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英语研究生考试的英文名称是 "Graduate Student Entrance Examination",通常简称为 "GRE"。GRE 是研究生的入学考试,适用于各种学科和专业的研究生申请。它包括两个部分:普通 GRE 考试和专项 GRE 考试。普通 GRE 考试主要测试考生的语言和数学能力,而专项 GRE 考试则主要测试考生的某个特定领域的知识。

除了 GRE,研究生入学考试的其他英语缩写还包括:

- Unified National Graduate Entrance Examination(全国硕士研究生入学英语考试):NEETM,即 National Entrance Test of English for MBBS Candidates。

- Law School Admission Test(法学院入学考试):LSAT。

- Graduate Management Admission Test(管理学硕士入学测试):GMAT。

- Medical School Admission Test(医学院校入学考试):MCAT。



最新2022年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 英语真题及答案 2022年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语真题及答案 Section I Use of English 1. C for 2. A faith 3. D price 4. B Then 5 . D When 6. B produce s 7 . C connect 8. D to 9. B mood 10 . A counterparts 1 1. B Lucky 1 2. B protect 1 3. A between

1 4. C introduced 1 5 D inside 1 6. A discovered 1 7 . C fooled 1 8. B willing 1 9. A In contrast 20 . C unreliable Section II Reading Comprehension Part A Text 1 21. Who will be most threatened by automation D Middle-class workers 22. Which of the following best represent the author’s view C Issues arising from automation need to be tackled 23. Education in the age of automation should put more emphasis on______. A creative potential 24. The author suggests that tax policies be aimed at_____ D preventing the income gap from widening


学校系(部所)招生专业拟招生人数考试科目 北京外国语大学英语学院英美文学①政治②日/法/德/俄/西③基础英语④英美文学 语言学①政治②日/法/德/俄/西③基础英语 ④语言学与应用语言学 翻译理论与实践①政治②日/法/德/俄/西③基础 英语④英、汉互译(笔译) 高翻学院翻译理论与实践①政治②日/法/德/俄/西③基础英语 ④英汉互译(同传) 北京大学英语语言文学①政治②日/法/德/俄③651专业能力 ④837专业知识 北京师范大学英美文学①政治②俄/日/法③基础英语④英语语言文学 语言学①政治②俄/日/法③基础英语④英语语言与教学 北京航空航天大学英语语言文学①政治②俄/日/德/法③基础英语 ④822英美文学 语言学①政治②俄/日/德/法语③基础英语 ④821综合英语 北京语言大学英美文学①政治②日/法/德③基础英语 ④英美文学 语言学①政治②日/法/德/③基础英语 ④460普通语言学 北京对外经济贸易大学语言学①政治②俄/法德/日/西③基础英 英语语言文学语:基础知识④综合英语:高级英语 英汉翻译,文化,商务英语阅读 清华大学语言学①政治②俄/日/德/法③基础英语 英语语言文学④464综合考试 中国石油大学英语语言文学①政治②二外俄/日/德/法语 ③语言学(含英美文学)④综合英语北京交通大学英语语言文学①政治②德/俄/法/日③语言学与英美 语言学文学④453专业综合考试 首都师范大学英语语言文学①政治②日/俄/法/德/西③英语综合 语言学水平(词汇、语法、阅读、翻译、写 作等)④英语专业知识(含英语语言 学、英美文学、英美概况等) 课程与教学论①政治②日/俄/法/德/西③教育学专 业基础综合 北京林业大学语言学①政治②日/俄/法③基础英语:考察 英语语言文学阅读/翻译/写作等④语言文学基础知 识④英语专业综合:语言学、英美文 学、文化 北京理工大学英语语言文学①政治②俄/日/德③基础英语④英语 语言学专业综合(语言学、英美文学、英美概况) 中国政法大学英语语言文学①政治②俄/日/德/法③607综合一


在职研究生考研英语 在职研究生英语考试可以通过同等学历申硕和非全日制研究生报考,下面就分别介绍。 一、同等学力申硕: 采用该方式参加在职研究生英语考试,其考试形式为笔试,满分100分,考试时间是150分钟。 考试内容: 在职研究生英语考试试卷分为2部分,卷一和卷二。 卷一由口语交际、词汇、阅读理解和完形填空四部分组成。 卷二由短文完成、英译汉和写作三部分组成。 考试难度 采用该方式考试,难度一般在四级-六级之间,没有听力,单词量在4000-4500左右。 二、非全日制研究生英语考试: 1、考试形式 采用该方式参加考试,其考试主要以笔试+面试的形式,考试时间为180分钟,满分为100分。 2、初试 考试内容: 采用该方式参加在职研究生英语考试,分为英语一和英语二,其中英

语一和英语二考试时间和满分都是一样的。 所有报考学硕 (十三大门类,110个一级学科)和部分专硕 (法律硕士、临床医学硕士、口腔医学硕士、建筑学硕士、护理硕士、汉语国际教育硕士、公共卫生硕士等)必考英语一。 部分专硕考英语二,具体以报考专业为准。 (1)英语一 英语一由英语知识运用、阅读理解和写作三部分组成。 •英语知识运用: 形式:总共20道题,满分10分。 内容:不仅考查考生对不同语境中规范的语言要素(包括词汇、表达方式和结构)的掌握程度,而且还考查考生对语段特征(如连贯性和一致性等)的辨识能力等。 •阅读理解: 形式:总共20道题,满分60分。 内容:该部分由A、B、C三节组成,考查考生理解书面英语的能力。•写作(A、B两节): 形式:不少于160-200词,满分30分。 内容:该部分由A、B两节组成,主要考查考生的书面表达能力。 (2)英语二 英语二包括英语知识运用、阅读理解、英译汉及写作四部分。


英语考研真题题型 英语考研真题题型 随着全球化的发展和国际交流的日益频繁,英语考试在中国的重要性逐渐提升。其中,英语考研是许多大学毕业生追求研究生学位的首选。为了帮助考研学子 更好地准备英语考试,我们将在本文中讨论英语考研真题的题型。 一、阅读理解题 阅读理解题是英语考研中最常见的题型之一。这类题目要求考生根据给定的文 章内容,回答一系列问题。文章内容可能涉及各个领域,如文化、科技、社会等。阅读理解题考察考生对文章的理解能力、推理能力以及综合分析能力。 为了更好地应对阅读理解题,考生需要提前进行大量的阅读练习。可以选择一 些经典的英文文章,如报纸、杂志、小说等,进行反复阅读。同时,要注重培 养自己的阅读速度和理解能力,可以通过划重点、做笔记等方式来加深对文章 的理解。 二、完形填空题 完形填空题是考研英语中另一个常见的题型。这类题目要求考生根据给定的文 章内容,在空白处选择最合适的单词或短语。完形填空题考察考生对文章整体 意思的理解以及对词汇的掌握能力。 为了更好地应对完形填空题,考生需要提高自己的词汇量和阅读能力。可以通 过背单词、看英文原著等方式来积累词汇。同时,要注重培养自己的阅读速度 和理解能力,可以通过大量的阅读练习来提高。 三、翻译题 翻译题是英语考研中较为困难的题型之一。这类题目要求考生将一段中文翻译

成英文,或将一段英文翻译成中文。翻译题考察考生对语言的掌握能力、词汇 的使用能力以及语法的正确运用能力。 为了更好地应对翻译题,考生需要提前进行大量的翻译练习。可以选择一些经 典的中英文文章,进行反复的翻译练习。同时,要注重培养自己的语感和语法 运用能力,可以通过模仿、背诵等方式来提高。 四、写作题 写作题是英语考研中最具挑战性的题型之一。这类题目要求考生根据给定的主 题或观点,写一篇文章。写作题考察考生对语言的运用能力、逻辑思维能力以 及表达能力。 为了更好地应对写作题,考生需要提前进行大量的写作练习。可以选择一些经 典的写作题目,进行反复的写作练习。同时,要注重培养自己的语言表达能力 和逻辑思维能力,可以通过参加写作培训班、多读多写等方式来提高。 总之,英语考研真题的题型多样,考察的内容涉及广泛。为了更好地应对考试,考生需要提前进行大量的练习,提高自己的语言能力和阅读能力。只有不断地 积累和提高,才能在考试中取得好成绩。希望本文的内容对考研学子有所帮助。


研究生英语考试试题及答案-参考 在研究生阶段,英语考试是一个重要的环节,对于考生来说,通过考试取得一个高分是他们追求的目标。因此,了解研究生英语考试试题及答案是非常必要的。下面是一些常见的研究生英语考试试题及答案的参考。 第一部分:听力理解(共四节,每节5小题,每题1分,满分20分) 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。 1. What does the man want to do? A. Go to a movie. B. Go shopping. C. Go dancing. 2. How does the woman feel about her trip? A. Excited. B. Nervous. C. Disappointed. 3. What does the man mean? A. He can solve the problem. B. He doesn't know how to help. C. He agrees with the woman's idea. 4. What is the woman going to do? A. Call the police. B. Help the man. C. Fix the faucet. 5. What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Ask her neighbor for help. B. Call a repairman. C. Watch a video online.

请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。 6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Colleagues. C. Friends. 7. How will the woman spend her summer vacation? A. Traveling to Europe. B. Working at a hotel. C. Studying for an exam. 8. What is the man's opinion? A. He is impressed by the music. B. He is not interested in the music. C. He thinks the music is boring. 9. What do we learn about the woman's husband? A. He's been busy with work. B. He enjoys cooking. C. He recently became a manager. 10. What is the woman's problem? A. She can't access the website. B. She can't find her password. C. She needs to update her software. 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,每节5小题,每题2分,满分20分) 第一节 请阅读下面短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 短文:


研究生英语考试英译汉翻译参考 1、It takes persistence to succeed. Attitude also matters. 成功需要毅力。态度也很重要。 I have never thought I was better than anyone else, but I have always believed I couldn`t be outworked. 我从不认为我那时比其他任何人强,但我一直相信我当时干的活儿别人都赶不上。 2、As the Net pushes the economy ahead rapidly, the economy is also bringing the Net market forward , resulting in the Internet itself becoming the world`s largest emerging market. 当网络化高速地推动经济的时候,经济也反过来促进网络市场的发展。其结果是国际互联网本身将成为全球最大的新兴市场。 Of course , this is just the beginning . 当然这还仅仅是个开始。 Although there are many companies , which made huge profits investing in the Internet market, they tend to be small companies , like Yahoo ( at that time ). 尽管在国际互联网市场上投资的许多公司都赚了大钱,但它们通常是一些小公司,如雅虎之类。 3、Sustainable management is seen as a practical and economical way of protecting species from extinction. 人们把可持续管理视为一种保护物种使之免于绝迹的实用而又经济的办法。 Instead of depending on largely ineffective laws against illegal hunting , it gives local people a good economic reason to


在职研究生英语考试 在职研究生英语考试 1. 考试概述 在职研究生英语考试(以下简称考试)是为了评估在职研究生在英语语言能力方面的水平而设立的考试。该考试旨在测试考生在听、说、读、写等方面的英语能力,以确保他们在进一步学习和研究阶段能够有效地使用英语。 2. 考试内容 考试内容涵盖了以下几个方面: 2.1 听力理解:考生需要能够听懂英语短文、对话和讲座,并能够根据所听内容回答相关问题。 2.2 口语表达:考生需要能够流利地用英语进行口头表达,包括自我介绍、讲述经历、对话和演讲等。 2.3 阅读理解:考生需要能够阅读并理解英语文章,包括新闻报道、学术论文和专业文献等。 2.4 写作能力:考生需要能够运用所学的英语知识和技巧进行写作,包括写作短文、论文和报告等。 3. 考试形式 3.1 听力理解:考生将在规定时间内听录音材料,并根据所听内容回答问题。 3.2 口语表达:考生将与考官进行一对一的对话,进行口头表达和交流。 3.3 阅读理解:考生将在规定时间内阅读文章,并回答相关问题。

3.4 写作能力:考生将在规定时间内完成写作任务,如写作短文、论文或报告等。 4. 考试评分 考试采用百分制评分,具体评分标准如下: 4.1 听力理解:根据考生准确理解所听内容的程度给予评分。4.2 口语表达:根据考生的流利程度、语法准确性和词汇运用给予评分。 4.3 阅读理解:根据考生对文章内容准确理解和答题准确性给予评分。 4.4 写作能力:根据考生的写作技巧、语法准确性和组织结构给予评分。 5. 考试准备 为了提高考试成绩,考生可以采取以下几个方面的准备措施:5.1 听力:多听英语材料,如英语新闻、英语广播和英语电视节目等,提高听力理解能力。 5.2 口语:多进行口语练习,如模拟对话、口头表达和演讲等,提高口语表达能力。 5.3 阅读:多读英语文章,如英语书籍、英语报纸和英语杂志等,提高阅读理解能力。 5.4 写作:多进行写作训练,如写作短文、论文和报告等,提高写作能力。 通过充分的准备,考生将有望在考试中取得好成绩,为 自己未来的学习和研究打下坚实的英语基础。


研究生英语考试试题及答案-参考 Part B Directions: The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For Questions 41-45,you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent text by choosing from the list A-G and filling them into the numbered boxes. Paragraphs A and E have been correctly placed Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (10 points) Some Old Truths to Help You Overcome Tough Times Unfortunately,life is not a bed of roses. We are going through life facing sad experiences. Moreover, we are grieving various kinds of loss: a friendship, a romantic relationship or a house. Hard times may hold you down at what usually seems like the most inopportune time, but you should remember that they won‘t last forever. When our time of mourning is over,we press forward,stronger with a greater understanding and respect for life. Furthermore, these losses make us mature and eventually move us toward future opportunities for growth and happiness. I want to share these ten old truths I‘ve learned along the way. 41.______ Fear is both useful and harmful. This normal human reaction is used to protect us by signaling danger and preparing us to deal with it. Unfortunately, people create inner barriers with a help of exaggerating fears. My favorite actor Will Smith once said,Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is very real. But fear is a choice. I do completely agree that fears are just the product of our luxuriant


研究生考试英语时间安排 〔考研〕英语试卷题型及分值分布: 1、完型填空(10分,每个0.5) 2、阅读4篇文章(40分,每个2分) 3、阅读新题型(10分,每个2分)题型分为排序、填标题等 4、翻译(10分,每个2分) 5、作文(共三十分)作文一为应用作文写信、通知、告示等(共10分)作文二大作文一般为看图作文(共20分) 考研英语时间分配: 考研英语总时长为180分钟,建议大多数考生按照以下时间划分来完成各部分考题: 1、完型填空:15-20分钟 (10分) 2、阅读理解:110-115分钟 (分值:60分,Part A为40分,其余各占10分) Part A:传统阅读理解 70-75分钟(考试重点) Part B:新题型 20分钟 Part C:翻译 20-25分钟 3、作文:50分钟 (30分)(考试重点) Part A:小作文 15分钟 Part B:大作文 35分钟 考研英语作文答题时间应该控制在50分钟之内。第一篇小作文15分钟差不多,因为第一篇小作文写68句话,超过8句话就过分了,就远远超过考试的字数要求,增加判卷老师的工作量。

第二篇作文35分钟足够了,也就是写3个自然段,12句话,冲到顶17句话。很多同学感觉写作时间不够,主要是因为他们写的内容太多、太杂,层次不清楚,思路不明确,语言表达不到位。在考场上写作文,不在于你写的内容、篇幅太长,关键是看你的质量,无论是从内容上还是从语言上。 考研英语时间控制: 关于以上的考研英语时间分配表,大家可以结合自身状况进行参照。一个比较安全的方法是各位网友在考前严格按照上面这个时间分配表做三套模拟题。只有这样,你们在真正考场上才干熟练而且严格按照时间表来做题。 由于考研英语阅读Part A和写作这两部分占的分值很大,可以说拿下这两个部分考生基本上可以高枕无忧了。因此,大家在实际考试的时候,绝对要确保阅读和写作两个部分能够有充裕时间完成。 2考研英语考试时间分配 关于英语考试中有各个类型的题,那么我们只要依据题型的得分点来进行有效的分配时间,有利于发挥水平的顺序却是阅读、作文、新题型、英译汉、完型填空。 作文:40~50分钟左右,不超过60分钟。小作文要以最快的速度写出来,因为基本上不必须要太复杂的构思,而且用词方面


研究生英语学位考试真题及答案 Part I Listening Comprehension Section A (1 Point each) 1. A. His paper has been published with the help of his adviser. B. His paper has won an award with the help of his adviser. C. His paper has been revised by his adviser. D. His paper has got the approval from his adviser. 2. A. Tom is terribly ill. B. Tom is in low spirits. C. Tom is bad-tempered. D. Tom is nervous at the moment 3. A. He saw his boss in person for the first time. B. He is now complaining in a different way. C. He has made his boss change his attitude. D. He has changed his opinion of his boss. 4. A. He was not fond of the concert. B. He didn't like the tea offered at the concert. C. He left early to have some tea with somebody else. D. He doesn't want to tell the woman why he was not there. 5. A. He always looks down upon others. B. He always lowers the value of others. C. He always judges people by their appearance D. He is always reluctant to take newcomers. 6. A. She is always stupid. B. She is always concentrated. C. She is always careless. D. She is always absent-minded. 7. A. She wants to leave a way out. B. She doesn't trust her boss. C. She wants to repay her boss. D. She wants to stay with her boss as long as possible


U.1.What is the best way to educate our children?Who gives them more influences, teachers or parents? Nowadays, more and more teachers focus on the education for their students, they are eager to find a best way to solve this problem, as well as the parents. Importantly, we have to consider the students themselves. What we do will benefit them? We must enhance their knowledge and wisdom to solve kinds of problems and questions, so if we want to educate for success, we must make sure that what the students need. Unlike the past days, nowadays the students not only need knowledge in book, but also need something innate. They need to study, and to study in a very health way and with a very relax heart. Here we can get some information that is to give the students the knowledge and happiness both. I think that the parents are more influential than the teachers. The first reason is that it helps a student identify himself/herself through the parent‟s role modeling. Secondly, the parent‟s positive influence provides a secure environment for proper development of a student. Lastly, the importance of a parents influence on a student can be recognized by the impact it has on society. Unit1.2 Do you think it important to cultivate students’ creativity? I think it is important .The standardization of thinking is the leading factor that kills Chinese innovative thinking. American education focuses on cultivating self-confidence, and Chinese students often lack self-confidence. American students are often arrogant, and Chinese students are often humble. Education in the west is different from ours: it trains students' problem consciousness and critical thinking from primary school. but we often cultivate students' obedience to what the teacher says. Unit1 .3 What are the problems with the educational system of China? Is the system quality-oriented or test-oriented? In China, there are so many problems with the educational system. But the three problems about education must be paid much attention at least. Firstly, the entrance-exam problem, youngsters have to bury themselves in book stacks in order to pass the entrance exam, completely divorced from social reality. Secondly, the quality problem, there is no denying the fact what the students learn in university cannot meet the need of the rapid development society. Finally, the employment problem, as I have said in the above that the quality has declined, so high-education and employment are obviously incompatible. How to solve these problems? In my opinion, the government must relax its unnecessary controls on the universities, and give schools full autonomy to pilot their own reforms. Only in this can we solve the problem of education. In light of this, we can find that the educational system of China is the

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