of course, is now considered to be regular in our fast-paced world. Technology changes at lightning speed which can result in jobs lost. Skills and knowledge that we have will require updating on a regular basis no w just so that we don’t become outdated. It is certainly not like the old days anymore when we can just learn a certain skill or trade and expect to use that same knowledge for the rest of our working careers. Change itself can be quite scary but we should learn from nature —because change is natural. Change has been happening in nature since the beginning of time. Even our ancient human ancestors had to acquire


翻译竞赛英译汉参赛原文 Africa on the Silk Road The Dark Continent, the Birthplace of Humanity . . . Africa. All of the lands south and west of the Kingdom of Egypt have for far too long been lumped into one cultural unit by westerners, when in reality, nothing could be further from the truth. Africa is not one mysterious, impenetrable land as the legacy of the nineteenth Century European explorers suggests, it is rather an immensely varied patchwork of peoples that can be changed not only by region and country but b y nature?s way of separating people – by rivers and lakes and by mountain ranges and deserts. A river or other natural barrier may separate two groups of people who interact, but who rarely intermarry, because they perceive the people on the other side to be “different” from them. Africa played an important part in Silk Road trade from antiquity through modern times when much of the Silk Road trade was supplanted by European corporate conglomerates like the Dutch and British East India Companies who created trade monopolies to move goods around the Old World instead. But in the heyday of the Silk Road, merchants travelled to Africa to trade for rare timbers, gold, ivory, exotic animals and spices. From ports along the Mediterranean and Red Seas to those as far south as


2018年全国高中数学联合竞赛河南省预赛试题 一、填空题(共8小题,每小题8分,满分64分。) 1.已知函数f (x )=?1 2x 2+x,若函数f (x )的定义域为[m,n ](m 1),则 n 的值为. 2.一个棱长为6的正四面体纸盒内放一个小正四面体,若小正四面体可以在纸盒内任意转动,则小正四面体棱长的最大值为 .3.已知i 为虚数单位,则在 ?√3+i ?10的展开式中,所有奇数项的和是.4.已知点P 在△ABC 内,且满足?→AP =13??→AB +14?→AC,设△P BC ,△P CA ,△P AB 的面积依次为S 1,S 2,S 3,则S 1:S 2:S 3= .5.已知a,b,c 均为正数,则min ?1a ,2b ,4c , 3√?的最大值为.6.若(2x +4)n =a 0+a 1x +a 2x 2+···+a 2n x 2n (n ∈N +),则a 2+a 4+···+a 2n 被3除的余数是 .7.设经过定点M (a,0)的直线l 与抛物线y 2=4x 相交于P,Q 两点,若1|P M |2+1|QM |2为常数,则 a 的值为.8.将圆的一组n 等分点分别涂上红色或蓝色,从任意一点开始,按逆时针方向依次记录k (k ≤n )个点的颜色,称为该圆的一个“k 阶色序”,当且仅当两个k 阶色序对应位置上的颜色至少有一个不相同时,称为不同的k 阶色序,若某圆的任意两个“3阶色序”均不相同,则该圆中等分点的个数最多可有个. 二、(本题满分16分) 已知cos (α+β)=cos α+cos β,试求cos α的最大值. 三、(本题满分20分) 已知方程17x 2?16xy +4y 2?34x +16y +13=0在xOy 平面上表示一椭圆,试求它的对称中心及对称轴. 四、(本题满分20分) 在数列{a n }中,a 1,a 2是给定的非零整数,a n +2=|a n +1?a n |, (I )若a 16=4,a 17=1,求a 2018; (II )证明:从{a n }中一定可以选取无穷多项组成两个不同的常数列.


河南专升本公共英语翻译 2001 61. In addition, 75% of the world’s mail is written in English; 60% of the world’s radio stations now broadcast in English. 而且,世界邮件的75%是用英语写的,世界广播电台的60%用英语播音。 62. A supermarket is different from other types of stores in several ways.超市在许多方面不同于其它类型的商店。 63. A product that is placed at eye level on a shelf sells much better that one which is placed on a lower or higher shelf. 放在与人眼同等高度货架上的商品比放在低于或高于人眼货架上商品畅销。 64. How men first learned to invent words is unknown, in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. 人们最初如何发明了词语还不为人知,也就是说,语言的起源还是个迷。 65. We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar.因此,我们应该学着斟酌字词,精确用词,否则这些词汇会使我们的语言显得愚蠢粗俗。 66. 学好一门外语是非常重要的。It’s very important to learn a foreign language well. acquire 67.他用了大约半年的时间才完成这篇论文。He spent about/approximately half a year to complete the paper. 68. 你让我做的事情我都已经做完了。I have finished what you made me do./ those things that you made me do. 69. 一旦他适应了新环境,他就会取得更大的进步。Once he adapted to the new environment, he'll make greater progress. 70. 无论贫富,人人都有教育的权利。Everybody, poor or rich, has the right to education. 2003 71. 这口钟大约有三个人那么高。This bell is about three times as tall as a person. 我听说刘同志在申请回原单位。 I heard that Mr. Liu was applying for returning to his former unit. 这本书非常有趣,我一口气就把它读完了。 This book is so interesting that I finish it without a break. 我跟他说了几次,可他一个劲地看书,根本就没听见我说什么。 I told him several times, but he kept on reading without hearing what I said. As well as being used for taking photographs, X-rays are also used for treating disease parts of the body in order to kill the disease.X光射线不仅被用于照相,还可用于治疗病变部位的疾病。 A punctual person is in the habit of doing a thing at the proper time and is never late in keeping an appointment. The un-punctual man, on the other hand, never does what he has to do at the proper time. 守时的人习惯于按时行动,并从不在约会中迟到,而不守时的人却从不按时行动。 In Britain today it is easier for young people to commit crimes because they have more freedom to go where they like and more money to do what they like. 当今,英国年轻人比以前更容易犯罪,因为他们有更多的自由去他们想去的地方,有更多的钱做他们想做的事情。 A young housewife in Mexico looks into the cooking pot to see if the food she is cooking is done. She is especially interested in her dinner because she is using a new kind of cooker----one that gets its heat directly from the sun.


2014年河南省翻译竞赛试题 (本科、硕士研究生专业组)答案 1. 英译汉 我们迟早一定会意识到,我们不得不在地球所能提供的物质财富范围内生活。水源地球能给我们提供多少,我们就只能用多少,绝对多用不了。全球可持续的文明并不意味着我们过穷日子,没有快乐可言。相反,我们有非常丰富的文明资源。在此情况下,我们所使用的资源不会超出(多于)环境所能提供给我们的。我们将此称为生态资源丰富。我们可以拥有最高质量的新的生活方式,这种生活方式不但不会破坏全球生态系统,反而能治愈生态环境创伤。 不破坏环境的生活质量并非是“回归自然”。你不必像梭罗那样过着苦行生式的田园生活,(除非你想那样生活)。这刻意味着生活在非常高级的城市里面,守着家,享受创造性工作带来的喜悦,享受多元文化、高雅的公园以及高雅的文艺生活等。城市可以做到既漂亮又环保。好的生活方式可意味着信仰宗教,享受美感,参与社团生活。未来文明绝非生活单调,而是由各式各样的生活方式。 做到既富有又不破坏环境的途径很多,有些牵涉到对大自然的热爱,有些涉及到高科技,有些又与戏剧、垒球、剧院及爵士音乐有关。地球会有许多古老而又极富生物多样性的保护区,而有些人将对了解这些生物多样性充满热情。有些人将会热衷于环球帆船赛、滑翔伞、捕鸟、养花、水栽培、板球、野营、或在美丽的景区散步等活动。数码技术将给全球的电脑带来极其丰富的虚拟现实的电脑游戏,运用高保真耳机和高清晰护目镜,我们可以在任何地点观看最先进的娱乐节目。 未来世界的特点是知识快速增加,将知识应用于工作的技术快速提高。日常工作将继续由机器完成,让人越来越专注于需要人类情感的工作和创新性工作。21世纪将会有很多高端针对生态资源富足研究的创新。将会对生态资源富足的研究产生几乎无限多的业余爱好和兴趣。 2. 汉译英 Language reflects the path of social development, for every major change to the society in the history of China has brought a myriad of new terms into existence. Language, a social phenomenon, evolves with the community. Lexis is the most active element of languages, because social changes, scientific and technological advances, new thinking and fresh ideas are quickly embodied in the word-stock. Most


2019全国初中数学竞赛(河南赛区)预赛试题及参考解析 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B 铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 3.请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。 4.保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。 【一】选择题〔共6小题,每题6分,共36分.以下每道小题均给出了代号为A ,B ,C ,D 的四个选项,其中有且只有一个选项是正确的.请将正确选项的代号字母填入题后的括号里,不填、多填或错填都得0分〕 1、在1,3,6,9四个数中,完全平方数、奇数、质数的个数分别是【】 〔A 〕2,3,1〔B 〕2,2,1〔C 〕1,2,1〔D 〕2,3,2 【答】A 、 解:完全平方数有1,9;奇数有1,3,9;质数有3、 2、一次函数(1)(1)y m x m =++-的图象经过【一】【二】三象限,那么以下判断正确的选项是【】 〔A 〕1m >-〔B 〕1m <-〔C 〕1m >〔D 〕1m < 【答】C 、 解:一次函数(1)(1)y m x m =++-的图象经过【一】【二】三象限,说明其图象与 Y 轴的交点位于Y 轴的正半轴,且Y 随X 的增大而增大,所以10,10.m m ->??+>? 解得1m >、 3、如图,在⊙O 中,CD DA AB ==,给出以下三个 结论:〔1〕DC =AB ;〔2〕AO ⊥BD ;〔3〕当∠BDC =30° 时,∠DAB =80°、其中正确的个数是【】 〔A 〕0〔B 〕1 〔C 〕2〔D 〕3 【答】D 、 解:因为CD AB =,所以DC =AB ;因为AD AB =,AO 是半径,所以AO ⊥BD ;设∠DAB =X 度,那么由△DAB 的内角和为180°得:2(30)180x x -?+=?,解得80x =?、 4.有4张全新的扑克牌,其中黑桃、红桃各2张,它们的背面都一样,将它们洗匀后,背面朝上放到桌面上,从中任意摸出2张牌,摸出的花色不一样的概率是【】 〔A 〕34〔B 〕23〔C 〕13〔D 〕21 第3题图


河南省第七届翻译竞赛试题及参考译文 笔译类英语非专业组 I. Translate the Following Passage into Chinese (50 Points): Silent Spring There was once a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to live in harmony with its surroundings. The town lay in the midst of prosperous farms, where, in spring, white clouds of bloom drifted above the green fields. In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a blaze of color that flamed and flickered across a background of pines. Then foxes barked in the hills and deer silently crossed the fields. Even in winter the roadsides were places of beauty, where countless birds came to feed on the berries and on the seed heads of the dried weeds rising above the snow. Then some evil spell settled on the community: mysterious diseases swept the flocks of chickens; the cattle and sheep sickened and died. In the town the doctors became more and more puzzled by new kinds of sickness appearing among their patients. There had been several sudden and unexplained deaths, not only among adults but even among children. There was a strange stillness. It was a spring without voices and sound; only silence lay over the fields, woods and marsh. What happened? As a matter of fact, no witchcraft, no enemy action had silenced the rebirth of all life in this stricken world. It was the people who


2017年河南省初中生化学素质和实验能力竞赛试卷 (时间:120分钟满分:100分) 相对原子质量:H:1 C:12 N:14 O:16 Na:23 Mg:24 Al:27 Cl:35.5 Al:27 S:32 Cl:35.5 Ca:40 Fe:56 Cu:64 Zn:65 Ag:108 Ba:137 一.选择题(本题包括20个小题,每题1分,共20分。每题只有一个选项符合 题意) 1、我们生活在不断变化的物质世界里。下列变化一定属于化学的是【】 A、用干冰进行人工降雨 B、铁制品在潮湿空气中生锈 C、用空气作原料制取氧气 D、固体物质加热后全部变成气体 2、化学与生活密切相关。下列正确的是【】 A、焊接金属时用氧气做保护气 B、腌制的泡菜富含亚硝酸盐,多吃无妨 C、焚烧废弃塑料能解决“白色污染”问题 D、铵态氮肥与熟石灰混合使用会降低肥效 3、分类法是化学研究的重要方法。以下分类不正确 ...的是【】A、合金:生铁、青铜、硬铝 B、氧化物: 水、二氧化锰、五氧化二磷 C、碱:纯碱,生石灰水,苛性钠 D、合成材料:塑料,合成橡胶,合成纤维 4、下列归纳完全正确的一组是【】

5、玻璃棒是化学实验的常用仪器,下列实验过程中不需要使用玻璃棒的是 【】 A、稀释浓硫酸 B、用量筒量取一定体积的水 C、蒸发氯化钠溶液 D、除去悬浮在河水中的不溶物 6、下列有关实验操作“先”与“后”的说法中正确的是 【】 A、测定溶液的PH时,先将试纸用水湿润,后用干净的玻璃棒蘸取待测液点在试纸上 B、加热氯酸钾制取氧气并用排水法收集,实验完毕应先熄灭酒精灯,后从水槽中移出导管 C、一氧化碳还原化铜时,先加热氧化铜粉末至红热,后通入一氧化碳气体 D、稀释浓硫酸时,先在烧杯中加入水,后将浓硫酸沿杯壁缓慢地注入并不断搅拌 7、水是生命之源,下列关于水的说法不正确的是 【】 A、水由液态变成气态时,分子间间隔变大 B、明矾净水是因溶于水生成的胶状物能吸附悬浮的杂质 C、电解水生成氢气和氧气,说明水是由氢气和氧气组成的 D、如果将水蒸干后有固体析出,这种水样中一定含有杂质 8、下列说法中正确 【】 A、酸雨就PH小于7的显酸性的雨水 B、合金的溶点要比组成它的纯金属的熔点高 C、在测定空气中氧气含量的实验中,红磷可以用木炭代替 D、除去硝酸钾溶液中的氯化钠,可以采用冷却热饱的溶液的方法 9.元素X的核电荷数为a,它的阳离子X m+与元素Y的阴离子Y n-的电子层结构完全相同,则元素Y的核电荷数是 【】 A.a+m+n B.a-m-n C.m+n-a D.m-n-a


2014年河南省翻译竞赛试题(本科、硕士研究生专业组)答案1.英译汉 我们迟早一定会意识到,我们不得不在地球所能提供的物质财富范围内生活。水源地球能给我们提供多少,我们就只能用多少,绝对多用不了。全球可持续的文明并不意味着我们过穷日子,没有快乐可言。相反,我们有非常丰富的文明资源。在此情况下,我们所使用的资源不会超出(多于)环境所能提供给我们的。我们将此称为生态资源丰富。我们可以拥有最高质量的新的生活方式,这种生活方式不但不会破坏全球生态系统,反而能治愈生态环境创伤。 不破坏环境的生活质量并非是“回归自然”。你不必像梭罗那样过着苦行生式的田园生活,(除非你想那样生活)。这刻意味着生活在非常高级的城市里面,守着家,享受创造性工作带来的喜悦,享受多元文化、高雅的公园以及高雅的文艺生活等。城市可以做到既漂亮又环保。好的生活方式可意味着信仰宗教,享受美感,参与社团生活。未来文明绝非生活单调,而是由各式各样的生活方式。 做到既富有又不破坏环境的途径很多,有些牵涉到对大自然的热爱,有些涉及到高科技,有些又与戏剧、垒球、剧院及爵士音乐有关。地球会有许多古老而又极富生物多样性的保护区,而有些人将对了解这些生物多样性充满热情。有些人将会热衷于环球帆船赛、滑翔伞、捕鸟、养花、水栽培、板球、野营、或在美丽的景区散步等活动。数码技术将给全球的电脑带来极其丰富的虚拟现实的电脑游戏,运用高保真耳机和高清晰护目镜,我们可以在任何地点观看最先进的娱乐节目。 未来世界的特点是知识快速增加,将知识应用于工作的技术快速提高。日常工作将继续由机器完成,让人越来越专注于需要人类情感的工作和创新性工作。21世纪将会有很多高端针对生态资源富足研究的创新。将会对生态资源富足的研究产生几乎无限多的业余爱好和兴趣。 2.汉译英 Language reflects the path of social development, for every major change to the society in the history of China has brought a myriad of new terms into existence. Language, a social phenomenon, evolves with the community. Lexis is the most active element of languages, because social changes, scientific and technological advances, new thinking and fresh ideas are quickly embodied in the word-stock. Most prominently, there have emerged huge quantities of coinages, new meanings and usages. As recently as last century, to say nothing of the distant past, neologisms peaked around May 4th Movement in 1919, in the infancy of the


2020年全国高中数学联赛河南省预赛试题 本试卷满分140分 一、填空题(满分64分) 1、在小于20的正整数中,取出三个不同的数,使它们的和能够被3整除,则不用的取法种数为_________________. 2、将长为的线段任意截成三段,则这三段能够组成三角形的概率为_________________. 3、在ABC ?中,26 C B ππ ∠=∠=,,2AC =,M 为AB 中点,将ACM ?沿CM 折起,使,A B 之间的距离为22,则点M 到面ABC 的距离为_________________. 4、若锐角 α 满足 23tan10tan 2 tan 2 o α α =+,则角 α 的度数为 _________________. 5、函数 22|log |,04()270 8,43 3x x f x x x x <≤??=?-+>??,若 ,,,a b c d 互不相同,且 ()()()()f a f b f c f d ===,则abcd 的取值范围是_________________. 6、各项均为正数的等比数列{}n a 中,4321228a a a a +--=,则872a a +的最小值为 _________________. 7、一只蚂蚁由长方体1111ABCD A B C D - 顶点A 出发,沿着长方体的表面达到顶点1C 的最 短距离为6,则长方体的体积最大值为______________. 8 、 [] x 表示不 超 过 实 数 x 的最大整数,则 [][][][]2222log 1log 2log 3log 2012_________.++++=L 二、(本题满分16分)如图,已知四棱锥 E ABCD -的地面为菱形,且 3 ABC π ∠= ,2AB EC ==,2AE BE ==. (1)求证:平面EAB ABCD ⊥平面; (2)求二面角A EC D --的余弦值. 三、(本题满分20分)已知函数ln(1) ()x f x x += (1)当时0x >,求证:


2017年河南省翻译竞赛试题(非专业组) I. Translate the Following Passage into Chinese (50 Points): The greatest legacy of the baby boom generation ’s early adulthood has been that it asked all the right questions but resolved nothing. Raised by parents whose sacrifices during the Great Depression and World War II purchased for us the luxury of being able to question, we all understood the standards from which some of us were choosing to deviate. But riven by disagreement, we have encouraged our children to believe that there are no touchstones, no true answers, no commitments worthy of sacrifice. There are no firm principles. That for every cause there is a countercause. T hat for every reason to fight there is a reason t o run. That for every yin there is a yang. How will our children react to this philosophical quagmire? My bet is that they will surprise us with their stability, that they will perhaps be slower to make commitments, but more serious when they do. 题号 一二总成绩 合分人 得分 得分评阅人


第九届河南省翻译竞赛试题——专科组 I. Translate the Following Passage into Chinese. (50 Points) A superstition is a belief people hold which is not based on reason. There is no logic to superstitions. These beliefs often go against the laws of nature as we know them. People who have superstitions, or who are superstitious, believe that they can either bring themselves good luck or avoid bad luck or disasters by acting in certain ways. An example of this involves salt. When some people spill salt, they immediately take some of it and throw it over their left shoulder. In this way, they feel they will avoid bad luck. Why do people believe in superstitions? How did they begin to think that they could control their luck? People in ancient times believed that the gods controlled their lives and all of nature. They tried to keep their gods happy by giving them gifts. When there were natural disasters, people thought that the gods were angry with them, so they tried to make the gods happy again. Many superstitions have been held by people for centuries. Yet there is little need for them today, since people in most parts of the world don’t believe that there are a lot of gods. We no longer try to make the gods happy with gifts or to keep them from anger with certain actions. Somehow, however, many of the actions continue in modern times. We still have our superstitions. In ancient times, people thought their gods lived on the tops of mountains. They therefore believed that anything above them was nearer to their gods than they. Naturally, they thought that birds were messengers from the gods. People also believed that birds carried their souls to the gods when they died. II. Translate the Following Passage into English. (50 Points) 小时候我害怕狗。记得有一回在新年里,我到伯父家去玩。在他那个花园内,一条大黑狗追赶我,跑过几块花圃。后来我上了楼,才躲过了一场灾难,并没有让狗嘴咬坏了我的腿。 以后见着狗,我总是逃,它也总是追;而且屡屡望着我的影子狺狺狂吠。我愈怕,狗愈凶。 怕狗成了我的一种病。 我渐渐地长大起来。有一天不知道因为什么,我忽然觉得怕狗是很可耻的事情。看见狗我便站住,不再逃避。 我站住,狗也就站住。它望着我狂吠,它张大嘴,它做出要扑过来的样子。但是它并不朝着我前进一步。 它用怒目看着我,我便也用怒目看着它。它始终保持着我和它中间的距离。 这样地过了一阵子,我便转身走了。狗立刻追上来。 我回过头。狗马上站住了。它望着我恶叫,却不敢朝我扑过来。

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